

单词 nuclear testing
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For example, Iran and US is in big argument on nuclear testing. Iran insisted that they just wanted to produce nuclear energy only.
伊朗和美国在核试验问题上的争论,伊朗坚持他们搞核试,只是想生产核能源而已。 blog.sina.com.cn

According to Godzilla's lore, America is blamed by Japan for creating the lizard monster through nuclear testing.
根据哥斯拉带来的教训,日本指责美国因为核试验的原因造成了这只蜥蜴怪兽的出现。 login.sina.com.cn

But he says it is still useful, making it less likely that North Korea will resume nuclear testing and freeing America to focus on the Middle East.
但是他现在仍强调其有效性,即能够让朝鲜恢复核试验的几率减小,而且还能够使美国腾出手来专心于中东事务。 ecocn

FIFTY years have passed since America ended nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands.
从美国最后一次在马绍尔群岛进行核试验至今,已经过去50年了。 ecocn

It quickly distinguished itself by its opposition to French nuclear testing in Polynesia.
很快,它就因反对法国在玻里尼西亚的核试验而成名。 ecocn

Now she and her crew are campaigning against French nuclear testing in Polynesia.
目前她和她的成员正在波利尼西亚与法国核试验进行斗争。 hjenglish

One, agreed on years ago though still not in force, bans all nuclear testing.
第一个,是虽然在若干年前通过但却仍然未能履行的核禁试条约。 ecocn

Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.

Some on Mr Bush's team oppose formal constraints on nuclear testing, come what may.
无论核禁试将带来什么后果,布什团队的一些人都反对正式限制核试验。 ecocn

Some entrepreneurs have even used tractors to wrench out hundreds of metres of cable from the former nuclear testing ground at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan.
在哈萨克斯坦的塞米巴拉金斯克,一些企业甚至使用拖拉机从以前的核试验场拽出几百米的电缆。 yeeyan

Sometimes disasters however settle karma between nature and human ancestries; and occasionally as in nuclear testing, it causes problems that are at human cause.
不过有时候,灾害解决了人类祖先史和大自然之间的业力,因为有时候在核试验中,是由人类一手造成了问题。 lingyuan

The prediction that particles could reach Britain within two weeks is based on previous data, gathered by scientists observing nuclear testing in China.
两周内粒子会到达英国的这一预测基于之前观察中国核试验的科学家收集的数据。 sinaurl.cn

Those controversies are now long gone, partly due to the ending of French nuclear testing.
现在这些冲突早已结束,部分原因是法国核试验的终止。 ecocn




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