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And of the25% that goes to China's industry, the majority isn't recycled. That compares to a recycling average of as high as85% in developing countries.
相对于开发中国家平均的水重复利用率高达85%的相比,流向中国产业的25%的水,大多数是没有重复利用的。 yeeyan

According to these estimates, the proportion of men dying under the age of60 from NCDs can be as high as67%.
根据这些估计情况,男性在60岁之前死于非传染性疾病的比例可能会高达67%。 who

After adjusting the official figures for these two factors, several studies earlier this decade concluded that the true unemployment rate was above 10%-and might be even as high as20%.
就这两个原因调整官方数据后,本世纪初的一些研究得出这样的结论:真实失业率可能高达10%,甚至有可能在20%以上。 iciba

Estimates of the extent of click fraud vary, but it is generally thought to account for around 10% of clicks on advertisements, though some estimates range as high as50%.
对于点击欺诈在所有的点击中占的比例大家的估计千差万别,虽然有人估计高达50%,但是人们普遍还是估计占到所有广告的10%。 ecocn

Even in these difficult times we see “ Return on ad spend” ROAS as high as3500% from Internet marketing campaigns we run for our clients.
即使在现在的困难时期,我们为客户开展的互联网营销活动,仍然取得了高达3500%的广告支出回报 ROAS。 yeeyan

I normally hear that70% of their sales are offline but have also heard talk that the offline percentage could be as high as90%.
我通常听到的说法是该公司有70%的销售业务来自线下,但也有人说该比例高达90%。 yeeyan

In complex emergencies that cause massive population displacement, the case fatality rate for measles can be as high as30%.
在造成大规模人群流离失所的复杂紧急情况中,麻疹的病死率可高达30%。 who

In emerging economies, the proportion is estimated at10% but in many of the former Soviet republics it can be as high as20%.
在新兴经济体中,估计这一比例为10%,但是在许多前苏联加盟共和国中,比例可能高达20%。 who

Officially the rate is at10%, but some economists place it as high as30%.
官方公布的通胀率为10%,但一些经济学家认为实际通胀高达30%。 ecocn

Other bank lending was funneled into property across the country, resulting in single- month double- digit increases as high as20% in some regions.
其他银行贷款渗透到全国的房地产,在某些地区导致房价一个月内就上升十个百分点以上,甚至高达20%。 yeeyan

Our hotel savings go as high as55 percent off other leading travel sites.
与其它领先的旅游网站比较,我们的酒店节省可高达55%。 yeeyan

Some10-25% of all drugs sold are fakes, according to the World Health Organisation, and in some countries the proportion can be as high as80%.
根据世界健康组织的估计,所有市面上销售的药品中大概有10%-25%是假药,在某些国家,这个比率更是高达80%。 ecocn

The Guangdong Labor Ministry reckons11% of the workers did not return after the holiday; other estimates are as high as30%.
广东省劳动部估计11%的工人在节后没有返厂,一些其它的估算认为这一比例高达30%。 ecocn

The Guangdong Labour Ministry reckons11% of the workers did not return after the holiday; other estimates are as high as30%.
据广东省劳动与社会保障厅估计,节后有11%的农民工没有返粤;有些其它估计甚至高达30%。 yeeyan

This death rate may be as high as25% among people who are displaced, malnourished and have poor access to health care.
这一死亡率在流离失所、营养不良和难以获得卫生保健的人群中可能高达25%。 who

This represents40% of all injections given in developing countries; in some countries, the proportion is as high as70% of injections.
这在发展中国家的所有注射中占40%;在有些国家,该比例在所有注射中高达70%。 who

Unsafe injection practices: Data show that worldwide up to 40% of injections are given with syringes and needles reused without sterilization and in some countries this proportion is as high as70%.
不安全注射操作方面的数据表明,在全世界,反复使用未经消毒的针管和针头进行注射的比率高达40%,而且在某些国家该比例可高达70%。 who

Worldwide, up to 40% of injections are given with syringes and needles reused without sterilization and in some countries this proportion is as high as70%.
在全世界,高达40%的感染是由不经消毒重复使用的注射器和针头引起的。在有的国家,这一比例竟高达70%。 who

Younger investors should still load up on stocks, advisers say, ratcheting them to as high as80 percent of their portfolios.
理财顾问们说,年轻的投资者们还是应该大量持有股票,股票投资在他们的投资组合中应该占高达80%的比例。 yeeyan




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