

单词 nucleoprotein
释义 nu·cle·o·pro·tein 英ˌnuːkliːəʊˈprəʊˌtiːn, -ˈprəʊtiːɪn, ˌnjuː-美ˌnuklioˈproˌtin, -ˈprotiɪn, ˌnju-AHDn›”klē-ō-prōʹtēn', -prōʹtē-ĭn, ny›”- BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁶⁰⁶⁴¹
any of several substances found in the nuclei of all living cells; consists of a protein bound to a nucleic acidribose nucleoprotein核糖核蛋白soluble nucleoprotein可溶性核蛋白…nucleoprotein antigen核蛋白抗原
nucleo-核proteinn.蛋白质⇒n.核蛋白质 The result showed that the relative DNA content is higher than that of normal fertile men, suggesting that some abnormality of DNA nucleoprotein complex might be the cause of some male infertility.
显示不育者精子核 DNA相对含量高于正常人,提示精子核 DNA核蛋白复合物异常可能是某些男性不育症的原因。 cnki

The crystal structure of the nucleoprotein is a trimer, with each monomer molecule shaped like a crescent.
核蛋白晶体构造是一种由三条大型分子链组成的三聚体,每一条支链形状就象鸡冠一样。 dictall

The extraction process of nucleoprotein and protamine from freshwater fish spermary was studied.
研究提取淡水鱼精巢中的核蛋白和鱼精蛋白的工艺条件。 cnki

Dynavax, a California biotechnology company, hopes to begin trials next year of a vaccine designed to spur antibodies against M2 and T cells against nucleoprotein.
加利福尼亚生物技术公司 Dynavax希望明年能着手试验旨在刺激对抗 M2的抗体疫苗和对抗核蛋白质的 T淋巴细胞疫苗。 yeeyan

Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into a nucleoprotein complex known as chromatin, which affects most processes that occur on DNA.
真核基因组被包装到叫做染色质的一个核蛋白复合体中,它影响了发生在 DNA上的大部分过程。 chinapubmed

In nuclear, RS combines with nucleoprotein RBS rather than nucleic acid directly.
在核内间接结合于核酸核蛋白 RBS上。 cnki

It laid a foundation for construction of nucleoprotein genetic vaccine was well for diagnostic reagent development.
上述结果为核蛋白在狂犬病基因免疫和免疫检测中的进一步应用奠定了基础。 cnki

Objective To construct a rabies virus nucleoprotein containing canine adenovirus type2CAV-2 recombinant, and to evaluate the biological and immunological properties of the recombinant virus.
目的获得具有感染性的狂犬病病毒核蛋白犬2型腺病毒,并对重组病毒生物学和免疫学特性进行初步探讨。 cnki

Objective To explore the method for internal quality control IQC of diagnostic kit for rabies virus nucleoprotein in laboratory.
目的探讨狂犬病病毒核衣壳抗原诊断试剂盒实验室内质控方法。 cnki

Objective To study the role and mechanism of nucleoprotein in DNA oxidation and mutagenesis induced by nickel.
目的探讨核蛋白在镍对 DNA氧化和致突变中的作用机制。 cnki

Objective: The extraction process of nucleoprotein and protamine from freshwater fish spermary was studied.
目的:研究提取淡水鱼精巢中的核蛋白和鱼精蛋白的工艺条件。 cnki

Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of Jujing granulation with blood circulation in the treatment of male sterility patient with abnormal nucleoprotein transition.
目的:研究聚精活血颗粒临床治疗核蛋白组型异常异常男性不育症的方法及疗效。 dictall

Rabies Recombinant Nucleoprotein, Horse anti-, FITC Conjugate.
狂犬病重组核蛋白,马抗, FITC标记。 advtechind




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