

单词 objecting
释义 ob·ject·ing 英'ɒbdʒɪkt美'ɑːbdʒekt COCA³²⁷⁹¹BNC²⁴⁸¹⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

solid thing that can be seen and touched


person or thing to which sth is done or some feeling or thought is directed


thing aimed at; intention; purpose


person or thing of strange appearance


noun, noun phrase or noun clause which refers to a person, thing, etc. affected by the action of a verb, or which depends on a preposition

vi. 不赞成,反对; 抗议

say that one is not in favour of sb/sth; protest

vt. 以…为理由反对

give sth as a reason for opposing sb/sth

a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow;

it was full of rackets, balls and other objects

the goal intended to be attained and which is believed to be attainable;

the sole object of her trip was to see her children

grammar a constituent that is acted upon;

the object of the verb

the focus of cognitions or feelings;

objects of thought

the object of my affection

computing a discrete item that provides a description of virtually anything known to a computer;

in object-oriented programming, objects include data and define its status, its methods of operation and how it interacts with other objects

express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent;

She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with

When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license

be averse to or express disapproval of;

My wife objects to modern furniture


❌ She asked me to give up smoking—she objected the smell of it.

✔️ She asked me to give up smoking—she objected to the smell of it.



❌ Her mother objected that she stayed out until very late at night.

✔️ Her mother objected to her staying out until very late at night.

object+that从句表示提出某事作为反对的理由或根据,可以译为“反对说…”; object to + v -ing的结构表示“反对做某事”。

object, objective, purpose

这三个词均可表示“目标”“目的”。其区别在于:object常指基于个人决心的目标,常较抽象; objective常指具体的、直接的或很快可以达到的目标,为正式用语; purpose为普通用词,既可指人们期望出现的结果,也可指为此进行的活动过程。例如:

He has a definite object in life.他对人生有明确的目标。
My objective this summer is learning to swim.我今年夏天的目标是学会游泳。
The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。object, subject

这两个词均可表示“对象”。其区别在于:object为行为、感觉、思索的对象; 而subject为待处理,用以实验的对象。例如:

He is an object for scorn rather than for pity.他不是怜悯而是鄙视的对象。
He was the subject of much criticism.他是许多批评的对象。
object, expostulate, kick, oppose, protest, remonstrate


object强调个人的嫌恶与反感,但不一定明显地表露出来,着重个人不喜欢,无好感,以及由于与个人密切相关而提出反对意见,多以口头方式提出反对,有时伴有一定的具体动作; protest通常指通过言语或文字表露出来的强烈抗议; remonstrate含有对儿童、亲友等进行说服或规劝的意思,并有责备的意味,也含有“强烈抗议”的意思; expostulate表示坚决、真诚和友好的忠告; kick表示“反对,反抗”,强调反抗者的顽强; oppose表示轻微的、激烈的等各种不同程度的反对,甚至发展到以武力对抗。例如:

I objected that he was too young for the position.我提出反对意见,他太年轻不适合那个职位。
I was shocked at what he'd done, and expostulated with him strongly.我对他干的事感到震惊,并严厉地告诫过他。
I have always kicked at your ideas.我一直反对你的看法。
The husband strongly opposed his wife's going there alone.丈夫极力反对妻子单独去那个地方。
If it's protested by all the people, the government can hardly carry out the new policy.如果遭到公众一致反对,政府很难推行新政策。
I remonstrated against his behaviour.我抗议他的行为。aim,goal,purpose,end,target,object,objective




















