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词汇 Nyiragongo
释义 NyiragongoCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n.尼拉贡戈火山在刚果民主共和国;东经 29º15' 南纬 1º28'

an active volcano in eastern CongoNyiragongoerupted in 2002, sending a river of lava through the city, destroying thousands of homes and killing dozens of people.尼拉贡戈火山位于刚果金东部与乌干达和卢旺达交界的维龙加山脉,是非洲地区较为活跃和危险的火山。
Luckily, right now at least, the lava lake atNyiragongois low, which might reduce the damage if an eruption were to take place.今天在犹他州盐湖城举行的美国化学界全国会议上,材料科学家王中林描述了首台纳米发电器:该装置主要依靠氧化锌纳米软金属丝,这些金属丝就像刷子的细毛一样覆在一个中间夹有刚性聚合物的金属电极上。
It is unlikely that the forest the gorillas inhabit will be affected greatly. However, chimpanzees and other wildlife in the forest aroundNyiragongowill probably be devastated.虽然大星星生活的森林地区受到的影响不是很大,但生活在尼拉贡戈火山附近森林里的黑猩猩和另外的野生动物将面临灭顶之灾。
Nyiragongois one of eight volcanoes on the borders of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, a region dense with tropical forests and famously home to rare mountain gorillas.尼拉贡戈火山是位于卢旺达和乌干达边境大八座火山之一,这一热带雨林区居住着世界珍惜动物大猩猩。
Many wild animals in the forests around Congo'sNyiragongovolcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.野生动物研究专家星期六称,由于刚果金尼拉贡戈火山的爆发,其周围地区的野生动物很可能受火山灰、熔岩及硫磺气体所威胁。
WhenNyiragongolast erupted in 1977, killing scores of people and gutting the town, there were reports of elephants being found in the rubble alongside the human debris of cars and houses.尼拉贡戈火山前一次的爆发在1997年,摧毁了小城,使几十人死亡,在瓦砾汽车的废墟中还发现有大象的尸体。 For much of the past15 years, with funding from the European Union, the Italian volcanologist has struggled to focus the scientific community's attention on Nyiragongo.
过去十五年大部分时间里,在欧盟的资助下,这位意大利火山学家一直力争让科学界的注意力集中到尼拉贡戈火山。 yeeyan

Many wild animals in the forests around Congo's Nyiragongo volcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.
野生动物研究专家星期六称,由于刚果金尼拉贡戈火山的爆发,其周围地区的野生动物很可能受火山灰、熔岩及硫磺气体所威胁。 eol

Mt Unzen, in Japan, is the second- favourite, at4/1, and Nyiragongo, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, comes in third at 8/1.
日本的 Unzen火山处于第二热门,赔率在4/1,还有刚果民主共和国的 Nyiragongo火山赔率为8/1处于第三热门。 ecocn

Reaching the summit rim of Nyiragongo was straightforward: Sims and Tedesco followed the lava.
抵达尼拉贡戈峰顶边缘的过程并不复杂:西姆斯和特德斯科一路跟随岩浆逆流而上。 yeeyan

Situated along the Great Rift Valley, Nyiragongo had a lava lake in its summit crater, which burst during the night in January1977.
尼拉贡戈火山沿着东非大裂谷矗立,在山顶火山口有一个熔岩湖,于1977年1月份的一个夜里喷发。 yeeyan

The lava-rumpled city sprawls between Lake Kivu, full of dangerous gases, and the restless Nyiragongo volcano.
这座遭受过火山熔岩蹂躏的城市在笼罩着危险的烟气的基伍湖和永不休止的尼拉贡戈火山之间无序蔓延。 yeeyan

When an eruption in 1977 drained the crater of its lava lake, Nyiragongo flooded20 square kilometers in an hour and killed around70 people.
1977年的那次火山爆发,火山口的熔岩湖喷涌而出,在1小时之内就淹没了周围20平方公里的土地令大约70人丧生。 yeeyan

