

单词 nudist
释义 nudist 'nju:dist BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion来自nude,裸体的。钱博士nud裸+ist主义者,行为者⇒裸体主义者
nud裸+ist主义者,行为者⇒裸体主义者。近义词 naturist=nudist天体运…

用作名词My family and I are joining anudistcolony.我的家人和我加入了一个裸体主义群体。用作形容词My family and I are joining anudistcolony.我的家人和我加入了一个裸体主义群体。 Embracing the concept of body acceptance is an admirable trait found in the nudist lifestyle yet a trait not shared by Dallas society at-large.
拥抱“身体接纳”的理念是令人敬佩的,对于裸癖者来说,这种生活方式无需与达拉斯的普通社会大众分享。 yeeyan

In Prerow, for example, nudists created one of the GDR's first nudist campsites, where demand for pitches was massive.
比如普雷罗,它是民主德国最早的裸体主义营地之一,这里的海滩上需要大量帐篷。 yeeyan

The idea of going to a walled- off nudist club or colony populated with single elderly guys in sandals and socks, to me that's just too cultish and weird.
参加那些由上了年纪的只穿着凉鞋与袜子的老人们构成的,并且用围墙隔离起来的天体俱乐部或群体,这对我来说有点像宗教崇拜,不可思议。 yeeyan

The gym did its research before opting to chase the nudist euro.
健身房在向天体主义者的欧元招手前,做过调查。 yeeyan

The theme that emerged was that as the gate to a nudist club closed behind me, more than my clothes would fall away.
主题是朝向天体爱好者俱乐部的一扇门在我身后关闭着,不只是我脱掉衣服这么简单。 yeeyan

There is some truth to the non- nudist opinion that nudists tend to be older, overweight and lacking in visual appeal.
非裸癖者地这种认为裸癖者都是些超重的缺乏吸引力的老人的观点部分是事实。 yeeyan

Especially once a person reaches retirement age, they often feel more freedom to indulge in the nudist lifestyle.
特别是一旦人到了退休的年纪,他们更觉得可以自由放纵他们的裸体生活方式。 yeeyan

If a member of the public makes a citizen's arrest, police also could charge a nudist with being a public nuisance.
如果某位裸体人士遭到多人投诉而被捕,还将被指控为妨害公众罪。 edu.sina.com.cn

Leanne Peters from the ACT Nudist Club in the capital Canberra said Australia would look like a “ haven for prudes” in the unlikely event that laws passed parliament.
来自堪培拉“首都裸体俱乐部”的琳尼•彼得斯表示,这样一来澳大利亚会变成“过分正经女人的避难所”,而该提案不太可能在议会获得通过。 iciba

Maddocks says the average age of Skinbook's roughly9, 000 members is between35 and40 years old and falling, while the common ages of nudist clubs and associations usually hover north of55 or60.
Maddocks称 Skinbook拥有的大约9000名会员的平均年龄在35到40岁再往下之间,而一般的天体俱乐部和协会的平均年龄通常在55岁或者60岁以上。 yeeyan

Most people who are reluctant to go naked in nudist places, wonder why they were worried after they have done it.
大多数人在裸体的地方会犹豫是否要裸露,在他们做了以后又开始纳闷为什么之前会犹豫。 yeeyan

My fiancee and I first went to a nudist beach six years ago.
六年前我与未婚妻第一次去了裸体海滩。 yeeyan

My boyfriend’s a nudist, too.
我男朋友也是裸体主义者。 yeeyan

New York City is one of the worst places on earth to be a nudist.
纽约是这个世界上最不适合天体主义者的地方。 yeeyan

Orde Wingate, the hero of the Chindits’ campaign in Burma, was an ardent nudist who never bathed. He scrubbed himself with a stiff brush, instead.
奥德·温盖特,缅甸钦迪特运动的英雄,是个狂热的裸体主义者,他从来不洗澡,改用一把硬刷子刮自己。 ecocn

Skinbook also skews more female and more couples, while most nudist outlets are dominated by single men.
Skinbook也更多地倾向于女性和夫妻,而大多数天体社区被单身男性主宰。 yeeyan

So would you call yourself a nudist?
你认为自己是一个裸体主义者吗? yeeyan

The most disconcerting part of my visit to a nudist camp I'll call“ Hidden Bush” occurred when I got in a discussion about the benefits of nudity with a longtime member I'll call“ Dick.”
在我参访我将称其为“隐藏的丛林” Hidden Bush的天体营时最尴尬的事情发生于我与一位我将称其为“迪克”的骨灰级会员讨论天体的好处之时。 yeeyan

This was because although nudism was tolerated, belonging to any kind of nudist organisation was banned.
这是因为,虽然这个国家可以容忍裸体主义,但却禁止任何形式的裸体主义组织。 yeeyan

When I told un-initiated people that I was going to Nude Nite, it conjured up salacious thoughts of some kind of party at a nudist resort.
当我告诉那些门外汉我要去参加裸体之夜时,他们想到的却是类似于裸体度假村的某种充满性欲的派对。 yeeyan




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