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词汇 nutty
释义 nut·ty 英ˈnʌtiː美ˈnʌtiAHDnŭtʹē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²²³⁶⁶BNC¹¹⁹⁴⁰iWeb¹⁵⁵⁸⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
having the flavor of nuts;

a nutty sherry

informal or slang terms for mentally irregular;

it used to drive my husband balmy

来自nut,坚果,疯子。flat nutty structure平核状结构,核状结构…nutty structure坚果型结构,颗粒状结…
nut-ty表性质⇒adj.有许多坚果的¹⁶;有坚果味的⁵¹;古怪的³³近义词 nuts疯的kooky古怪的balmy芳香的dotty疯狂的batty疯狂的loopy疯狂的barmy愚蠢的loony疯狂的buggy多虫的fruity果香的whacky怪诞的kookie怪人的bonkers疯狂的cracked破碎的daft愚蠢可笑的haywire临时电线nutlike核状结构的loco发疯的bats蝙蝠round the bend发疯crackers精神错乱的wacky行为等古怪的…around the bend有精神病的

用作形容词Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with anuttysesame sauce.食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。
The wild turkey often has anuttytaste when cooked.野火鸡做熟后常有坚果味道
But it'snutty, elastic, melty, good cheese.但它是块好芝士,尝起来有坚果味、有弹性、入口即化。
Mary has been acting asnuttyas a fruitcake lately.最近玛丽的行为有点疯。
You arenuttyif you think I'd go along a plan like that.如果你认为我会支持那样一个计划的话,那么你就有点头脑发热了。adj.deranged
同义词 absurd,batty,crazy,eccentric,foolish,kooky,mad,nuts,wackybedlamite,buggy,cockamamie,cracked,daffy,daft,demented,enthusiastic,gung-ho,harebrained,insane,irrational,keen,loony,lunatic,potty,ridiculous,touched,unusual,warm,zealous
反义词 balanced,calm,collected,rational,reasonable,sane,sensible
absurdadjective ridiculous, senseless
batty,campy,crazy,daffy,dippy,flaky,fooling around,foolish,for grins,freaky,gagged up,goofy,idiotic,illogical,inane,incongruous,irrational,jokey,joshing,laughable,loony,ludicrous,nonsensical,off the wall,preposterous,sappy,screwy,silly,stupid,tomfool,unreasonable,wacky
balmyadjective insane
absurd,bugged out,cracked,crazed,crazy,daft,deranged,dotty,foolish,harebrained,idiotic,loony,mentally incompetent,moronic,nuts,nutty,odd,potty,preposterous,silly,stupid,wacky
brainsickadjective insane
batty,bonkers,cracked,crackers,crazed,crazy,daft,demented,disordered,distraught,dotty,lunatic,mad,mad as a hatter,maniac,maniacal,mentally ill,moonstruck,not all there,nuts,nutty,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,psychotic,sick in the head,stark raving mad,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound
buggyadjective crazy
comic/comicaladjective amusing
Mickey Mouse,absurd,batty,boffo,camp,crazy,dippy,diverting,dizzy,droll,entertaining,facetious,farcical,flaky,fool,foolheaded,for grins,freaky,funny,gelastic,goofus,goofy,gump,horse's tail,humorous,ironic,jerky,jocular,joking,joshing,laughable,light,loony,ludicrous,nutty,off the wall,priceless,ridiculous,risible,schtick,screwy,side-splitting,silly,wacky,waggish,whimsical,witty
comicaladjective amusing
Mickey Mouse,absurd,batty,boffo,camp,comic,crazy shtick,dippy,diverting,dizzy,droll,entertaining,facetious,farcical,flaky,fool,fool around,fool-headed,freaky,funny,gelastic,goofus,goofy,gump,humorous,ironic,jerky,jocular,joking,joshing,laughable,light,loony,ludicrous,nutty,priceless,ridiculous,risible,screwy,side-splitting,silly,wacky,waggish,whimsical,witty The inch- long larvae, flavored with garlic and soy sauce, reminded me in texture of delicate, nutty seedpods.
面包虫长约一英寸,用大蒜和酱油调味,口感让我想起松脆的带壳坚果。 yeeyan

