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词汇 nww
释义 nwwBNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
During the Yanshan stage, the NWW SEE trending horizontal compressive TSF occurred in MSS by the collision of the West Pacific old land and the Asiancontinent.
燕山期,在西太平洋古陆与亚洲大陆的碰撞、拼贴作用下,形成了北西西—南东东方向的水平挤压应力场; cnki

From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping angle.
由此推测,主震的错动面为北西西走向,可能是高倾角的左旋平移断层的滑动结果。 geophy

In different tectonic settings, the distribution of volcanoes is inconsistent and shows notable migration characteristics such as with NWW trends.
不同的构造背景下火山活动的分布也不同,且具明显的迁移性。 geojournals

It shows that the zone has been acted under the NEE-SEE direction of compressional and the NWW- nearing SN direction of tensional tectonic stresses.
表明该带处于北东东—南东东向挤压和北北西—近南北向引张的构造应力作用之中。 cnki

The central rift zone which develops at the central part of the West Philippine Sea is a long and narrow zone extending in NWW- SEE direction. It extends south eastwards to the Kyushu Palau ridge.
西菲律宾海中央断裂带位于西菲律宾海中部,为一 NWW— SEE向伸展的长条形狭窄地带,东南面可延伸至帛琉海岭。 cnki

The distribution of the gold deposits in Qinghai province is mainly controlled by four sub belts of mineralization and fault structure along NWW EW trending.
青海省岩金的分布受四个成矿亚带控制,分布上呈现九个矿化集中区。 chemyq

The ductile extensional structures moving at a deep level form NWW to SEE were developing in the metamorphic rocks of the Qinling group in the core of the Qinling orogenic belt.
在秦岭造山带核部秦岭群变质岩系中,发育有自 NWW向 SEE方向拉伸的深层次韧性伸展构造。 cnki

The East Kunlun active fault is an important NWW-trending boundary fault on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北部一条重要的 NWW向边界断裂。 cnki

The newly formed Tengchong Jinghong NNW zone and Dali Chuxiong NWW zone have an important role in the block division.
指出新生的腾冲-景洪北北西带和大理-楚雄北西西带在活动地块划分中的重要作用。 cnki

The obtained result shows that moderately strong seismic activity is closely related to the faults along NWW direction, NNW direction and NE to NNE direction.
结果表明:区内中强地震活动与北西西向、北北西向断裂及北东北北东向断裂密切有关; cnki

The wall rock is trachyte andesite of Talimugou Group, and the main ore body is the quartz veins which located in NWW trending fractures.
赋矿围岩为塔木兰沟组粗面安山质岩石,主要矿体为沿着 NWW方向断裂构造就位的石英脉体。 fabiao

The NWW-extending Cretaceous amphibolic diabase dikes are developed in Xiazhuang uranium ore field, Northern Guangdong province.
下庄铀矿田北西西向分布的白垩纪角闪辉绿岩构成区内基性脉岩的主体。 dictall

Lanzhou area developed two groups of dominant active tectonics: one group is NWW direction, another one is NNW direction.
兰州地区发育了北西西向和北北西向两组主导性活动构造带。 dictall

Many strong earthquakes in Hebei region are controlled by NE-NNE and NW- NWW active faults and faultsubsidence basins of Cenozoic ear.
地壳表层构造和深部构造互相制约是控制河北地区许多强震发生的必要地质条件。 cnki

Space geodesy, terrestrial deformation survey and focal mechanics resolution together confirm that the present-time principal compressing stress orientation is NW NWW- SE SEE.
空间与地面测量及震源机制解共同证实,东南沿海现时应力场主压应力方位为 NW NWW- SE SEE。 cnki

Study shows fractures of Baiyun depression mainly trend NWW and nearly EW, and NW, NNW, NE and NEE as well.
研究表明,白云凹陷的断裂以北西西、近东西走向为主,同时发育北西、北北西、北东、北东东等不同方向的断裂。 qk114

The seismogenic combination model of NWW and NE structures is also advanced through analysis of tectonic combination features and deformation field features of some typical strong earthquakes.
文章还通过典型强震构造组合特征、形变场特征的分析,提出了该区北西西、北东向两组构造的组合孕震模式。 cnki

Tiefa basin is a late Mesozoic NNE-trending half graben coal- bearing basin, and the NWW structural system is the most important synbasinal structure.
铁法盆地属于晚中生代的 N NE向半地堑煤盆地,北西西系是其主要的成盆期构造。 chemyq

Total162 faults are extracted in this research. These faults contain five groups of NS trending, NW trending, NWW trending, NE trending and EW trending.
本次研究共提取162条断裂,主要有南北向、北西向、北西西向、北东向、北东向和东西向五组。 fabiao




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