

单词 as if on cue
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The heat of the day has disappeared, and after their dance, as if on cue, a torrential downpour crashes over the tin roof.
白天的炎热已经消退,刚好在她们跳舞结束的时候,倾盆大雨从天而降。 blog.sina.com.cn

As if on cue, Bill Clinton himself visited the Senate this week to tell Democrats that a health bill was an economic imperative as well as a moral one.
果然不出所料,比尔克林顿本人在本周亲自到参议院走了一趟,告诫民主党人,一份医疗法案是经济上的需要,也是道德上的要求。 ecocn

As if on cue, the horse he was working with settled down when it sensed the other horse in the area.




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