

单词 obstructionists
释义 obstructionists əbˈstrəkʃənəsts COCA⁷⁹⁷⁵¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
法妨碍会议议事者原型obstructionist的复数 Part of the process has been to reach out to GOP officials and opinion makers who seem most likely to play the role of obstructionists.
当然他们的工作也照顾到了共和党的官员和舆论家们,因为他们最有可能在其中扮演蓄意阻挠者的角色。 yeeyan

The actions of Sen. Richard Shelby, R- Alabama, and other Republican obstructionists will continue if President Obama allows them to run roughshod over him.
参议员 Richard Shelby代表 Alabama州和其他共和党将继续他们的阻挠行动,如果奥巴马总统让他们继续作威作福的话。 yeeyan

Finally, this might be the end of internal obstructionists that question the importance of online communication and giving.
最后,这可能是质疑在线沟通及捐赠重要性的内部阻挠者的终结。 yeeyan

If all of them choose to support a filibuster, then you take it to the American people and show the obstructionists for what they are.
如果他们人人都选择支持国会拖延方案,那么你可以向美国人民展示这些阻碍者到底是什么人。 yeeyan

It soon becomes absolutely essential. Those who doubt the necessity are dismissed as obstructionists and reactionaries.
它很快就变得绝对必要,那些怀疑其必要性的人被当成阻挠者或反动派消灭。 blog.sina.com.cn

Obama is making clear that in coming months he intends to bring the fight to Republicans he says have positioned themselves as obstructionists.
奥巴马明确表示,在未来几个月里,他准备跟那些设障的共和党人展开论战。 www.voanews.com.cn

Those who doubt the necessity are dismissed as obstructionists and reactionaries.
而那些怀疑其必要性的人被视作蓄意妨碍之人和保守分子而遭解职。 yeeyan




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