

单词 obeying
释义 o·bey·ing 英ə'beɪ美ə'beɪ COCA³¹⁰⁸⁶BNC²¹⁷⁷⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. & vi. 服从; 听从

carry out a command; follow the orders of

vt. 遵守; 遵循

act in accordance with; comply with

be obedient to

❌ Students should obey to their teachers in class.

✔️ Students should obey their teachers in class.


obey, comply, mind




You should obey your teacher.你要听老师的话。
We must obey the laws of our country.我们必须服从我国的法律。


He refused to comply.他拒绝服从。
You must comply with the law.你必须遵守法律。obey,comply,submit





用作动词 v.
~+名词obey an order服从命令obey one's reason按照理智行动obey the doctor's advice遵医嘱~+副词obey cheerfully心甘情愿地服从命令obey implicitly毫无保留地服从obey meekly逆来顺受地服从obey promptly迅速地服从obey strictly严格地服从~+介词obey from fear因恐惧而服从obey under protest极不情愿地服从obey with fear战战兢兢地服从obey without question毫无异议地服从
近义词 servefulfilobservecarry outdischargesurrender反义词 disobey
S+~+AThe boy won't obey.这孩子不听话。
Soldiers must obey without asking questions.军人必须服从命令而不提问题。
She obeyed and cautiously opened the door.她服从了,并小心地开了门。
The horse obeyed immediately.那匹马很快就顺从了。
S+~+ n./pron.All I had to do now was to obey him in silence.这时,我要做的只是默默地服从他。
You should obey your teacher.你要听老师的话。
The dog obeyed his master.狗顺从它的主人。
I'll obey orders and go wherever I'm sent.我服从命令听指挥,叫到哪里就到哪里。
The troops were reluctant to obey orders.这些军队不愿服从命令。
Obey the law or you'll be punished.遵守法律,不然你会受到惩罚的。
A good citizen obeys the law.好公民是守法的。
A horse obeys the rein.马随缰绳的控制行走。
The car obeyed the slightest touch of the wheel.稍一动驾驶盘汽车便随之作出反应。
My orders must be strictly obeyed.我的命令必须严格执行。



用作动词Soldiers are expected toobeytheir orders without question.军人应当绝对服从命令。
We shouldobeythe law.我们应当遵守法律。
The abbot told him toobeythe rules.修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。
We mustobeythe decencies and attend the funeral.我们要遵照礼仪参加葬礼。
We agreed to serve your father and to follow his orders andobeyhis edicts.我们很愿意服事你的父亲,遵行他的话,顺从他的命令。
Dogs can be trained toobeyorders.狗可以训练得听从命令。as in.submissive
同义词 accommodating,deferential,dutiful,meek,obedient,passiveabject,acquiescent,amenable,bowing down,comformable,complying,docile,domesticated,giving-in,humble,ingratiating,lowly,malleable,menial,nonresistant,nonresisting,obeisant,obsequious,patient,pliable,pliant,resigned,servile,slavish,subdued,tame,tractable,uncomplaining,unresisting,yes,yielding
反义词 disobedient,immodestfighting,intractable,resistant,unyieldingas in.under
同义词 amenable,belonging,collateral,consequent,corollary,dependent,directed,following,governed,included,inferior,in the power of,junior,lesser,low,lower,obedient,reporting,sub,subject,subjugated,subordinate,subsequent,subservient,subsidiary,substract,subsumed
反义词 above,higher,major,more,over,primary,up,upward
submissiveadjective compliant
abject,accommodating,acquiescent,amenable,bowing down,comformable,complying,deferential,docile,domesticated,dutiful,giving-in,humble,ingratiating,lowly,malleable,meek,menial,nonresistant,nonresisting,obedient,obeisant,obsequious,passive,patient,pliable,pliant,resigned,servile,slavish,subdued,tame,tractable,uncomplaining,unresisting,yes,yielding
underadverb secondary
amenable,belonging,collateral,consequent,corollary,dependent,directed,following,governed,in the power of,included,inferior,junior,lesser,low,lower,obedient,obeying,reporting,sub,subject,subjugated,subordinate,subsequent,subservient,subsidiary,substract,subsumed A honouring and obeying wife would let his trade alone altogether.
尊重丈夫、服从丈夫的老婆是不会干扰他的业务的。 jukuu

Anyway, the understanding is that Chinese children must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud.
据了解,中国孩子必须尽自己的一生偿还服从父母,让他们的父母以此为荣。 blog.sina.com.cn

In deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock.
我们不再听从自身感觉来决定何时吃饭、何时工作、何时睡觉、起床,我们开始遵从钟表的命令。 yeeyan

Like the nations the LORD destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the LORD your God.
耶和华在你们面前怎样使列国的民灭亡,你们也必照样灭亡,因为你们不听从耶和华你们神的话。 ebigear

That sounds a bit like the notoriously flimsy defence of“ only obeying orders” which goes down especially badly with Germans.
这与“仅仅在服从命令”的辩护一样臭名昭著,不堪一击,尤其难以让德国人接受。 ecocn

After all, it is the parents looking out for the children who are obeying out of love.
毕竟,父母试图得到孩子,孩子因为爱而服从。 yeeyan

But God's Word reminds us that our real security, happiness and future are in Christ and in obeying God's will.
但神的教导提醒我们真正的安全,幸福和未来来自于耶酥基督,来自于服从神的旨意。 yeeyan

But one scientist has had enough and is calling on filmmakers to temper their creativity by obeying the rules of science.
但有一个科学家十分有胆量去喝令电影制作人遵循科学规律地缓一缓他们的创造才能。 yeeyan

Convert this data into a format recognized by Workbench for example, Workbench recognizes CSV or XML obeying a certain pattern.
将这些数据转换为 Workbench能够识别的格式例如, Workbench能够识别符合特定模式的 CSV或 XML。 ibm

Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department.
在生活上和工作上我的思想和行为都要诚实坦率,模范地遵守国家的法律及我的工作部门的各项规章制度。 yeeyan

Is it obeying your husband to disobey him on the vital subject of his business?
在你丈夫业务的关键问题上不肯听话就是服从他么? jukuu

It stops being our master, and obeys us instead of us obeying it.
它不再是我们的主人,它服从我们而非让我们服从它。 yeeyan

Justice, in other words, for Thrasymachus is a kind of sucker's game; obeying the rules that really benefit others largely because we fear the consequences of injustice.

Of course, the only problem then is obeying the reminder!
当然,唯一的问题是要服从提醒! yeeyan

The study showed a dog may stop obeying a command if it sees that another dog is getting a better deal.
研究发现,如果一条狗发现别的狗获得了比自己更好的待遇,它可能会拒绝遵守命令。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They loved their neighbour because they understood that this was part of life and they were merely obeying a law of nature.
他们爱他们的邻居,因为他们懂得这是生活的一部分,他们所做的只是顺应自然规律罢了。 yeeyan

What place can it occupy in each type of discourse, what functions can it assume, and by obeying what rules?




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