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词汇 nugget
释义 nug·get 英ˈnʌgɪt美ˈnʌgɪtAHDnŭgʹĭt ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA¹⁶⁹⁴³BNC⁵⁰¹¹⁹iWeb¹⁰⁹⁹⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a solid lump of a precious metal especially gold as found in the earth来自英语方言nug,块,可能来自lug,大块,木头块,-et,小词后缀。后用来指金属块,金块。gold nugget块金weld nugget点焊熔核,焊点熔核…coconut nugget椰子牛轧糖
nug块+g双写+et指小名词后缀→小块金子⇒天然金块。近义词 lump块clump丛wad填料piece件bit少量hunk大块mass大量tidbit趣闻titbit珍品chunk矮胖的人或物…

用作名词I wanted to keep thatnuggetfor trial.我把金子留到法庭上用。
The terrorists out there use everynuggetof information to help develop their master plan.那些恐怖主义分子是在利用一切重要情报帮助实现他们的总计划。
He dipped the chickennuggetinto the sauce.他把鸡块沾浸酱汁里。
Yes. Can I have a BigMac Combo and a twenty-piece chickennugget?是的,我想要一份麦香堡套餐和一份20块鸡块。noun.lump, solid piece;often of metal
同义词 bullion,chunk,clod,clump,gold,hunk,ingot,mass,plum,rock,treasure,wadore asset
beannoun small hard pellet
chunknoun mass, slab of something
clumpnoun mass of something
gobnoun lump
goodnoun advantage, benefit
asset,avail,behalf,benediction,blessing,boon,commonwealth,favor,gain,godsend,good fortune,interest,nugget,plum,prize,profit,prosperity,service,treasure,use,usefulness,welfare,well-being,windfall
hunknoun chunk of solid material
a lot,batch,bit,block,bulk,bunch,clod,glob,gob,large piece,loads,loaf,lump,mass,morsel,nugget,piece,pile,portion,quantity,slab,slice,wad,wedge I’m here to tell you about a really cool nugget of awesome that I got from our conversation.
我写这些是要告诉你们我在这场对话中所领会到的精彩,一些真正受用的东西。 yeeyan

Leave the bottom left nugget till last. False bricks give you access to most of the nuggets, but they are not symmetrically placed.
最后再拣左下角的那块金。假砖块可以让您收集到大部分金块,但它们并不是对称分布的。 launchpad

Most of these movies start with a nugget of real science, but“ they simply don't always treat the science very well, to put it mildly, ” he said.
这些电影刚开场都还遵循实际的科学原理,可是,“老实说,它们对科学都拿捏不好。” yeeyan

The California Natural Resources Agency says the largest nugget ever mined in the state was found in 1854 and weighed195 pounds.
援引加利福尼亚自然资源局的资料,美国史上开采的最大的金块,是1854年发现的,重达195磅。 yeeyan

The ring will likely be made from a nugget of Welsh gold.
戒指很可能是由一块珍贵的威尔士金打造而成。 yeeyan

“ Whatever you want to call it— a new chapter of Denver Nugget basketball— I think it can be fun,” Karl said.
“你想叫它什么就叫它什么—丹佛篮球新的篇章—我认为这样定义不错”卡尔说。 yeeyan

A woman’s body was dumped in a lot near the Golden Nugget, burned.
一个女人的尸体被丢在黄金酒店很近的地方,被烧死了。 yeeyan

But since the nugget, found last year in Nevada County, California, is believed to be the largest one left from the state's gold rush, it has special value.
自从巨型金块去年从内华达县发现后,就被认为是国家淘金热后遗留下的最大一块,无疑具有非凡价值。 yeeyan

Considering the money that is spent on brand advertising, knowing how your branded search audience differs from that of the competition should be a valuable nugget of information.
考到到品牌广告的费用,知道搜索自己品牌的网民是如何不同于竞争品牌,应该具有高度的信息含金量。 yeeyan

Golden Nugget also wants to expand its consumer audience and add new players: The game targets women over30, one of the biggest segments of social games.
金块也想扩展其消费群、吸引新的玩家:游戏瞄准了30岁以上的妇女,而这是社交游戏玩家中比例最高的群体之一。 amazing-network-marketing

I saved this little nugget of knowledge for last because of how obvious it is.
我把这条黄金知识留到最后来说是因为睡觉的影响可是显而易见的。 yeeyan

I weigh the value and potential of this nugget before I dole it out.
我在说之前我认真衡量了这件事的价值和潜在的可能。 yeeyan

Instead of reading an entire page, he would type in a search word like “ college” to find Taney’s alma mater, assembling his information nugget by nugget.
不用通读一整页文字资料,他只需要在搜索框中输入“学校”就可以找到 Taney的母校,一小块一小块地收集整理相关资料。 yeeyan

Missile mail, in particular, is worthy of occupying a small nugget of the brain.
特别值得一提的,是“导弹快邮”,这条小知识绝对值得占据一点点你珍贵的脑容量。 yeeyan

Once our friend has found out why having thirty include files in each page is a bad idea, he has a nugget of knowledge that he can turn around and share with others.
一次我的一个朋友发现了为什么包含30个文件会引发问题,于是他转身和同事分享了这一收获。 yeeyan

Other protesters agreed, offering their American comrades this nugget of revolutionary advice: socialism can not only save China, it can also save the world.
其他示威者对此表示赞同,他们向自己的美国同志提供了如下的革命建议:社会主义不仅仅能救中国,也能拯救全世界。 yeeyan

Seeking advice without an open mind is like mining for gold while blindfolded: even if you came across a “golden nugget, ” you would never even realize it?
没有开明的思想却向别人寻求建议,就像蒙着眼睛挖金子一样:即使你路过金矿,你会发现那是金子吗? yeeyan

Sure, it may be rude and mean, but in most criticism, you can find a nugget of gold: honest feedback and a suggestion for improvement.
当然了,批判可能是粗鲁而刻薄的,但在大多数批判中,你可以找到一锭金子:诚实的反馈及改进的建议。 yeeyan

The nugget will be on display this weekend at the Sacramento Convention Center, she said.
金块这周将会在萨克拉门托会议中心展出。 yeeyan

They are forced into a balancing act as they juggle their time between their degree, extracurricular activities and that golden nugget of CV enhancement: work experience or internship.
他们被迫把时间有效平衡于学位证书,课程以外的活动和可提升履历含金量的经历,即工作经验或实习。 yeeyan

Ultimately, though, I suspect this particularly quotable nugget will have little impact on the searching habits of internet users.
最后,虽然我怀疑这“被广为津津乐道的言论”大概不会对网民的搜索习惯产生什么影响。 yeeyan




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