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Create the initial deployment based on the service’s architecture. This can be accomplished using OCCI and CDMI or by OVF import.
基于服务架构进行最初开发,其中将使用 OCCI和 CDMI,或者是从 OVF导入。 infoq

The horizontal and vertical scaling of the service can only be achieved by using OCCI in conjunction with OVF.
横向和纵向的服务扩充只能通过合并使用 OCCI和 OVF才能实现。 infoq

The OCCI infrastructure extension describes ways for the user to define resource and OS templates.
OCCI基础设施扩展描述了让用户定义资源和操作系统模板的方法。 infoq

Adding to this integration, it would be useful to allow links to be directed from CDMI towards resource instances of the OCCI modelsa complementary reverse linkage.
让这种集成更为强大的是,让连接从 CDMI指向 OCCI模型的资源实例补充的反向链接会非常有用。 infoq

Another cloud provider which also exposes the OCCI and CDMI interface would be queried for the necessary capabilities in order to satisfy that the required service capabilities are present.
另一个服务供应商也暴露了 OCCI和 CDMI接口会被问询是否具有必要的能力以确保具备必须的服务能力。 infoq

Currently, resource instances of the OCCI Infrastructure model can link to the CDMI model.
现在 OCCI基础设施模型的资源实例可以链接到 CDMI模型。 infoq

For an importing and exporting feature for OVF files clients would be posting OVF files to an OCCI service or request the current state in an OVF format.
由于 OVF文件的导入导出特性,客户端会传回 OVF文件到 OCCI服务,或者以 OVF格式来请求当前状态。 infoq

If the Service provides does not provide a OCCI and CDMI interface migration cannot happen without direct user interaction.
如果服务供应商没有提供 OCCI和 CDMI接口,就需要用户的直接操作才能开始迁移。 infoq

If a service provider implements both the OCCI and CDMI interface the users will begin a process to initiate and execute the migration.
如果一个服务供应商实现了 OCCI和 CDMI接口两者,用户可以开始启动和执行迁移的过程。 infoq

In the case where a provider wishes to expose a richer management interface to storage then it is recommended by OCCI to use SNIA’s CDMI.
当某个供应商希望暴露更为丰富的存储接口时, OCCI推荐使用 SNIA的 CDMI。 infoq

One of the goals of OCCI is integration of existing standards and not to reinvent the wheel.
OCCI的一个目标就是集成现存的标准,同时也避免重新发明轮子。 infoq

Other OCCI resources might also need a mapping, such as some Links and Mixins, which are defined by the OCCI infrastructure model extension.
其他的 OCCI资源可能也需要映射,例如某些 Link和 Mixin,它们是由 OCCI基础设施模型扩展所定义。 infoq

Service providers supporting service provisioning using OVF over OCCI need to take care that these levels are met.
支持在 OCCI上使用 OVF准备服务的服务供应商需要注意满足这些等级要求。 infoq

The current process of using OCCI and CDMI is described in section13 of the CDMI specification.
目前的使用 OCCI和 CDMI的过程在 CDMI规范的第13节中给出了说明。 infoq

The following tables give an overview of how the OCCI attributes can be mapped to the OVF attributes and vice-versa.
下表概括了 OCCI属性如何与 OVF属性双向映射。 infoq

The following topics are suggested to further integrate OCCI and OVF into CDMI.
对于进一步集成 OCCI和 OVF到 CDMI,建议对下列课题进行进一步探讨。 infoq

The following topics should be considered to enable a further integration of OVF and OCCI.
为了让 OVF和 OCCI进一步集成应该考虑下面的课题。 infoq

The migration process between two clouds might be triggered by OCCI but actually also involve CDMI and OVF.
虽然两个云平台之间的迁移过程可能是由 OCCI引发,但实际上也会涉及 CDMI和 OVF。 infoq

This means that OCCI- managed virtual machines with Hadoop’s Task Trackers and Data Nodes must be added on- demand.
这意味着必须随需增加以 OCCI管理的、附有 Hadoop任务跟踪器和数据节点的虚拟机。 infoq

OCCI presents a simple representation of storage management capabilities. This allows for the most basic storage- related operations to be carried out.
OCCI有一个对存储管理能力的简单表现方式,可以实行大多数最为基本的存储相关的操作。 infoq

OCCI and CDMI leverage the design considerations in the HTTP protocol suite with respect security.
OCCI和 CDMI借鉴了 HTTP协议组中关于安全方面的设计思路。 infoq

The OCCI interface could be used to import and export Service definitions in an OVF format.
OCCI接口可以用于以 OVF格式导入和导出服务定义。 infoq




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