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词汇 nurse
释义 nurse 英nɜːs美nɝsAHDnûrs ★★★☆☆常小初中高研IT牛4四COCA²¹⁶⁹BNC³⁰⁰⁴iWeb²¹⁵⁴Economist¹⁴⁹⁹⁰


person, usually female, trained to help a doctor to look after the sick or injured

C保育员; 保姆

woman or girl employed to look after babies or small children

vt. & vi. 护理

give special care to

vt. & vi. 喂,吃奶


vt. 抱,持

hold carefully and lovingly

vt. 心存,心怀

foster in mind

one skilled in caring for young children or the sick usually under the supervision of a physiciana woman who is the custodian of children
try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury;

He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs

maintain a theory, thoughts, or feelings;

bear a grudge

entertain interesting notions

harbor a resentment

serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped peopletreat carefully;

He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon

He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly

give suck to;

The wetnurse suckled the infant

You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places

nurse, cherish, cultivate, foster, nurture

这组词都可表示“照料或培育某人或某事”。其区别在于:nurse通常指养育婴儿或幼兽或照料无力自顾的病人; cherish着重指抚育或爱护; cultivate则指培养某种理想中的事物或感情; foster指鼓励、扶植或促进某事物的增长和发展; nurture则强调对后来发展起决定作用的教养或训练。例如:

All her time goes into nursing her old father.她的全部时间都用来看护她的老父亲。
They have cherished the child as one of their own.他们把这个小孩当作自己的亲生子女来抚养。
He cultivates an appreciation of abstract art.他培养对抽象艺术的鉴赏力。
The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.母亲设法培养儿子对音乐的兴趣,在他很小的时候就带他去参加音乐会。
Nurture your mind with good reading.以优秀的读物来发展你的心智。下面两个短语意思不同:

nurse sb in an illness


nurse sb through an illness









用作名词 n.
动词+~ask a nurse问护士call a nurse唤护士train a nurse培训护士employ a nurse雇用保姆形容词+~chief nurse护士长experienced nurse有经验的护士general-duty nurse值班护士industrial nurse职业保健护士male nurse男护士practical nurse未经正式训练但有实际经验的护士professional nurse专职护士trained nurse经过护士学校训练的护士young nurse年轻的护士dry nurse保姆wet nurse乳母,奶娘名词+~community nurse〈美〉社区护士graduate nurse经过护士学校训练的护士head nurse护士长hospital nurse医院的护士night nurse夜勤护士school nurse在校护士student nurse实习护士~+名词nurses' school护士学校介词+~at nurse在保姆领养中用作动词 v.~+名词nurse a baby给孩子喂奶nurse the garden管理花园~+副词nurse affectionately一往情深地护理nurse carefully细心地护理nurse devotedly忠诚地照料nurse kindly体贴地护理nurse sympathetically有同情心地护理nurse along小心地驾驶,使稳步前进nurse sb back to health护理某人使之恢复健康~+介词nurse a grudge against sb对某人怀恨在心nurse at one's mother's breasts吃母亲的奶nurse by以…治疗nurse embers into flame使余烬复燃nurse sb through an illness护理某人至病愈
nurse along v.+adv.

〈非正〉使稳步向前 cause (sth to advance steadily)

nurse back v.+adv.

护理…至… care sb/sth to recover

nurse sb/sth back to healthShe nursed the sick boy back to health.她看护生病的孩子使他康复。
nurse by v.+prep.

以…治疗 cure sth by doing sth

nurse sth by v-ingHe nursed his sore arm by using it very little.他尽量少用痛臂以养护它。
She nursed a bad cold by going to bed.她以卧床休息治疗重伤风。
nurse through v.+prep.

帮助…克服 give (sb help in succeeding in a difficulty)

