

单词 nuclear fuel
释义 nuclear fuel ˌnjuːkliəˈfjuːəl ★☆☆☆☆高短语³⁴⁰⁰⁹

fuel such as uranium that can be used in nuclear reactors as a source of electricity The North ejected nuclear inspectors, last month, and says it plans to reprocess nuclear fuel into weapons material.
北韩上个月驱逐了核监察人员,还说计划把核燃料再加工成武器级材料。 tingvoa

The several dozen workers now attempting to cool the overheating nuclear fuel at the Fukushima plant face the gravest danger from radiation sickness.
几十名目前正在福岛受损核电站试图冷却过热核燃料的工作人员面临着最严重的辐射病危险。 ebigear

The transportation and long-term disposal of nuclear fuel is remains a concern for nuclear plants.
对于核电站来说运输与长期核燃料的处理仍然是一个令人关注的问题。 yeeyan

But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted.
但是,像太阳这样的恒星,当核心的核燃料耗尽时,就会发生膨胀,成为胀大的红巨星。 yeeyan

Iran recently brokered a deal with Brazil and Turkey to ship out1.2 tons of its uranium in exchange for nuclear fuel.
伊朗最近与巴西和土耳其达成协议,同意把1.2吨的低度浓缩铀运往土耳其来换取核燃料。 www.voa365.com

The explosion, he said, was due to hydrogen buildup in the steam piping that mixed with oxygen, and that there was no damage to the container with the nuclear fuel.
他表示,这次爆炸是由于聚集在蒸汽管道的氢气与氧气混合而引发的,而且未对核燃料容器造成任何损伤。 ecocn

The conduit poses potential competition to Russia, a country on which Armenia remains highly reliant, for everything from nuclear fuel to grain.
这条管道对俄罗斯,这个亚美尼亚从核燃料到谷物都高度依赖的国家,造成了潜在的竞争。 yeeyan

The nuclear deal will allow American companies to sell nuclear fuel, reactors and technology to India.
这项核协定允许美国公司向印度出售核燃料、核反应堆与核技术。 ebigear




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