

单词 nuclear test
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After all, in Seoul there are widespread fears of more attacks next year and possibly a third nuclear test.
毕竟,在首尔人们普遍担心明年将面对更多的袭击和可能进行的第三次核试验。 ecocn

After the nuclear test, the South reaffirmed its decision.
而在核试验后,韩国重申了这一决定。 ecocn

And yet this latest nuclear test surely destroys North Korea’s best chance in years to get on friendlier terms with the country it claims to fear most.
并且最近的这次核试验确实摧毁了朝鲜几年来同这个他宣称最为恐惧的国家达成一些友好条约的最好的机会。 ecocn

China had as much reason as anyone, or more, for falling in with international condemnation of the rocket launch, as it did after North Korea’s nuclear test.
中国比任何人都想加入到对朝鲜火箭试射的国际谴责声中,而当年在朝鲜核试验之后中国就发表了这样的谴责。 ecocn

India is breaking out of the nuclear quarantine imposed after its first“ peaceful” nuclear test in 1974.
印度已经突破了1974年第一次“和平”核试验后被强加在头上的核隔离。 edu.sina.com.cn

It claimed that it carried out its second nuclear test this spring only because the security council had “made an issue” of its rocket launch in April.
朝鲜还声明今年春天朝鲜之所以进行第二次核试验,只是因为安理会在朝鲜于四月开展的火箭试射上“横加阻扰”。 yeeyan

South Korean officials say North Korea test-fired three short-range missiles shortly after the nuclear test.
韩国官员表示,在进行核试验以后,北韩又进行了弹道试射,发射了三枚短程导弹。 ebigear




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