

单词 NYC
释义 NYCCOCA¹⁷⁷⁵⁴BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
abbr.纽约市=New York City异体字N.Y.C. At a discussion meeting held a few weeks ago in the West Village, the. nyc group debated a number of issues.
几个星期前在西村召开了一个讨论会,. nyc团队就很多问题展开争论。 yeeyan

On the same week, I also celebrated Chinese New Year in NYC.
同一周我还在纽约市欢度了中国新年. yeeyan

Programs like NYC Teaching Fellows may reduce the barriers to entry by streamlining the certification process, but they're the exception.
纽约市教学研究员 NYC Teaching Fellows等项目通过简化资格认证流程,降低了准入门槛,但是它们仅是为数不多的特例。 fortunechina

Among them:. unicef,. paris,. nyc,. canon and. hitachi.
其中包括:. unicef,. paris,. nyc,. canon和. hitachi。 yeeyan

For Dominick Costello, the president of costume store Ricky’s NYC, disgraced public figures, such as the aforementioned Mr Sheen, are the big sellers.
对服装店 Ricky’s NYC的老板多米尼克•考斯泰罗而言,臭名远扬的公众人物,比如之前提到的查理•辛,是热卖的化妆造型。 edu.sina.com.cn

From a research point of view, the point of NYC Waterfalls was to map the distribution of visitors to the exhibit, and reveal where they took photos and communicated with their mobile phones.
从研究的角度来看,纽约瀑布研究项目的要点就在于绘制出访客的分布图,以及揭示他们是在哪里拍照并使用手机与人通信的。 yeeyan

He joined a cruise line in NYC as a manager on a fancy cruise to England.
他加入了纽约市的一家游轮公司,担任去英国的一艘豪华游轮的经理。 ebigear

His tourism office has set up an “ NYC- I Do” website.
他的旅游办公室已经成立了“ NYC- I Do”网站。 ecocn

I hope you are in NYC and not in this silly town.
希望你在纽约市而不是在这个小镇。 putclub.com

I was delighted to discover a posting for“ User Interface Software Engineer” at Google NYC, and haven’t looked back since.
看到 Google纽约公司招聘“用户界面软件工程师”时我很开心,而且从未后悔。 yeeyan

I've been thinking a lot about the NYC subway system.
我对纽约市的地铁公交系统有所反思。 yeeyan

Live in NYC and never been to the Statue of Liberty?
居住在纽约市但是从来没看过自由女神像? yeeyan

Living in NYC is strange because we're all packed together in small apartments stacked on top of each other.
住在纽约是件很奇怪的事情,因为我们要挤在一个小公寓里,每个人一层层的上下住着。 yeeyan

Maybe— just maybe — dot- nyc will be coming soon to your browser.
也许,仅仅是也许,. nyc会在不久的将来出现在你的浏览器上。 yeeyan

New York City, for instance, is said to be eyeing dot. nyc.
譬如,纽约城据说已瞄准了. nyc。 ecocn

New York’s Opportunity NYC is partly based on it.
纽约的 Opportunity NYC就是部分在此基础上建立的。 ecocn

Participants in the NYC Cricket Crawl will go out between dusk and midnight to record cricket calls for one minute, and then immediately send their results and location to the scientists by cellphone.
“纽约蟋蟀爬行”活动的参与者要求在黄昏和午夜之间外出去记录来自蟋蟀大约一分钟的叫声,然后把采集到的声音和所处的位置通过手机发给科学家们。 yeeyan

Say what you want about government's abilityor inability to operate effectively, I will tell you that the NYC subway system works pretty damn well.
你可以尽管去言说政府有没有能力去有效运作这个系统,我会告诉你,纽约市的地铁系统运行起来简直太棒了。 yeeyan

The first two shoot days were in Los Angeles and our Third Shoot day was in NYC.
第一天和第二天的拍摄地点是洛杉矶,而第三天的拍摄地点是在纽约。 yeeyan

The group says the march engaged NYC organized labour, students and community groups.
那个团体称游行吸引了在纽约市组织起来的工人、学生和社团。 yeeyan

These shots were edited by the art directors immediately after the shoot and FTP’d back to NYC where my retouching team was waiting for them so they could begin retouching.
这些照片在拍摄完成后,艺术导演简单编辑后,立即通过FTP上传到了我纽约的工作室。我的后期小组正马上进行照片后期处理。 yeeyan

Through NYC Open Data, we found the Health Department's inspections of Manhattan's restaurants. And some of the scores are just plain ugly.
通过纽约市公开的数据,我们看到的卫生署对曼哈顿地区餐厅的巡查结果,有些餐馆的分数一般。 yeeyan

We lived in NYC in Manhattan on130 something street, in a three-story brownstone that housed many of my relatives.
我们原来住在纽约市曼哈顿一幢好像是位于130号街的三层的赤褐色砂石建筑里,我的好多亲戚都住在那。 cri

Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.
是的,从纽约搬出来之后,你把车给,他是很感激的。但是他会想要自己努力工作来赚到一辆车。 yeeyan




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