

单词 asides
释义 asides əˈsaidz COCA⁴⁸⁸¹⁰BNC³⁷⁶⁶⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.旁白;低声说的话;离题话aside的名词复数原型aside的复数 A video must be captioned both in Chinese and in English for its dialogues, asides or commentaries; a video with asides neither in Chinese nor English must be captioned in English.
参赛短片对白、旁白和解说须有中文及英文字幕,非中文或英文对白短片必须具备英文字幕。 douban

How they did, and how they became Hungary’s quest for the holy grail, is a gripping tale, helped along by Mr Tanner’s penchant for intriguing asides.
这些书是如何,又是怎样成为匈牙利探寻圣杯的赌注是一个引人入胜的故事,而这也归功于坦纳先生倾向于插入一些引发人们兴趣的题外话。 ecocn

The inner thoughts of the characters are continually exposed by means of asides.
人物的内心思想不断用旁白揭示出来。 tianyablog

The papers are not bereft of whimsy, but it is confined to footnotes and asides.
入选论文中不乏奇思怪想,但只限于脚注和旁白。 ecocn

The recipe book has little asides about the importance of home and family.
这本食谱很少有关于家庭生活和家人重要性的题外话。 bbs.in2english.com.cn

Acreage allotments, price supports and crop set- asides reshaped the face of American agriculture.
播种面积分配制、价格支持和作物丢弃令美国农业面貌一新。 yeeyan

And the CG sequences are not the asides, but the thrust.
而特效不是陪衬,而是推力。 yeeyan

Apple in White Plains, New York! Asides Apple's engineers wear orange T-shirt, people wear a lot…
纽约的苹果专卖店,店内温暖,店员穿着橙色的 T恤衫,从雪中进屋的客人一般还穿着大外套! blog.sina.com.cn

Claire McCaskill, a Democratic senator from Missouri, offers a good mix of thoughts on policy, political titbits, and personal asides.
密苏里州民主党参议员克莱尔.麦卡斯科尔的twitter就是政策观点、政治花边和私房话的不错组合。 ecocn

Many in the now- stronger opposition are rallying for an end to Malaysia's system of race-based politics and set- asides that benefit Muslim Malays.
目前变得更加强大的反对派中的许多人举行集会,呼吁结束马来西亚系统中让马来族穆斯林受益的带有种族偏见的政治体系和财政分配制度。 hxen

Narrative exists not only in dialogues and monologues but also in asides.
无论是对白、独白还是幕后语都有叙事性存在; cnki

The informative asides about rural life make this wine guide rather special.
这些有关乡村生活的知识性解说资料使这种酒的广告词颇具特色。 iciba

These wistful asides are only part of the story, for him and others.
这些发自内心深处的旁白,就他和别人而言,只是故事的一面。 bab

They say he should step asides and leave the running of the nation to more dynamic and capable men.
他们说他应该让位,把掌握国家的大权交给更有朝气、更有能力的人们。 iciba

Use the footer of your posts for asides and unrelated notes.
用帖子页脚的位置显示其他或无关的标注。 yeeyan

Where he can, he stages her life as a performance, with knowing asides and a certain kind of old-fashioned fun.
他在书里尽可能地把她的人生布成一场舞台上的表演,带有知情的旁白和某种老式的乐趣。 blog.sina.com.cn




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