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词汇 nuts and bolts
释义 nuts and bolts nʌtsændbəults 短语³⁷⁶¹⁶
detailed practical information about how something works or how something can be accomplishednuts and bolts具体细节
用作名词You can't propose lofty goals without specifying thenuts and boltsof how they are to be achieved.你不能只提议高远的目标而不明确指出如何达成的具体细节。noun.basic parts
同义词 bare bones,basic details,basics,brass tacks,essentials,fundamentals,innards,inner workings,mechanics,nitty-gritty,no frills,practical details,practicalities,workings
basicsnoun fundamentals
ABC's,bare bones,brass tacks,elements,essentials,first steps,foundation,nitty-gritty,principles,rudiments,the three R's
bottom linenoun center or central factor
basis,conclusion,core,crux,determination,essence,fiber,final decision,fundamentals,income,key point,last word,loss,main idea,main point,main thing,meat and potatoes,name of the game,net,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,point,profit,reality,sum and substance,what it's all about,whole story
detailnoun feature, specific aspect
ABCs,accessory,article,brass tacks,chapter and verse,circumstantiality,component,count,cue,design,dope,element,fact,factor,fine point,fraction,item,meat and potatoes,minor point,minutia,nicety,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,part,particular,peculiarity,plan,point,portion,respect,schedule,singularity,specialty,specification,structure,technicality,thing,trait,trivia,triviality
essentialnoun necessity, basic
ABCs,bottom line,brass tacks,condition,element,essence,fire and ice,fundamental,groceries,guts,heart,meat and potatoes,must,name of the game,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,part and parcel,precondition,prerequisite,principle,quintessence,requirement,requisite,rudiment,sine qua non,stuff,substance,vital part,where one's at
executionnoun carrying out of a task
accomplishment,achievement,administration,completion,consummation,delivery,discharge,doing,effect,enactment,enforcement,fulfilling,implementation,nuts and bolts,operation,performance,prosecution,realization,rendering,style
foundationnoun basis for something physical or mental
ABCs,authority,base,basics,bed,bedrock,bottom,bottom line,brass tacks,foot,footing,ground,groundwork,guts,heart,infrastructure,justification,nitty-gritty,nub,nuts and bolts,prop,reason,root,setup,stay,substratum,substructure,support,underpinning,understructure Factories that spring up alongside new roads and railways operate round-the- clock to make whatever nuts and bolts are needed anywhere in the world.
沿新建公路和铁路迅速增加的公司日夜开工,生产世界任何一个角落需要的基本物件。 ecocn

From a more nuts and bolts standpoint, it might take reworking the numbers on a lot of abilities to get it there.
更简单的说,这一改动也许会导致我们也要修改大量的技能。我们正在考虑如何实施这样的改动。 ngacn

The nuts and bolts of running COBOL programs in multiple threads are that you must compile all COBOL programs with the THREAD compiler option.
在多线程上运行 COBOL程序的基本要点就是必须使用 THREAD编译器选项对所有 COBOL程序进行编译。 ibm

But the ELA is attempting to understand more than just the nuts and bolts of languages.
但是濒危语言联盟尝试理解的不仅仅是语言的基本要素。 ecocn

I will share some specifics of mine with you here, hoping that maybe you’ll be able to add some of these nuts and bolts to your own framework to make it work for you a little better.
在这里,我将同您分享我的一些详细信息,希望能够向您的“学习框架”增加一些具体细节,使其更好地服务于您。 ibm

The audit—a praiseworthy attempt to get to grips with the nuts and bolts of future economic growth—makes another point too. It is the serious mismatch between skills and opportunities.
这项审查还特别重视一点——十分令人称赞地握住未来经济发展的关键,那就是严重的技术与机会不匹配。 ecocn

The Centre holds public seminars and conferences on cyberspace law and policy, and practical workshops covering the nuts and bolts of dealing with certain issues and procedures.




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