

单词 nutcracker
释义 nut·crack·er 英ˈnʌtˌkrækə美ˈnʌtˌkrækɚAHDnŭtʹkrăk'ər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁷⁶⁷⁹BNC⁵⁸²¹²iWeb²²²⁰⁴
a compound lever used to crack nuts openany of various small short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak that feed on small nuts and insectsspeckled birds that feed on nutsnut,坚果,cracker,钳子。nutcrackn.裂-er名人|物⇒n.胡桃钳子²⁸;星鸟类²⁸;瘪嘴⁴⁴n.胡桃钳;坚果钳;鸟星鸟;钳子;乌鸦属Nucifraga caryocatactes鸟类;五十雀近义词 nuthatch五十雀

用作名词She dreams that thenutcrackercomes to life as a good-looking prince.她做梦,梦到这个胡桃夹子变成了非常英俊的王子来到了她的身边。 The author and the composer may have had unusual characteristics, and the story of the Nutcracker itself may be bizarre, but its popularity endures.
剧作家和曲作者可能都有着非同寻常的性格特征,而《胡桃夹子》的故事本身也可能离奇怪诞,但它受欢迎的程度却持续至今。 zftrans

Think of “The Nutcracker” and you imagine chimes and snowflakes.
一提到胡桃夹子,你就联想到钟鸣和雪花。 yeeyan

At that moment, however, the Nutcracker chances to step backwards, trampling on none other than Madam Mouserinks.
然而就在那时,他碰巧向后退了一步,正好一脚踩住了鼠灵斯女士。 zftrans

For a species that was supposed to be eating a lot of abrasive foods, Nutcracker Man had teeth that showed very little sign of pitting.
对于一个被认为为食用很多高磨损性食物的种群,胡桃钳子人的牙齿却只有很小的磨损迹象。 ecocn

Hoffmann, the author of the original Nutcracker story, was as peculiar as many of his characters.
《胡桃夹子》这篇故事的原作者霍夫曼就像他故事中的人物一样性格怪诞。 zftrans

I told her I’d be there for the important things, like her ballet performance in The Nutcracker at Christmastime, her school events, the trip to Renaissance Weekend, and her birthday party.
我告诉她,我会出席她的重要活动,比如圣诞节的《胡桃夹子》芭蕾舞演出、她就读的学校的大型活动、“复兴周末”活动和她的生日聚会。 yeeyan

If you want to shell a walnut, it helps to have a nutcracker.
要想剥核桃,最好准备个胡桃钳; acsf

If Santana really wants this holiday program to compete with“The Nutcracker, ” she would be wise to spruce up the stage set.
如果 Santana女士真的期望这个节日节目能媲美“胡桃夹子”,她应该知道如何舞台布景。 yeeyan

In his performance of the Nutcracker, he showed great technical brilliance.
在《胡桃夹子》的演出中,他展示出了高超的舞技。 iciba




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