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Asian monsoon 基本例句 亚洲季风 Some scientists proposed that the Holocene optimum of the EastAsian monsoonwas asynchronous among different regions.另一方面则可能暗示了不同的沉积序列、测年材料之间难以进行精细的对比。 Meanwhile, the formation of the HSL was primarily influenced by EastAsian monsoonand controlled by ice climate.可能说明了东亚夏季风对各区域的影响程度不同,东南部的影响较西北部多一些。 Hong Kong is located at the southern rim of the East Asian continent, in the land of theAsian monsoonand bordering the South China Sea.香港位于东亚大陆南陲,与南海相邻,是。 The relationship between the eastAsian monsoonand ENSO events is different on the different interdecadal background in SST fields.在不同的SST年代际背景下,东亚季风和ENSO事件的关系是不同的。 Based on IAP9L, the effects of the sea surface temperature anomaly in Indian Ocean on the climate overAsian monsoonregion are studied.利用中国科学院大气物理研究所IAP9L大气环流模式,模拟研究了印度洋SSTA对亚洲季风区大气环流和天气气候异常的影响。 |