

单词 nuisances
释义 nuisances ˈnju:sənsiz COCA⁵¹³³¹BNC³⁴³³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.讨厌的东西人;行为麻烦事nuisance的名词复数;非法妨害;滋扰行为原型nuisance的复数 Absence of Nuisances. Rotation prevents clogging; provides efficient aeration; eliminates foaming and odor problems.
关于其他问题。旋转可以阻止堵塞,提供有效的充氧,去除泡沫和气味问题。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Already, at least for Americans under a certain age, the post delivers only bad news or nuisances, from jury summonses to junk mail.
至少对于某一年龄段的美国人来说,邮差送来的净是法院传票或垃圾邮件什么的,只会带来坏消息或麻烦事。 ecocn

And the stumps that remain are often viewed as nuisances, chewing up property and stubbornly difficult to remove.
残留的红杉树桩通常被视为累赘,即占地方又难以根除。 yeeyan

It's something to have a family after all, nuisances though they can be at times.
毕竟有了一个家真不容易,尽管家庭有时是令人讨厌的地方。 hotdic

On an average day, it holds1,500 to1,700 inmates who are severely mentally ill, most of them detained on minor charges, essentially for being public nuisances.
这里平均每天收容着1,500到1,700名有严重精神病的犯人,大多数是由于轻微的罪行而被拘留的,主要是有骚扰公众的行为。 hotdic

The mere nuisances he changed to animals or plants.
不那么棘手的敌人被变成了动物和植物。 blog.sina.com.cn

Accumulation of refuse, choked or defective plumbing systems, water dripping from air-conditioners, and water seepage inside private premises are common sanitary nuisances.
垃圾堆积、喉管淤塞或损坏、冷气机滴水、私人住宅渗水等都是常见的环境卫生滋扰。 hotdic

AMERICA and other countries still have to fine- tune their cyber- defences to distinguish mere nuisances from real menaces.
美国与其他国家仍须调整网络防御措施,以区分单纯的滋扰和真正的威胁。 ecocn

As accident is gradually becoming one of public nuisances, management department is attaching more and more importance to contingency plans.
随着交通事故逐渐的成为当今社会严重的社会公害之一,交通应急预案的工作越来越被管理部门所重视。 all-china-times

As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation, these chemicals can build up to become health nuisances.
由于办公室和住家往往通风不良,这些化学物质会愈积愈多进而成为危害健康的物质。 iciba

But organised crime, often hidden from public view, may well continue to take a back seat to more obvious nuisances.
然而,通常隐匿于公众视野后的有组织犯罪可能继续让步于更明目张胆的滋扰。 ecocn.org

But they might actually be minor nuisances by comparison to all the positives.
但是与所有的积极一面相比较,他们或许不是那么令人讨厌。 yeeyan

During China's top test, which starts today, the students are exempt from the nuisances of noise, traffic jams and any other possible disturbances at this crucial moment.
高考今日开考,高考是考生人生中至关重要的一刻,在此期间,考生不会受到噪音,交通堵塞及其它干扰的影响。 bbs.cqupt.edu.cn

E-mail disclaimers are one of the minor nuisances of modern office life, along with fire drills, annual appraisals and colleagues who keep sneezing loudly.
电邮免责声明是现代办公室生活中的小骚扰之一,其它骚扰则是火警演戏、年度评比和同事大声连续打喷嚏。 ecocn

Enterprises may conclude environmental protection agreements with local residents or local governments to prevent the occurrence of public nuisances.
事业得与所在地居民或地方政府签订环境保护协定,防止公害之发生。 cntranslators

Nowadays, though, we have a new tool for resolving those tip- of-the- tongue nuisances: look it up on the internet.
话虽然这么说,在当今社会中我们有了来解决舌尖现象的新的工具:那就是去网上搜索一下吧。 yeeyan

Oil Rocks is a monument to development that is unchained by nuisances like planning and safety regulations.
石油之岩象征着一种不受管束的发展模式:没有周密的计划,也没有安全规则。 yeeyan

Relating to social effect, juvenile delinquency has become one of the three global public nuisances and serious social problem.
在社会效应上,未成年人犯罪已经成为世界范围内严重的社会问题之一。 fabiao

The timing was perfect: The West Nile virus scare had elevated mosquitoes from irritating nuisances to life- threatening disease carriers.
这次演示非常成功:利用人们对于西尼罗河病毒的恐惧使人们对蚊子从厌恶的害虫上升到对生存威胁致命病毒的携带者。 yeeyan




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