

单词 Nyingma
释义 Nyingma
His Holiness single-handedly revitalized and strengthened theNyingmatradition.贝诺法王只手振兴,强化了宁玛传统;
The Tibetan Kaygu andNyingmamasters have contributed a lot to make Bhutan vibrant and unique.西藏的Kaygu和Nyingma大师对不丹做了很多独特的贡献。
He gave profound Kagyu teachings to the famousNyingmamaster of Katok monastery, who in turn shared hisNyingmateachings.在他出生两个月后,蒋丘多杰突然宣称自己即是噶玛巴的转世。
TheNyingmalineage traces its origin to the Indian master, Guru Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, who came to Tibet in 817 C.宁玛传承追溯到印度佛教大师,莲花生上师,或称莲师。
The mid-Ming Dynasty, founded by Tsongkhapa the rise of the Gelug Sect, a gradual replacement of theNyingma, Sakya, brgyud various sects.明朝中期,宗喀巴创立的格鲁派兴起,逐渐替代了宁玛、萨迦、噶举诸教派。
Legend for the branch of theNyingmagamma God to protect the Palestinian home, ranking first in Tibetan areas in eight major Kamiyama.传说为宁玛派分支伽居巴的保护神,位居藏区八大神山之首。




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