故事记忆在一次 Course课程讲一个 Nurse护士偷病人 Purse钱包被带上 Court法庭身心都 Hurt伤害爱人送 Yogurt酸奶非常记忆nu奴〖拼音〗+r草〖编码〗+se色〖拼音〗⇒奴隶除草时看见色狼跟踪护士nurs=nutr-,哺育+e→喂奶,当奶妈→照顾,当保姆⇒护理,当护士。小学英语速记联想记忆:nurse护士带着purse钱包去上班故事记忆一个 Nurse护士丢了 Purse钱包近义词 nannycherishnourishpromotesupportn. mammyencouragenursemaidv. care for
用作名词n.Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to studying medical literature in her field.每个护士每周还用两个晚上来学习与她工作有关的医学文献。
There was a shortage of trained nurses.那时缺乏受过训练的护士。
The sick children are well taken care of by the doctors and nurses.这些生病的孩子得到了医护人员的精心照料。
The nurse took the children who were in her charge for a walk.保育员带着由她负责照料的孩子们散步。
The nurses see to it that the children are fed and dressed.保育员照料孩子们吃穿。
Mother puts the baby in the charge of Nurse while she is out.母亲外出时,将小孩交给保姆照料。
The nurses in the kindergarten never lose their temper even if the children are very naughty.即使孩子十分淘气,幼儿园阿姨也从不发脾气。
The nurse coaxed a smile from the baby.看护逗得孩子一笑。
Put the child to nurse.把孩子交给保姆照顾。
When the time comes, the cocoons are torn open by the ant nurses.到了时候,保育蚁便把茧撕开。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe child did not nurse after he was three months old.那小孩三个月后就不吃奶了。
She spent some time nursing during the war in a military hospital.战争期间,她在野战医院当过一段时间的护士。
S+~+ n./pron.He was ill for some days, and his wife nursed him kindly.他病了一些日子,他妻子体贴地照料他。
He threw an arm round my shoulder and nursed me step by step forward.他伸出一只手臂抱住我的肩膀,扶我一步一步地往前走。
There were three men to nurse me.有3个人护理我。
Mothers now have eight weeks off from work to nurse their new-born babies.现在母亲有八周假期给新生婴儿喂奶。
I don't know how she managed to knit while nursing the baby.我不明白她怎能做到一边给孩子喂奶一边打毛衣的。
The mother cat refused to nurse her kittens.母猫不给小猫喂奶。
He nurses his tomato plants carefully.他细心地照料他种的西红柿。
He's been nursing young plants.他一直在培养幼苗。
This coal will see you through if you nurse it right.这种煤如果你仔细照看着点,可以一直烧到最后。
I stayed in and nursed my cold.我患感冒卧床养病。
The two nations still nursed scars of the war they had fought in the Middle East.这两个国家仍在医治他们在中东战争中所受到的创伤。
She nursed a hope that she would succeed.她怀着成功的希望。
We sat very quiet, not speaking at all, each nursing his own fears and excitements.我们静静地坐着,一句话都不说,每个人又害怕又激动。
They were both nursed in a same town.他们俩是在同一个城市里长大的。
Now the young generation is nursed in luxury.现在年轻一代生活在优越的环境中。其他as Parenth.The performer, if properlynursed, would make good in a couple of years.如果好好培养,这位演员过几年就会成材。Pnursern.奶瓶Pnursemaidn.保姆Phead-nurse护士长Pday-nurse日班护士Pday-nursery托儿所Pnurserymaidn.保姆Pnight-nurse夜班护士Pfoster-nurse乳母保姆Pdry-nursevt.当保姆照顾Pnurserymann.苗木培养工Pnurseryn.托儿所苗圃温床Pwet-nursevt.做…的奶妈悉心照顾



汉语中的“保姆”,英语通常称dry nurse; 汉语中的“奶妈”,英语通常称wet nurse。



nurse可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时有被动意义。

用作名词Anursecame to put on a clean dressing for him.一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。
Thenursediluted the drug with saline water.护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
Thenurseis preparing the child to go to hospital.保姆正在为孩子住院作准备。用作动词We'll have to put the baby tonurse.我们只能请人照看婴孩。
You need a housekeeper tonurseyour property.你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。
This disease is very hard tonurse.这种病很难护理。
He insisted on staying up tonursethe child.他坚持不懈来护理这个小孩。noun.person who tends to sick, cares for someone
同义词 assistant,attendant,medic,registered nurse,therapistRN,caretaker,minder,sitterbaby sitter,foster parent,nurse practitioner,practical nurse,wet for, tend
同义词 cradle,feed,keep an eye on,look after,nourish,take care of,vaccinateadvance,aid,attend,baby-sit,cherish,cultivate,encourage,father,forward,foster,further,harbor,humor,immunize,indulge,inoculate,irradiate,medicate,mother,nurture,pamper,preserve,promote,serve,sit,succor,support,treatkeep alive,keep tabs on,minister to,see to,take charge of,wait on,watch out for,watch oververb.give milk, usually from breast
同义词 cradle,feed,nourishdry-nurse,lactate,nurture,suck,suckle,wet-nursebottle-feed,breast-feed,give suck
angel of mercynoun someone bringing help
Florence Nightingale,caregiver,lady with the lamp
attendverb care for
be in the service of,do for,doctor,look after,mind,minister to,nurse,serve,take care of,tend,wait upon,watch,work for
attendantnoun person who serves others
aide,alarm clock,assistant,auxiliary,baby sitter,bird dog,chaperon,companion,custodian,domestic,escort,follower,guide,helper,lackey,nurse,orderly,secretary,servant,understudy,usher,waitperson
babiedverb treat like a child
catered to,cherished,coddled,cosseted,cuddled,dandled,dote on,fostered,humored,indulged,nursed,overindulged,pampered,petted,pleased,satisfied,served,spoiled
babyverb treat like a child
cater to,cherish,coddle,cosset,cuddle,dandle,dote on,foster,humor,indulge,nurse,overindulge,pamper,pet,please,satisfy,serve,spoil
careverb tend to;look after
attend,baby sit,father,keep an eye on,keep tabs on,look after,mind,mind the store,minister,mother,nurse,nurture,pay attention to,protect,provide for,ride herd on,take pains,tend,wait on,watch,watch over And some bullied kids might just be looking for an escape from the hallways or playground and seek refuge with the school nurse, the researchers note.
一些受欺凌的孩子可能会从走廊或是操场找到逃避的方法,并且会从校园护士那里寻找庇护,研究人员注意到。 yeeyan

