

单词 obligatory
释义 o·blig·a·to·ry 英əˈblɪgəˌtɔːriː, -ˌtəʊriː, ˈɒblɪgə-美əˈblɪgəˌtɔri, -ˌtori, ˈɑblɪgə-AHDə-blĭgʹə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē, ŏbʹlĭ-gə- ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA²¹⁸⁵⁰BNC¹³⁴⁴⁴iWeb¹⁴⁸³¹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

morally or legally constraining or binding;

attendance is obligatory

an obligatory contribution

required by obligation or compulsion or convention;

he made all the obligatory apologies

词根词缀: ob-加强意义 + -lig-捆,约束 + -atory形容词词尾obligatory parasitism专性寄生obligatory transformation强制的转换obligatory reinsurance固定分保obligatory course必修课obligatory plant定型传粉植物…obligatory jurisdiction强制管辖权obligatory right债权obligatory insurance强制保险obligatory gene必定基因, 专性基因…obligatory rule强制性规则obligatory parasite专性寄生物obligatory arbitration强制仲裁obligatory notification有约束力的公告…obligatory treaty固定分保合同…bill obligatory强制债务证书…obligatory term义务年限obligatory parthenogenesis专单性生殖
GRE红宝书源于: obligev 迫使; 施恩; obligationn 义务oblig强迫-atory…的⇒必须的词根记忆propitiate责任,义务近义词 binding镶边forced被迫的forcible强制的required必需的necessary必要的requisite必要的essential本质的statutory法定的mandatory法定的compulsory强制的de rigueur社交礼节上需要的…the law五经,摩西五经,摩西法律…反义词 optional任选的

用作形容词Attendance at school isobligatory.上学是强制性的。
It is anobligatorystep that does not arise from revenge, rancour or other lower emotions, but from the rational necessity to make mankind gain insight.这是一个强制性的步骤,不产生报复,怨恨或其他低的情感,但是从理性的必要性,使人类了解。
Attendance at primary school isobligatory.上小学是义务的。adj.essential, required
同义词 compulsory,de rigueur,imperative,mandatory,requisite,unavoidablebinding,coercive,compulsatory,enforced,imperious,necessary
反义词 free,optional,unnecessary,voluntarynonessential,unrequired
bindingadjective necessary
bounden,compulsory,conclusive,counted upon,essential,imperative,incumbent on,indissoluble,irrevocable,mandatory,required,requisite,unalterable
boundenadjective obliged
beholden,binding,bound,committed,indebted,obligated,obligatory,pledged,under obligation
compulsoryadjective binding
compulsatory,de rigueur,forced,imperative,imperious,mandatory,necessary,obligatory,required,requisite
de rigueuradjective socially obligatory
a must,au fait,called-for,comme il faut,conforming to accepted standards,conventional,correct,mandatory,necessary,obligatory,proper,required,right
dueadjective appropriate, proper
dutifuladjective obedient
binding,compliant,conscientious,deferential,devoted,docile,duteous,faithful,incumbent on,obligatory,punctilious,regardful,respectful,reverential,submissive The obligatory school system usually includes the primary education and secondary education I lower secondary.
义务学校体系包括初级教育和中级教育 I较低的中级教育。 ebigear

All others are obligatory in the invocation process. How can you know such details in the black box?
所有其它属性都是调用过程必须的,但您如何知道黑盒中的这些详细信息呢? ibm

Besides trainings on the land, there is an obligatory landing from a big ship.
除了地面训练,还有必有的从大型舰船的登陆训练。 yeeyan

Each driver has to stay under the water for100 hours in a year. That is the obligatory norm.
每名蛙人每年有100小时要呆在水下,这是他们义不容辞的任务。 yeeyan

If you start at a too fast rate, you may be soon overwhelmed by the amount of obligatory work.
如果开始的太快,你可能很快会被大量必须完成的任务压垮。 yeeyan

In fact, a lot of ritual impurity is unavoidable and sometimes even obligatory, right?

In this argument, he was helped by the Obama administration’s obligatory but half-hearted defense of the law, which since last year no longer supports Congress’s stated reasons.
在这场辩论中,他义不容辞的帮助奥巴马的政府,但法律模棱两可的定义,从去年不再支持国会。 yeeyan

It was an obligatory event, and all the candidates for federal, state, and local office were there, including Senator Fulbright and Governor Bumpers.
这是一个必须参加的活动,竞选联邦、州和地方职位的所有候选人都会出席,包括富布赖特参议员和邦珀斯州长。 yeeyan

She feels that my apologies are obligatory and not heartfelt.
她觉得我的道歉是义务的而不是出于内心的。 yeeyan

So here’s the obligatory, but important, cautionary note.
所以这里有些必需的,但重要的警示。 ebigear

The first is the obligatory IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer statement, with“Be sure to seek legal advice” advice tacked on, which ensures that no lawyer will sue me for bad advice.
第一,必须首先声明,我不是律师,要谨慎寻求法律咨询,以保证不会因为的一些不好的建议,而被律师起诉。 yeeyan

The exception to this rule is the occasional and obligatory, pre- meal prayer tradition. In time, my roommate learned that I was right and she dumped the guy.
这个规则的例外是不经常的和必须的,饭前祈祷传统.最后,我的室友知道我是正确的,并且甩掉了那个家伙. yeeyan

You have no professional goals related to your job, and you have a hard time even making some up at your obligatory performance review.
你没有与你工作相关的职业目标,就连必须写的工作业绩总结都很难编出。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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