“THE Nutty Professor”, as David Nutt is known in the Sun and other newspapers, has never been far from controversy.
被太阳报和其他报纸称为“疯狂教授”的大卫•纳特从来都是个备受争议的人物。 ecocn

Basmati rice is a long- grained rice with a nutty flavor and fragrance.
巴斯马蒂大米是一种有坚果味的长粒大米。 yeeyan

But solving two mysteries with one hypothesis means that it's not so nutty.
但是用一个假设解决两个秘密意味着也不是那么不正常。 yeeyan

But when roasted they took on a rich, nutty coffee- like aroma.
但烘焙之后,果实就会散发出一种浓郁的咖啡豆一样的香味。 yeeyan

First Miss Hadley brewed the pistachio coffee in the same way as a traditional Turkish coffee, producing a rich, dark brown drink with a chocolate and nutty smell.
首先 Hadley小姐用开心果制作了一杯传统土耳其咖啡,杯中呈现出浓郁的深棕色,并且散发出一种巧克力和坚果的混合气味。 yeeyan

In the ten weeks he was out of it, the memory of his nutty fight with Bush the previous spring had faded, while the President and I had kept each other’s problems fresh in the public mind.
在他退出的十个星期里,公众淡忘了春天他和老布什之间疯狂的争吵,而我和总统却使得各自的问题新鲜地呈现在公众眼前。 yeeyan

Its seeds have a light, nutty taste, and when cooked become almost translucent.
其种子有淡淡的坚果味道,煮好后几乎是半透明的。 yeeyan

Just don't go nutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories.
当然你要注意别贪嘴涂抹过多的花生酱,毕竟它拥有较高的卡路里含量。 kekenet

One of the oldest condiments known to man, sesame seeds can add a nutty, nutritious crunch to any dish.
作为人类历史上已知的最古老的调味品之一,小小一粒芝麻,在调味的同时也为人们提供了丰富的营养。 kekenet

The other10 seed oils tasted about the same, slightly nutty and, well, fried.
其余10种种籽油都差不多,只是有点烫和焦。 yeeyan

The SNP furiously denounced Mr Gallagher as a“ nutty professor”.
苏格兰民族党猛烈抨击加拉格尔,说他是个“疯子教授”。 ecocn

The third feature of the elections was a sour and negative mood, shown not merely in a low turnout but also in wide support for a ragbag of far-right, populist, anti- EU or plain nutty parties.
大选的第三个特征就是这种消极悲观的情绪,这不仅体现在低投票人数上,也体现在对于一些杂乱无章党派的广泛支持上,包括极右派、平民主义者、反欧盟者和一些疯狂党派。 ecocn

Today’s web is a colorful, visual, practical, nutty, busy, friend- filled, fun and incredibly useful place.
现今的网络是一个丰富多彩的地方,它可见、实际、简单、繁忙、充满了朋友和乐趣,而且是非常有用的。 yeeyan

Today e- mail is abused as much as it's used, by spammers, marketers, nutty uncles and others who bombard our inboxes.
而今天电子邮件被使用得多普遍就被滥用得多厉害,垃圾邮件传播者、促销人员、怪蜀黍们经常轰炸我们的收件箱。 yeeyan

Until Congress can provide better leadership, expect the opposition, social activists and nutty gurus to take advantage.
在国大党为他提供一个更好的领导岗位之前,除了反对派,他也就只能利用那些社会活动家和疯狂的古鲁了。 ecocn

We both agree to abide by his opinion, unless something really nutty happens, like Brown says that aliens communicated with him and that's why he's siding with one of us in the lawsuit.
我们都同意服从他的意见,除非出现了什么真正疯狂的事情,比如说布朗声称外星人和他做过了沟通,所以他站在了这个法律纠纷的某一边等等。 yeeyan

Wild rice is actually a grass that is often cooked with brown rice to add a nutty taste and more texture.
野水稻实际上就是一种草,它通常和糙米煮在一起,会有坚果味也更有口感。 yeeyan




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