

单词 nullifying
释义 nul·li·fy·ing 英'nʌlɪfaɪ美'nʌləˌfaɪ COCA⁸³⁶¹¹BNC⁷⁴⁹⁰⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
declare invalid;

The contract was annulled

void a plea

show to be invalidmake ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of;

Her optimism neutralizes his gloom

This action will negate the effect of my efforts

近义词 void空的annul废除quash镇压abort流产avoid避免negate否定abolish废除reverse逆转cancel out消除negative否定的invalidate使无效neutralize使中立neutralise 中和使 … 中立…

用作动词The election results werenullifiedbecause of voter fraud.因为选民舞弊,选举结果无效。
Counterintelligence seeks tonullifythe enemy's espionage efforts.反间谍情报之目的是挫败敌人的间谍活动。
He has no right tonullifylaws.他无权废除法律。
An unhealthy diet willnullifythe effects of training.不健康的饮食会抵消锻炼的效果。 Matt Barnes is capable of playing tough, relentless defense on Wade and also of nullifying Miller.
马特·巴恩斯是个强硬的家伙,他会对韦德进行狠心的防守,还会让米勒失去功效。 www.kobechina.com.cn

Top USOC officials also said they would support the IOC nullifying the results of the relay teams Jones won medals with at the Sydney Olympics.
美国奥委会高层官员说﹐他们会支持国际奥委会取消在悉尼奥运会上有琼斯参加的美国接力队的比赛成绩。 tianya

A new spreading scheme is introduced for nullifying the multi- access interference(MAIfor CDMA systems.
提出了一种可以在多径环境下消除CDMA多址干扰的新扩频方案。 dictall

A theory of constrained matched filters is presented in this paper, by which the maximum output S/ N ratio could be obtained under constrained conditions of nullifying clutter.
本文提出了一种条件匹配滤波器理论。条件匹配滤波器是在满足零化杂波约束条件下使输出信噪比达到最大的滤波器。 cnki

Guilt, like all self- nullifying emotions, is a choice, something that you exercise control over.

He basically said no, you're actually nullifying the faithfulness of God.

In the last several years, many states have passed so-called sovereignty resolutions, largely symbolic, aimed at nullifying federal laws they do not agree with, mostly on health care or gun control.
在过去这几年当中,许多州政府已经通过了大部分是象征意义的,所谓的主权改革法案,主要是为了废除他们不同意的联邦法律,大部分是关于医疗改革或者是枪支管理。 donghairen

It does this by nullifying requests to known host names serving ads.
为此,它会取消要求已知主机投放广告。 anzhiwo

It proved so successful in nullifying opponents that many English sides later adopted it, changing the domestic game as a spectacle.
这个阵形已被证明是成功的,它可以有效冻结对手,后来也被许多英格兰球队所采用,改变了国内比赛的景象。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Obama enraged his base last week by nullifying an environmental regulation on ozone.
削减企业税。 对于上周关于保护臭氧层的环境法案的废除,奥巴马十分恼火。 yeeyan

This did not catch on when introduced in2002 because the problems it was intended to address, such as nullifying the power of the big servers, were soon being solved in other ways.
在2002年刚推出的时候并没有被广泛运用,因为那时候推出这类球的主要意图是抵消大力发球的球员产生的力量,但很快这个问题就以其他形式被解决了。 ecocn

Yet by plucking only their preferred parts from the report, Democrats and Republicans are in effect nullifying its purpose, which was to achieve consensus by demanding sacrifice from everyone.
然而,民主党和共和党只认可报告中符合自己利益的部分的做法实际上违背了报告的目的—要求每个人都作出牺牲,取得共识。 ecocn




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