释义 |
Asian option 基本例句 亚式期权 A form ofAsian optionwhose strike equals the average underlier value over a specified period.是亚式期权的一种,该期权的行使价等于特定期限内基础资产的平均价格。 A form ofAsian optionwhose payoff is linked to the average underlier value over a specified period.是亚式期权的一种,到期时的回报将取决于在特定期限内基础资产的平均价格。 People is dedicated to the studying on theAsian optionpricing under geometric Browain movement previously, but few people study the option pricing under CEV process.以前人们主要研究的是标的资产满足几何布朗运动的期权定价问题,对CEV模型的研究很少有人问津。 Theses results place the problem of European-styleAsian optionand Asian barrier option pricing in the same complexity class as that of the vanilla option on the lattice.这些结果,将以格点定价欧式亚式选择权以及亚式障碍选择权的复杂度降至与定价单纯期权的复杂度同个层级。 THE HEDGING STRATEGY OF AN ASIAN OPTION一种亚式期权的套期保值策略 A Study of Asian Option Investment Policies关于亚式期权投资策略的研究 |