

单词 obituary
释义 o·bit·u·ar·y 英əʊˈbɪtʃuːˌeriː美oˈbɪtʃuˌɛriAHDō-bĭch“›-ĕr'ē ★★☆☆☆高四GMS宝八TCOCA¹⁸⁶⁵²BNC¹³⁴⁶⁹iWeb¹³⁶⁶⁰

a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biographyob-,向前,-it,走,词源同exit,itinerary.委婉语,即向前走了。引申词义讣告,讣闻。GRE红宝书ob离开, it他, uary: 他离开我们后写的东西-讣告
orbit 天体轨道上旋转,在天上运动,上天国了,死,讣告
钱博士obit逝世+u+aryS.形→逝世的公告⇒讣告,讣告的词根记忆ob离开+ it走+ uary → 走开了 ⇒死了obit逝世+uaryS.形→逝世的公告⇒讣告,讣告的近义词 death死obit讣告eulogy颂词tribute贡品article文章feature特征epitaph墓志铭necrology讣闻funerary葬礼的memorial纪念碑announcement通告valedictory告别的funereal适合葬礼的

用作名词Martin was very shocked to see his best friend'sobituaryin the news paper.马丁在报上看见好友的讣告,感到非常震惊。
Five days after the letter came, he found Andersen'sobituaryin the morning paper.收到那封信五天后,他在早报上发现了安德森的讣告。用作形容词Theobituaryrecords the whole life of the deceased.讣文记述了这位死者的生平。
I never want to see anybody die, but there are a fewobituarynotices I have read with pleasure.我从未想过看到人家死,但有几段讣闻,我是欣然拜读过了。noun.notice of person's death
同义词 eulogy,obitannouncement,necrology,registerdeath notice,mortuary tribute
反义词 birth announcement By the time this obituary appears he will have gone under the knife again, this time for an autopsy.
这篇讣告完成时他将又一次躺在手术刀下,这次是尸体解剖。 ecocn

In death as in life see our obituary, the man many had thought invincible wore an impenetrable stare.
这个生前详见讣告被很多人认为是不可战胜的男人,在死后依然有让人无法逼视的眼神。 yeeyan

The Guardian I note did not favour me with an obituary.
我注意到,《卫报》毫不眷顾于我,连个讣告都不登。 yeeyan

The phone rang in the obituary department of the local newspaper.
地方报社负责刊登死亡讣告的部门电话响了。 cri

The Scheme: When times get tough, write your obituary.
方案:当时间不允许时,撰写你的讣告。 yeeyan

The site will require proof of death, in the form of an obituary or newspaper cutting.
网站会要求用户以类似讣告或剪报的形式提供死亡证明。 yeeyan

The obituary didn't say that, of course.
当然,讣告上没有这样写,而是说他死于心肌梗塞。 yeeyan

Gertrud came across the obituary in the newspaper.
格特鲁德在报上意外地发现了讣告。 yeeyan

He joked to Astor that it wouldn't surprise him “ if you had to change that profile into an obituary”.
他对阿斯特开玩笑说“假如你把素描改成讣告”也不会感到意外。 yeeyan

I had an uncle who died at a relatively young age in a workplace accident and I was asked to produce a newspaper article or obituary verifying my claim.
我有个叔叔在挺年轻的时候死于工伤,而他们要求我提供相应的报纸文章和讣告证明我的说法。 yeeyan

In the20 years since the end of the cold war NATO’s obituary has been written many times, so far always prematurely.
在冷战结束后的这20年几年中,关于北约要解散的传言已经多次出现了,但现在看来,这样说还为时尚早。 ecocn

It is a measure of their despondency that the French have begun to write the president's political obituary.
因为失望,法国人已经着手书写总统政治生涯讣告以祈求希望的出现。 ecocn

It took two weeks to negotiate an official obituary.
而官方花了2周的时间讨论是否给予官方讣告。 ecocn

Microsoft's obituary has been written plenty of times.
微软公司 Microsoft的讣告已经被写过多次了。 fortunechina

Still, the strangulations, burnings and burials outlined in this obituary of a city should open anyone's eyes to the horror unleashed by the war on drugs.
尽管如此,在这篇城市的讣告中描绘的绞杀、火焚和埋葬应该能让所有人睁大眼睛看看毒品战争带来的恐怖。 ecocn

The comment was directed at Detroit, but the latest obituary comes from Toyota.
这一观点本来是直指底特律汽车厂商的,但对 V-8最新的讣告则来自丰田汽车公司。 fortunechina

The daily newspaper there recently omitted the name of the partner of a deceased gay man in its free obituary notice.
最近,当地的每日新闻报在自由的讣告通知中故意省略了一位已故同性恋伴侣的姓名。 ecocn

The Guardian, I note, did not favour me with an obituary.
而我注意到,卫报连一份讣告都不愿为我写。 yeeyan

Three of them will be seriously considered for his job. The obituary didn't mention that.
其中三人眼巴巴地等着他职位空缺,但讣告上当然不会提这个。 yeeyan

Obituary notices have been printed in People's Daily in some periods since1985, as the most dignified treatment.
自1985年以来,老朋友去世的消息会以讣告的方式刊登在人民日报上,这是一种最为庄严的处理方式。 zsqz




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