14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中世纪法语的objectum,意为在心与视觉前的事物;最初源自拉丁语的objectus:ob 反对) +jacetus (投,映射),意为心或感觉所投射到的事物
用作名词 (n.
动词+~accomplish an object达到目的achieve an object达到目的achieve in one's object达到目标address an object提出异议admit the object接受反对意见aim an object瞄准目标brush aside an object不顾反对,排除障碍carry an object搬运一件东西constitute an object形成障碍,设置障碍deal with an object处理不同意见fail in one's object未达到目标gain one's object实现目标have an object in mind心中有目标have definite object有明确的目标have no object不反对interpose an object提出异议lodge an object提出异议,反对make an object反对,提出异议meet an object遇到不同意见obtain an object达到目的offer an object提出异议overcome an object克服障碍〔缺点〕overrule an object否决反对意见present one's objects提出反对理由propose an object to oneself立下目标provoke an object激起反对raise an object提出异议reach an object达到目的seek an object寻求目标show an object表示反对succeed in one's object达到目标sustain an object支持反对意见utter an object提出异议voice an object表示异议,表示反对waive one's object放弃自己的异议withdraw one's object撤回自己的反对意见形容词+~apparent object显然不喜欢,明显的缺点,显然不同的意见chief object主要目标,主要的缺点common object普通用品complex object复合宾语definite object明确的目标direct object直接宾语double object双重目的everyday object常见的事物fatal object拼命的反对,致命的缺点flimsy object站不住脚的反对理由further object进一步异议grave object重大的异议,严重缺点〔障碍〕huge object巨大的物体insuperable object难以逾越的障碍legal object法律上反对main object主要目的major object主要缺点,大的障碍minor object小缺点moving object运动的物体natural object自然物no object不在话下,不成问题physical object物体plastic object塑料制品primary object主要目的properly founded object有相当根据的反对理由serious object强烈的反对stationary object静止的物体strenuous object强烈的反对strong object强烈的反对unobtainable object无法达到的目标unremarkable object平凡的事物valid object有效反对violent object强烈的反对vociferous objects激烈反对weighty objects有力的反对名词+~art object艺术品household object家庭用品~+名词object teaching实物教学,直观教学介词+~in the object of为了with that object in view考虑到那个目的~+介词object against the suggestion反对那项建议object for the present目前的目标object in life人生目标object of study研究对象object of team队的目标object to对…的反对object to a proposal反对提案object to smoking反对抽烟object to the plan反对计划object to the project反对这个方案object to the story这本小说的主要缺点用作动词 v.~+副词object decidedly坚决反对object formally正式反对object fruitlessly毫无结果地反对object gruffly粗暴地反对object pointedly直接反对object really当真反对object seriously谨慎地反对object strongly强烈地反对object violently强烈地反对~+介词object against反对…object against a theory反对某种理论object to反对,抗议object to a policy反对某项政策object to a proposal反对某项建议object to a question being asked不喜欢别人问某个问题object to behavior讨厌某人的举止object to being treated like this反对受到这样的待遇object to going out in rain不赞成在雨天外出object to meddling不喜欢某人干预object to modern materialism反对现代实利主义object to putting the meeting off不赞成推迟这个会议object to smoking反对吸烟object to the idea反对这意见
用作名词n.no object

没有限制; 不成问题 no restriction

object against v.+prep.

〈正〉反对 be against sb/sth

object against sthHe strongly objected against the decision.他强烈反对那项决定。object against sb for sthWhy do you object against Mr. Sharp for the chairmanship?你为何反对夏普先生担任主席一职?object against sb that-clauseI object against him that he is too young to go to school.我反对他的理由是他太年轻不适合上学。
object to v.+prep.