Both eruptions were mere grumbles, though, compared with the fury Nyiragongo is thought capable of unleashing.
科学家认为狂暴的尼拉贡戈火山很可能具备大规模喷发的能力,同预测程度相比,这两次喷发不过是小儿科。 yeeyan

But many of the observatory's seismic stations on Nyiragongo's slopes were looted during the wars.
但观测台在尼拉贡戈火山斜坡上设立的很多地震观测点在战乱期间都被洗劫一空。 yeeyan

By a team of scientists and intrepid explorers delve into mountain Nyiragongo deep pit along the boiling lava Lake trips and expeditions.
由科学家和勇敢的探险者组成的团队深入到尼拉贡戈火山坑深处,沿着沸腾的熔岩湖边进行考察和探险。 sazua

Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.
当特德斯科、西姆斯和研究团队在尼拉贡戈火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾和频繁的震动是他们所要面临的两大挑战。 yeeyan

It is unlikely that the forest the gorillas inhabit will be affected greatly. However, chimpanzees and other wildlife in the forest around Nyiragongo will probably be devastated.
虽然大星星生活的森林地区受到的影响不是很大,但生活在尼拉贡戈火山附近森林里的黑猩猩和另外的野生动物将面临灭顶之灾。 eol

Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last15 years studying Nyiragongo, with funding from the European Union.
获得欧盟资助的意大利地震学家达利奥·特德斯库在过去15年中一直对于尼拉贡戈火山进行研究。 ebigear

North of the city limits seethes Nyiragongo volcano, which last erupted in2002, when its lava roared through town and wiped out Goma's commercial district.
沸腾的尼拉贡戈火山阻隔了城市的北部。这座火山上次喷发是在2002年,当时火山熔岩咆哮着穿过城市并摧毁了戈马的商业区。 yeeyan

On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.

Seeing at close range the primal forces that shaped the planet can be hypnotic. You cannot allow yourself to fall under a volcano's spell, especially one as unpredictable as Nyiragongo.
近距离观察这种塑造地球的原始力量很是让人着迷,但你不能任由自己拜倒在火山的魅力之下,尤其是像尼拉贡戈这种难以捉摸的火山。 yeeyan

To prevent a catastrophe, Sims believes, we must gain a deeper understanding of Nyiragongo.
西姆斯相信,为了防止灾难突然降临,我们必须对尼拉贡戈火山进行更深入的了解。 yeeyan

Traders ferry logs and charcoal12 miles from the forests around Nyiragongo to Goma, which continues to swell with refugees fleeing the Democratic Republic of the Congo's war- torn east.
小商人从二十公里之外尼拉贡戈火山周围的森林里将原木和木炭运到戈马城中。因为刚果民主共和国的东部连年战乱,难民纷纷涌入戈马,导致小城日渐臃肿。 yeeyan

Twice in recent years Nyiragongo's eruptions have hit the city, destroying homes and sending residents fleeing.
该火山最近两次的喷发已经对这座城市造成打击,众多房屋被毁,居民流离失所。 ebigear

Twice in recent years Nyiragongo's eruptions have sent molten rock flowing toward the city.
在最近几十年的喷发活动中,尼拉贡戈火山已经两次将熔岩抛向了戈马城。 yeeyan

When Nyiragongo last erupted in1977, killing scores of people and gutting the town, there were reports of elephants being found in the rubble alongside the human debris of cars and houses.
尼拉贡戈火山前一次的爆发在1997年,摧毁了小城,使几十人死亡,在瓦砾汽车的废墟中还发现有大象的尸体。 eol

Nyiragongo has an intricate plumbing system, widespread as the roots of a tree.
尼拉贡戈火山的火山管道构造复杂,宛如树木盘根错节。 cri

Nyiragongo is a two-mile-high volcano towering over the eastern edge of the Democratic Republic of the CongoDRC—one of the most active volcanoes on the planet and also one of the least studied.




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