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词汇 nucla
释义 nuclaCOCA¹³³¹⁹⁶
In the evening, we drive to the top of Nucla Hill.
晚上,我们开车到纽克拉山山顶。 yeeyan

On a Thursday night I’m the only customer, and the bartender, a woman named Casey, tells me that she just bought a three-bedroom house in Nucla for fifty-three thousand dollars.
某个周四的晚上,酒吧里就我一个客人,女酒保凯西告诉我,她刚在纽克拉花五万三千美元买了一座三居的房子。 yeeyan

That’s also when Nucla celebrates its annual Water Days, which commemorates the completion of the town’s irrigation system.
纽克拉每年要在这一天庆祝“水日”,以纪念镇上灌溉系统的建成。 yeeyan

There’s only one restaurant in Nucla, one hamburger joint in Naturita, and one bar for both towns.
纽克拉只有家餐馆,纳丘利塔只有个汉堡店,两个镇子一共就一间酒吧。 yeeyan

When Nucla is on offense, it’s eight- on- eight, but it becomes eleven-on- eleven when the other team has the ball.
纽克拉进攻时就是八对八,对方得球以后就变成十一对十一。 yeeyan

At the age of eighteen, Don married his high- school girlfriend, Kretha; eventually, they settled in Nucla and opened the Apothecary Shoppe.
在十八岁那年,唐和他在高中结识的女友科瑞莎结婚了;后来,他们在纽克拉定居并开了“药剂师专柜”。 yeeyan

But the nuclear industry collapsed after the Three Mile Island accident, in 1979, and the population continues to drop in Nucla and its sister town of Naturita, which is four miles away.
但在1979年三里岛发生事故以后,当地的核工业停产了,纽克拉和四英里外的姐妹镇纳丘利塔的人口持续下降。 yeeyan

Don Colcord has owned Nucla’s Apothecary Shoppe for more than thirty years.
唐.克尔克特在纽克拉经营一家叫“药剂师专柜”的药店已经三十多年了。 yeeyan

Don Colcord was born in Nucla, and he has spent all of his sixty years in Colorado, where community- minded individuals often develop some qualities that may seem contradictory.
唐·克尔克特出生在纽克拉,他这一辈子都生活在科罗拉多州,一住就是六十年。 在这里,有社区意识的个人总会有一些看起来矛盾的行为。 yeeyan

He grew up in Uravan, a mining town near Nucla, and his mother was a clerk in the pharmacy, where Don liked to hang around and watch the druggist.
他是在纽克拉附近的矿镇尤拉文长大的,他母亲在药店工作,他就喜欢泡在药店里看药剂师工作。 yeeyan

He has a pyrotechnics-display license, so that Nucla can have fireworks on the Fourth of July.
他有制造烟火并燃放的执照,所以在纽克拉每到独立日就有烟火表演。 yeeyan

He probably never would have mentioned the money that was owed to him, but somebody in Nucla told me and I asked about it.
赊账的事我是在纽克拉听别人说的,要不是我去问他这事,他可能永远都不会提起它。 yeeyan

Like most Nucla residents, Naslund doesn’t talk about his ancestors in terms of sociopolitical theories.
和纽克拉的其他居民一样,尼斯伦不去谈论先辈的政治观念。 yeeyan

On Friday nights, he announces Nucla High football games.
在周五晚上,他负责播报纽克拉高中的美式足球比赛。 yeeyan

The following year, Jim made a four-day visit to Nucla.
第二年,吉姆来纽克拉住了四天。 yeeyan

The pharmacist is Don Colcord, who lives in the town of Nucla.
药剂师叫唐.克尔克特,就住在纽克拉镇上。 yeeyan

When old ranching couples drive their pickups into Nucla, the wives leave the passenger’s side empty and sit in the middle of the front seat, close enough to touch their husbands.
上了年纪的牧场主夫妇把皮卡开进纽克拉的时候,妻子总是空出乘客一边的座位,坐到前排座椅的中间,紧挨着丈夫。 yeeyan




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