反对; 对…反感 be against or not in favor of

object to sb/sthThey objected to me on personal grounds.他们出于个人的原因反对我。
I won't object to a cup of tea.我倒想喝杯茶呢。
I don't object to a glass of beer.我不反对喝杯啤酒。
Some people always object to everything.有些人总是反对一切。
He objected to my proposal.他反对我的提议。
We appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal.我们理解你反对这项提议的理由。
No one objected to the decision when it was made.这项决议通过时,没有人反对。
No one objected to the idea.没有人反对这个意见。
They all object to the plan.他们都不赞成这个计划。
I don't object to the early start.I've always been an early riser.我不反对大清早出发,我习惯早起。
She objects very much to wet weather.她非常讨厌潮湿的天气。
Dick had been fired time and again because his employers objected to his manners.迪克曾三番五次地被解雇,因为他的老板们看不惯他的举止。object to sb/sb's v-ingWe object to leaving school and going to work.我们反对辍学去做工。
Would you object to exchanging seats?和您交换座位好吗?
Now that I've grown up,I object to being treated like a child.既然我已长大,我反对还把我当小孩看待。
He objected to being treated like a guest.他不赞成把他当客人看待。
I object to being blamed for something I haven't done.因为一些我并没有做过的事而受责备,我很反感。
Would you object to my opening the window?我把窗子打开你同意吗?
I object to your smoking.我反对你抽烟。
His mother objects to his going abroad.他母亲反对他出国。
Her mother objected to her going out at night.她妈妈不赞成她夜间外出。
I don't object to the children going with us.我不反对孩子们和我们一道去。近义词 bodyfactpointdesigntargetopposerefusen. aimprotestcomplainintentionthingv. argue反义词v. agree
用作名词n.A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset.日落西山时,天空出现了一个移动的发亮物体。
Can you make out what that object is on the other side of the valley?你能看出山谷另一边的那个物体是什么东西吗?
A portion of the waves is there reflected from the object encountered and forms what is referred to as the echo signal.一部分波从所遇到的物体反射回来,形成一种信号,称为回波信号。
The black reticule sagged under the weight of shapeless objects.黑色的拎包由于装了各种形状的东西而中间下陷。
The whole object of all the child's affection was a soft toy.那孩子最心爱的东西是个柔软的玩具。
The church is the main object of his interest.他最感兴趣的是这座教堂。
He has no object in life.他没有生活的目标。
Our ultimate object lies beyond.我们离最终目的还很远。
He has a double object in mind.他胸怀双重目的。
The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general reader.他写小说的目的在于使一般读者得到娱乐并受到教育。
If you use the word “of”, you have to add an object.如果用of这个词,就必须加上宾语。用作动词v.
S+~+A“Do you object?”“I object.”“你反对吗?”“我反对”。
He wanted us to travel on foot, but I objected.他要我们徒步旅行,我没同意。
I'll have a smoke, if you don't object.如果你不反对,我想抽支烟。
It didn't occur to me that you would object.我没想到你会反对。
S+~+to- vThey objected to put off the meeting.他们不赞成把会议推迟。
Would you object to let Mr. White take up the job?让怀特先生来干这个工作,你有意见吗?
I don't think he will object to make these changes.我看他不会反对作这些变动。S+~+that-clauseHe objected that the funds were already too low.他不赞成,理由是这笔基金已经很少了。
They objected that the plan was risky.他们反对说这项计划是危险的。
They objected that he was not careful enough .他们提出反对,说他不够谨慎。
They objected that discipline was lacking.他们表示反对,认为纪律太松弛了。
Mother objected that the weather was too wet to play outside.母亲反对说天气太潮湿,不适宜在户外玩耍。
She objected that the weather was too bad for a trip.她说天气太坏,不宜旅行。
He objected that his motives had been good.他提出异议说,他的动机是好的。
They objected that his language was bad.他们抗议说,他使用的语言肮脏。It is/was ~ed+that-clauseIt was objected that the new tax law was unfair.有人反对说新税法是不公正的。
It may be objected that not enough manpower is available.有人可能会提出反对,认为没有足够的人力可用。




在英国口语中, object可指“可笑的人或事物”。

在语法术语中, object可作“宾语”解,指受动词影响的或受介词支配的人或事物,由名词、名词短语或名词从句充当。



object可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后不可直接接名词或代词作宾语,可接宾语从句,表示“提出反对…的理由”,即object之后的宾语从句不是“反对的内容”,而是“反对的理由”; 用作不及物动词时,后面须接介词against或to,表示“不赞成、反对的具体内容或对象”,介词后可接名词、代词或动名词。

