

单词 nutcrackers
释义 nutcrackers 英'nʌtkrækəz美'nʌtkrækəz COCA¹¹⁵⁷⁶¹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
名词 nutcracker:
a compound lever used to crack nuts openany of various small short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak that feed on small nuts and insectsspeckled birds that feed on nuts
用作名词We can crack nuts in thenutcrackers.我们可以把坚果放在胡桃钳里轧碎。 A relative of jays and crows, nutcrackers hide pine seeds in the ground each autumn so they have a source of food during the Colorado Rocky Mountain winter.
星鸟属于松鸟和乌鸦的近亲,它在秋天的时候把松子藏在地底下,这样寒冷冬天的就有食物吃了。 putclub

Always practical, she used her Oscars for doorstops and occasionally as nutcrackers.
她总是出于实用把她的奥斯卡奖杯作门挡,偶尔也用来敲坚果。 yeeyan

Because nutcrackers are one of the best at remembering cache locations, researchers are studying them to find out why they have such great memories.
因为星鸟是最擅长记住储存位置的动物之一,研究人员正仔细观察它们,想找出星鸟拥有超强记忆力的原因。 putclub

Delights such as wooden toys, nutcrackers, clocks and lanterns, through to jewellery and glassware will all be available to purchase.
从木制玩具,胡桃钳,钟表,灯笼,到珠宝和玻璃器皿,到时候你可以买到很多惹人喜爱的东西。 www.zgmx360.com

Humans may be one of the smartest animals on the planet, but when it comes to remembering where things are, Clark's nutcrackers have us beat.
人类也许是世界上最聪明的动物之一,但说到记忆,克拉克新泽西州的星鸟比我们人类强多了。 tctd

Now researchers want to find out how the brains of nutcrackers are different from other brains.
现在,研究人员想找出星鸟的大脑有什么不同之处。 down02.putclub.com

Squirrels and Eurasian nutcrackers selected always the esculent seeds in Korean pine cones, about73.
松鼠和星鸦会选择具有萌发活力的红松种子贮藏在地被物下,在红松球果内种子只有73。 dictall

Nutcrackers with poor memories did not likely survive the harsh mountain winters.
记忆力差的星鸟在这么严酷的冬天也许不能生存。 putclub




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