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词汇 Nuevo
释义 Nuevo
Carlos Jáuregui, who was Nuevo León’s chief security official until March, reckons that more than half the officers in the state were being paid by organised crime.
于三月卸任的新里昂州安全总长卡洛斯·哈乌雷吉曾说,全周有一半的警官都在向犯罪组织收钱。 ecocn

In the case of the two victims found on the Nuevo Laredo bridge Tuesday, their ears and fingers were mutilated, said Mancillas, who works for the public prosecutor's office.
星期二新拉雷多的桥梁上所发现两名受害人的案件中,他们的耳朵和手指被肢解,在公众检察官办公室工作的米恩萨拉斯说。 yeeyan

Mr Shurtleff proposes an arrangement between Utah and individual Mexican states such as Nuevo Leon, in the north-east.
舒特尔夫 Shurtleff提出一项只适用于犹他州和个别墨西哥州的计划方案,比如位于墨西哥东北部的新莱昂州。 ecocn

On May12th the army overran a Zeta camp in the state of Nuevo León, seizing55, 000 rounds of ammunition,109 grenades and124 heavy weapons, among other booty.
5月12号政府军队占领了一个 ZETAS在 Nuevo leon州的一个兵营,查获了55,000发子弹,109枚手雷和124件重武器,以及其他一些物品。 ecocn

On September13th two bodies were found hanging from a bridge in Nuevo Laredo, on Mexico’s northern border, with a sign promising the same treatment to all“ gossips on the internet”.
9月13日,有两具尸体被发现悬吊在墨西哥北部边境新拉雷多市的一座桥上,尸体上挂着一块标牌,宣告所有“在网上流言蜚语”的人将受到同等处置。 ecocn

ONE of the twinned cities that straddle America’s southern border with Mexico are as historically close as Laredo, in Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, in Mexico.
美国南部,美墨边界。 位于德克萨斯州的拉雷多与墨西哥的新拉雷多是姊妹城市,其历史渊远流长。 ecocn

The prison is located in the city of Nuevo Laredo, just across the border from Texas in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas.
监狱位于新拉雷多市,正对面是塔毛利帕斯州东北部的得克萨斯州的边界。 tingclass

The settlement at Laredo predates Texas, and what is now Nuevo Laredo was originally part of it before being separately established on the Mexican side after Mexican- American war of1847.
先有人定居在拉雷多,然后才有了德克萨斯州,而现在的新拉雷多曾是其一部分,直到1847年美墨战争之后才成为了墨西哥的一座城市。 ecocn

As a co- adviser to Lehigh’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders, she helped lead efforts to design and build a20,000- gallon water- storage tank and chlorination system in Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras.
作为里海大学篇无国界工程的联合顾问,她在普韦布落,新拉雷多,洪都拉斯帮助引导他们设计和建造一个20,000加仑的蓄水箱和氯化装置。 yeeyan

At least141 inmates escaped Friday from a prison in Mexico's northeast border city of Nuevo Laredo, CNN reported.
CNN报道,本周五在墨西哥东北部的边境城市新拉雷多至少有141名囚犯逃狱。 hxen

Attackers left her topless, dangling by her feet and hands from a bridge in the border city of Nuevo Laredo.
攻击者留下了她赤裸裸的上身,她的脚和手在边境城市新拉雷多 Nuevo Laredo的桥梁上摇晃着。 yeeyan

But high-tech businesses reckon that their intellectual property is safer there than in China, says Othón Ruiz, Nuevo León’s development minister.
但是新莱昂州发展部长 Othón Ruiz表示,高科技企业认为墨西哥的知识产权保护做得比中国好。 ecocn

Foreign investment in Nuevo León held steady last year, at$1.4 billion.
去年在新莱昂州的外国投资保持在14亿美元。 ecocn

Guerrero state, where Acapulco is located, has the third highest rate of murders in Mexico after the northern border states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon.
阿卡普尔科市所在的格雷罗州是全墨西哥除北部边境城市齐瓦瓦以及新莱昂州外的第三大谋杀案最多城市。 jfdaily

In a news conference Friday, Rodrigo Medina, the governor of the state of Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is located, showed video from security cameras of the gunmen arriving at the casino Thursday.
蒙特雷市所属的新莱昂州州长梅迪纳在星期五的记者会上,播放了赌场保安摄像机星期四拍到的枪手抵达现场的画面。 tingvoa

In Nuevo León, manufacturing jobs are returning to pre- recession levels.
在新莱昂州制造业的工作数也恢复到了经济衰退前的水准。 ecocn

Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo.
研究员里卡多·米恩萨拉斯·卡斯蒂略 Ricardo Mancillas Castillo说,四年里在新拉雷多 Nuevo Laredo还没有遇到过针对网民的威胁。 yeeyan

It was the capital of the province of Nuevo Mexico when Mexico became independent. And it was the capital of the New Mexico territory before the territory became a state.
当墨西哥独立后,它又是纽渥墨西哥 Nuevo Mexico省的首府,而在新墨西哥成为美国一个州之前又还是新墨西哥的首府。 yeeyan

Many locals fear that the respite is temporary, but Javier Treviño, the deputy governor of Nuevo León, believes Monterrey is now over the worst.
许多当地人仍心存疑虑,认为这种缓和是临时性的,然而买新里昂州的代理州长哈维尔·特雷维诺认为,蒙特雷最黑暗的日子已经过去了。 ecocn

Now, the bad. Nuevo León, Mexico's richest state and previously among its safest, has leapt from610 cases in all of2010 to 1,359 so far this year.
但是糟糕的一面是,如今新莱昂州-----墨西哥最富有也是之前最安全的州---的犯罪事件几经从去年610起事件上升到至今发生的1,359起。 ecocn

The trial judge said that, taking into account the age of Nuevo Leon, and the guilty plea and criminal records, the actual sentence will be reduced to18.

Nuevo Leon has seen a surge in drug violence since the Zetas gang split with its former employer, the Gulf cartel.
新莱昂自从泽塔斯帮派和它原先的雇主海湾卡特尔分裂后,已出现了毒品暴力激增。 aitrans




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