在非正式语体中, object可接动词不定式。不过初学者应慎用。

用作名词Variousobjectswere on the table.桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。
His oneobjectin life is to earn as much money as possible.一生中的他的一个目标将挣得尽可能多的钱。
This church is the mainobjectof his interest.他最感兴趣的是这座教堂。
If it is a transitive verb, what is itsobject?如果是及物动词,它的宾语是什么?用作动词In the final analysis, Iobjectto the proposal.归根结底,我反对这个建议。
Iobjectedthat he was too young for the job.我反对的理由是因为他太年轻,不适合做那份工作。 The ancient Chinese consumption ideology was basic on objecting extravagance and praising austerity, such consumption concept has played a tremendous role for social development.
中国古代的消费思想主要是以黜奢崇俭为主,节俭消费观对中国社会发展产生了重大影响。 dictall

The former first lady was objecting to a pair of mailings from Barack Obama's camp that criticized her positions on healthcare and the NAFTA trade agreement.
前第一夫人反对巴拉克•奥巴马阵营批评她在健保和北美自由贸易协定上立场的几封宣传邮件。 yappr

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran has hindered an investigation of its nuclear programme by repeatedly objecting to the agency's choice of inspectors.
国际原子能机构IAEA表示,伊朗一再拒绝该机构的监察人员人选,阻碍对其核项目的调查。 tingclass

The referendum was triggered when more than a quarter of Iceland's people signed a petition objecting to the terms of the repayment.
超过四分之一的冰岛人民签署请愿书,抗议偿还条款,由此引发全民公投。 koolearn

“ I'm objecting to the male ethos that is dominating this case and from now on I'm going to be dressing as a girl in my daily life, ” Moodie told Reuters.
穆迪对记者表示:“我实际上是在反对充斥于这桩案件中的浓厚的男性至上思潮,从现在开始,我在日常生活里将一直身着女式服装。” cri

Apart from the smoking ban, in recent months I have been accosted a few times in the street by people objecting to me smoking and on one occasion spat at for doing so.
除了禁烟,最近几个月在大街上好几次有反对我吸烟的人向我搭讪,甚至有一次有人向我吐口水。 yeeyan

But rather than volubly objecting to the plan, which is backed by a vocal émigré lobby in Germany, Mr Tusk blandly defused the row.
但是,塔斯克先生并没有趾高气昂地反对这个由一个流亡到德国的游说团支持的计划,他很殷勤地缓解了对此问题的争议。 ecocn

China has also been objecting to American plans to hold military exercises with South Korea in the Yellow Sea, which China claims as its exclusive military operations zone.
中国也一贯反对美国同韩国在黄海上计划举行的军事演习。中方称黄海是他们独有的军事作业区。 yeeyan

Creating study library is the objecting need of the social for the library's development. This essay states the way to creating the study library.
创建学习型图书馆是社会对图书馆事业发展的客观要求,本文阐述了创建学习型图书馆的组织理论来源和创建学习型图书馆的可行途径。 cnki

Her not objecting, does not justify him.
她不反对,并不说明他就做得对。 ebigear

Hui Hong can pay much attention to the emotion of poetry under the objection of most people, which seems objecting to the Confucian view of using poems to instruct.
惠洪能不顾众议而重诗之情,似乎是与儒家的诗教观相悖,其实不然,他对诗中人品的讲究就是说明。 cnki

In the meantime, Gadamer is objecting to this because he says, you simply can't do this.

In the system of Sima Qian's economics ideology, the main feature is objecting tradition.
在司马迁的经济思想体系中,其主要特点是反传统。 cnki

Of course, when they go to college, those kids might start objecting to being monitored as if they're on parole.
当然,当孩子们开始上大学的时候,他们就会反对像假释人员一样被监控着了。 yeeyan

One reason for objecting seems to be that approval might open up a wider debate about legalizing drugs.
同意使用古柯叶也许会引起大范围毒品合法化的讨论,这也许是持反对意见的一个原因。 ecocn

Several years ago, people were objecting to the odor of poultry farms on the Delmarva Peninsula in the eastern United States.
几年之前,人们纷纷抗议位于美国东部 Delmarva半岛家禽养殖场的气味。 unsv

You have to have some reason for objecting which means you must be impacted by this.

Objecting from the other side are people who say that Irving policemen should not be asked to shoulder a federal task.
另一边的反对人士表示阿灵顿警方不应当被要求承担联邦政府份内的任务。 ecocn




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