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词汇 nuke
释义 nuke 英nuːk, njuːk美nuk, njukAHDn›k, ny›k ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁵⁸⁷⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb¹⁸¹²⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
strike at with firepower or bombs;

zap the enemy

bomb with atomic weaponscook or heat in a microwave oven;

You can microwave the leftovers

俚语,缩写自nuclear weapon.近义词 zap击溃bomb炸弹blow up爆炸destroy破坏wipe out消灭atomise使粉碎microwave微波obliterate涂去annihilate消灭atom-bomb原子弹轰atomize使分裂成原子…atomic warhead核弹头nuclear warhead核弹头thermonuclear warhead热核弹头

用作名词North Korea has test-fired anothernuke.朝鲜试爆了另一枚核武器。
We will not first use thenukeat any situation .我们在任何情况下绝不首先使用核武器。
China'snukesubs up for maiden parade.中国核潜艇将接受首次海上检阅。用作动词You're going tonukeyour fellow Russians!难道你要用核弹攻击你的同胞?
In the end, if we do almost lose, we'llnukethem, thats what I think.如果到了最后,我们快输了的时候,我们将会用核武器炸他们,我是这么认为的。noun.nuclear weapon
同义词 A-bomb,H-bombatomic bomb,atomic weapon,doomsday machine,hydrogen bomb,neutron bombverb.attack with nuclear weapons
同义词 annihilate,bomb,destroy,eliminate,incinerate,kill,obliteratewipe outverb.cook
同义词 bake,brown,heat,microwave,zapwarm up
atom bombnoun nuclear bomb
A-bomb,H-bomb,atomic bomb,atomic warhead,backpack nuke,doomsday machine,fission bomb,hydrogen bomb,neutron bomb,nuclear bomb,nuclear warhead,nuclear weapon,plutonium bomb,thermonuclear bomb,thermonuclear weapon
atomic bombnoun nuclear bomb
A-bomb,H-bomb,atom bomb,atomic warhead,fission bomb,hydrogen bomb,neutron bomb,nuclear warhead,nuke,plutonium bomb,thermonuclear bomb
cookverb prepare food, usually using heat
bake,barbecue,blanch,boil,braise,brew,broil,brown,burn,coddle,decoct,deep fry,doctor,escallop,fix,french fry,fricassee,fry,grill,heat,imbue,melt,microwave,nuke,panfry,parboil,percolate,poach,pressure-cook,reduce,roast,sauté,scald,scorch,sear,simmer,sizzle,steam,steep,stew,toast,warm up
destroyverb demolish, devastate
abort,annihilate,annul,axe,blot out,break down,butcher,consume,cream,crush,damage,deface,desolate,despoil,dismantle,dispatch,end,eradicate,erase,exterminate,extinguish,extirpate,gut,impair,kill,lay waste,level,liquidate,maim,mar,maraud,mutilate,nuke,nullify,overturn,quash,quell,ravage,ravish,raze,ruin,sabotage,shatter,slay,smash,smash-up,snuff out,spoliate,stamp out,suppress,swallow up,tear down,torpedo,total,trash,vaporize,waste,wax,wipe out,wreck,zap
destroysverb demolish, devastate
aborts,annihilates,annuls,axes,blot out,breaks down,butchers,consumes,creams,crushes,damages,defaces,desolates,despoils,dismantles,dispatches,ends,eradicates,erases,exterminates,extinguishes,extirpates,guts,impairs,kills,levels,lies waste,liquidates,maims,marauds,mars,mutilates,nukes,nullifies,overturns,quashes,quells,ravages,ravishes,razes,ruins,sabotages,shatters,slays,smashes,snuffs out,spoliates,stamps out,suppresses,swallows up,tears down,torpedo,totals,trashes,vaporizes,wastes,waxes,wipes out,wrecks,zaps
microwaveverb cook
bake,heat,melt,nuke,warm up,zap and the evidence presented by Britain and America that Saddam was actively and rapidly pursuing a nuke has come to seem especially dodgy.
因此英美提供的 “萨达姆正积极迅速地获取核武器”的证据就显得尤其危险原诡诈。 ecocn