During your visit, the doctor, nurse, or health counselor also can help you think through how to tell your parents.
在这期间,医生,护士或健康顾问也可以帮助你思考如果告诉你的父母。 yeeyan

The patient nurse administered to the dying man.

The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.

The nurse dosed the patient with aspirin.

To be a nurse calls for endurance and patience.

“ He got everything that he wanted, ” said the nurse.
“他得到了他所想要的一切”,护士说。 yeeyan

“ Thanks, ” I smiled at the nurse and she smiled back.
“谢谢你。”我对护士笑了笑她也对我微笑了一下。 yeeyan

A nurse ripped open a fresh packet. “ They go in the patient, not on the floor, ” she snapped.
一位护士赶快撕开一包新的,厉声说:“这是给病人用的,可不是给地板用的。” yeeyan

As between child and parent or nurse it is not argued about because it is inevitable.
在孩子与父母或者保姆之间,这都是无可争辩的,因为这类的情况是不可避免的。 yeeyan

Because information was not shared between departments or between the hospital and the clinic, each doctor felt obliged to build a diagnosis and each nurse had to gather my data anew.
因为各个科室之间、医院和诊所之间不共享数据,每位医生都认为自己必须从头进行诊断,而每位护士都不得不重新收集数据。 yeeyan

Hell, why else was the doctor to whom he turned named Lord and the nurse who greeted him named Grace?
见鬼,难道还是别人?那个他求助的名叫上帝的医生还是那个向他打招呼的名叫慈悲的护士? ecocn

Her day was divided between us; no amusement usurped a minute: she neglected her meals, her studies, and her play; and she was the fondest nurse that ever watched.
她一天的时间全分给我们两个人了;没有一分钟是玩掉的:吃饭、读书和游戏她都不放在心上,真是位难得的、讨人喜的看护。 putclub

His wife is a nurse.
他的太太是一位护士。 kekenet

If the firms engineers succeed in doing so, the result will be like an electronic nurse that can keep an eye on someone and know when to call the doctor.
如果这些企业的工程师们能研制成功,那么将有可能出现一位密切关注病人的电子护士,并且它还知道何时该通知医生。 ecocn

If you are already a patient with TB and you are taking treatment, if after a few weeks of treatment at least some of these symptoms are not improving, you should inform your clinician or nurse.
如果你是一名结核患者并且正在接受治疗,如果在几周治疗之后至少其中一些症状仍未改善,你应通知你的临床医生或护士。 who

Suddenly, I remember the nurse coming to my side in the night and my Christmas present.
突然,我想起了在前晚,那个护士来到我床边,给我带来圣诞礼物。 yeeyan

Talk with your doctor or nurse about the following screening guidelines.
同你的医生或者护士谈谈如下筛查指标。 yeeyan

Terni Picked him off the ground, making him cry because he had never had someone other than his nurse pick him up.
特尼把艾利乌从地上抱了起来,这让婴儿大哭不已,因为除了自己的保姆,还没有人敢把他抱起来。 yeeyan

The nurse in me knows well that you really don’t have to say much. Just be there.
我的护士很清楚,这时候完全不需要说什么,只要出现,在旁边呆一会就好。 yeeyan

The nurse was a substitute who had not been there long.
那个护士只是一个帮手,在那儿工作时间不长。 yeeyan

Then one day, I met a girl, a wonderful girl, an army nurse, whose faith and stability were to change my whole life.
直到有一天,我遇见一位女孩,一位出色的女孩,这名随军护士的信念和执著将改变我的一生。 hjenglish

There stood a group of my coworkers, one with a box of tissues, which she passed around to each nurse who worked a Christmas Day she will never forget.
我的一群同事站在那里,一位护士带着一盒纸巾向每位同事分发,大家永远都不会忘记这个工作中的圣诞节。 yeeyan

This accident was caused by the negligence of a nurse.
这次事故是由一个护士的粗心大意造成的。 kekenet

Though I cannot say I made a gentle nurse, and Joseph and the master were no better; and though our patient was as wearisome and headstrong as a patient could be, she weathered it through.

When I reached there, I only saw the nurse arranging the bed you once slept on.
当我到那儿的时候,我只看见护士在整理你曾经睡过的床。 yeeyan




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