In the end, Gates cut the satellites, the nuke- proof helicopter, the laser- firing jumbo jet prototype, the Future Combat Systems trucks, and, most symbolic, the F-22.
最后,盖茨削减了卫星、核直升机、激光发射大型喷气式客机的原型、未来作战系统的卡车、以及最具象征意义的 F-22。 yeeyan

Paradoxically, Israel’s new Nuke-capable missile that can target different parts of the world, is not considered a threat to Western eyes.
让伊朗觉得郁闷的是,以色列的新型导弹能够装备核弹头,能够打击世界任何地方,但是西方世界却不认为他们是个威胁。 yeeyan

Will physical spells like the Marines Stim Pack, the Ghosts Nuke, or Reaper Mines be disabled?
比如某些物理技能,枪兵的兴奋剂,幽灵的核弹,还是收割者的定时地雷,会被限制禁用吗? yeeyan

Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl of water and nuke on high for five minutes.
烧烤时,将一碗清水中加入几滴柠檬汁放入微波炉中,然后高火加热五分钟。 yeeyan

But during the Cold War, a handful of soldiers were ready to start a nuke fight, right up- close and personal, using portable launchers and low- yield bombs.
但是,在冷战时期,一小撮士兵准备使用便携式、低当量核弹发射器,发动一场近距离、面对面的核战争。 yeeyan

Even then, however, the malware would need to elicit elevated permissions to do any hardcore damage to the core OS; it could, unfortunately, nuke your relatively unprotected Home folder though.
然而,即使那样恶意软件也需要更高的权限才能够对 OS的核心造成伤害。 但不幸的是它会对相对没有保护的文件夹造成伤害。 yeeyan

Fear has made al- Qaeda the world’s top terrorist nuclear power, yet it possesses not a single nuke.
恐惧让基地组织成为世界顶级的恐怖核力量,但它不仅仅拥有核武器。 yeeyan

Furthermore, the red dot that Ghosts project when launching a Nuke at the moment, is somewhat easily avoided.
再者,目前核弹发射前的警戒红点非常明显,所以核弹攻击其实是很容易被避免的。 yeeyan

If an asteroid is porous, for example, dropping a nuke on the surface would merely separate it into smaller but possibly still dangerous pieces.
比方说,如果是一颗多孔洞的小行星,那么发射核武器只会炸出更小更危险的碎片。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the nuke crisis worsens in Japan, as radiation fears spike.
同时,日本的核危机不断恶化,对辐射的恐惧也不断加剧。 yeeyan

New U.S. nuke reactor goes online in Georgia, first planned since Three Mile Island crisis.
美国新核反应堆自三哩岛危机以来开始策划,终于在格鲁吉亚开始实施。 yeeyan

Now, if portly teenage domestic terrorists got their hands on a loose nuke, that really might be the sum of all fears.
现在,如果国内肥胖的青少年恐怖分子把手搭在即将起爆的核弹上,这可能确实是所有“恐惧的总和”。 yeeyan

One terrorist nuke, assembled from stray ex- Soviet fissile material, can ruin your whole day.
一场由遗失的前苏联核燃料制造的恐怖主义核攻击可以毁掉你的一整天。 yeeyan

Over Taiwan, China reserves the right to nuke what it says are its own people.
对于台湾,中国称保留使用核武的权利。 ecocn

Seismic activities have been detected near the same side with the North's first tested nuke in2006.
地震监测装置显示,在与朝鲜2006进行第一次核试验地点相同的方向发生人工地震。 hjenglish

Some suspect that Mr Obama’s earlier nuke-boosting was a ploy to win Republican supportwhich never materialised for a climate bill.
有人怀疑奥巴马早期提出发展核电只是争取共和党对气候法案支持的花招。 ecocn

The book doesn't end with the destruction of the world, as the rogue bomber gets shot down before it can drop its nuke on the Russians.
原著结尾并不是世界遭到毁灭,而是那架红色轰炸机在向俄罗斯人发射核弹前就被射了下来。 yeeyan

Why did you start to write Nuke?
是什么促使你开始写 NUKE这个程序? yeeyan

Nuke any obstacles that may interfere with your new habit.
排除掉任何影响你养成新习惯的障碍。 yeeyan




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