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词汇 Nubian
释义 Nu·bi·an 英ˈnuːbiːən, ˈnjuː-美ˈnubiən, ˈnju-AHDn›“bē-ən, ny›“- 高iWeb³¹¹⁷⁹
a native or inhabitant of Nubia;

Nubians now form an ethnic minority in Egypt

用作名词It was built after they finished work to display their finds and explain the distinct history of theNubianpeople.这项工作完成之后,重新展示了他们的新发现和进一步解释了不同历史时期的努比亚人。用作形容词It was built after they finished work to display their finds and explain the distinct history of theNubianpeople.这项工作完成之后,重新展示了他们的新发现和进一步解释了不同历史时期的努比亚人。 A pity, then, that the great Nubian who accomplished these feats is literally faceless to us.
遗憾的是,我们实际上对一位有着如此丰功伟绩的伟大努比亚君主的模样几乎一无所知。 yeeyan

Or, as Henry Aubin’s provocative book, The Rescue of Jerusalem, suggests, was it actually the alarming news that the aforementioned Nubian prince was advancing on Jerusalem?
就如同亨利·奥宾在那本饱受争议的《拯救耶路撒冷》一书中所说的那样么? 还是上文所述的努比亚王子亲率大军来救耶路撒冷的惊人的消息起到了作用? yeeyan

PETER LACOVARA is curator of ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern art at the Michael C. Carlos Museum.
王泽拉科瓦拉是馆长古埃及,努比亚人,和近在迈克尔卡洛斯博物馆东方艺术。 egyptchina

Piye was the first of the so- called black pharaohs—a series of Nubian kings who ruled over all of Egypt for three-quarters of a century as that country’s25th dynasty.
所有在第25王朝统治了埃及四分之三个世纪的努比亚国王中,佩伊是第一位被称为黑皮肤法老的人。 yeeyan

THE NUBIAN: The gods of my country are very fond of blood.
我国的神酷爱鲜血。 yeeyan

The East African Rift System bisects the horn of Africa— the Nubian plate to the west moving away from the Somalian plate to the east— before forking down either side of Uganda.
东非大裂谷构造先是将非洲之角一分为二西侧的努比亚板块与东侧的索马里板块反向漂离,然后又沿着乌干达的边界发生分叉。 yeeyan

The Libyans say they may stop growing wheat using water from the NWSAS and the Nubian sandstone aquifer system, the world’s largest fossil aquifer, which they share with Egypt, Chad and Sudan.
利比亚人称他们将停止使用西北撒哈拉水系统和努比亚砂岩水系统世界上最大的化石含水层,为埃及、乍得、苏丹共同拥有的水来种植小麦。 yeeyan

About two months later, Jenniskens was standing, map in hand, in the middle of the Nubian Desert near the end of a seemingly interminable day wondering whether he had made a mistake.
大约两个月后,杰尼斯肯斯手捧地图,站在努比亚沙漠之中,又是漫长的一天,他开始怀疑自己是不是搜错地方了。 yeeyan

Around the 15th year of his rule, amid the grandiosity of his empire- building, a touch of hubris was perhaps overtaking the Nubian ruler.
在他统治的第15个年头,王国的建设热火朝天。 到这个时候,这位努比亚统治者自大的情绪开始蔓延开来。 yeeyan

Behind him stood a brass- turbaned Nubian, naked down to the waist, and with heavy earrings in his split ears.
背后立着头戴铜帽的努比亚人 Nubian,赤裸着上身,割裂的双耳上挂着沉重的耳环。 yeeyan

hence their interest in Nubian art.
因此关心努比亚艺术。 ecocn

His uncle Shabaka had established a Nubian presence in Memphis and Thebes.
他的叔叔沙巴卡在古孟菲斯和底比斯建立了一个努比亚王朝。 yeeyan

I will definitely keep buying this although I do like the other nubian heritage soaps too.
我一定会继续购买这虽然我不喜欢其他肥皂努比亚文物了。 deyi

In 669 B.C. Esarhaddon died en route to Egypt, after learning that the Nubian had managed to retake Memphis.
公元前669年,以撒汉顿得知努比亚人打算收回孟菲斯,于是赶往埃及,但却在在前往埃及的半路上去世了。 yeeyan

NASA scientists calculated it would strike the Nubian Desert of northern Sudan.
美国宇航局的科学家计算出它会撞击苏丹北部的努比亚沙漠。 yeeyan

Nothing unusual. Except these bones were from a Nubian mummy buried1,600 years ago in Sudan— long before scientists discovered tetracycline, in1948.
它并不显得有多少与众不同,只是这些骨头来自于苏丹1600年前埋在地下的木乃伊——而科学家在1948年才发现了四环素。 yeeyan

Some Nubian ibex, wild goats found only in the Middle East, made an appearance, looking regal with their curlicue horns.
努比亚野生山羊是只有在中东才有的野羊,它们长着弯曲的犄角,看上去很气派。 yeeyan

That pillar had been one of ten, forming a gigantic kiosk that the Nubian pharaoh added to the Temple of Amun.
这根柱子原本是努比亚法老曾经在阿蒙神庙旁附加建造的亭子的一部分,亭子是由19根类似的柱子组建而成的。 yeeyan

The Assyrians, after failing to best him at Jerusalem, wanted no part of the Nubian ruler.
在耶路撒冷没有将其一网打尽的亚述人,也开始和他谈判求和。 yeeyan

The polished, streamlined J-type327 Nubian vessel lacks any offensive weaponry, but does feature strong shields and a competent hyperdrive.
这艘光亮、流线型的 J型327努比亚飞船没有任何进攻性武装,但安装了坚固的护盾和出色的超空间推进器。 starwarsfans

The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, the world's largest, is located under the eastern part of the Sahara desert and spans the political boundaries of Libya, Chad, Sudan and Egypt.
世界上最大的努比亚砂岩蓄水系统,位于撒哈拉沙漠东部地区下面,跨越利比亚、乍得、苏丹和埃及。 ecocn

Then he drew a dagger from a belt of white leather, and stabbed the Nubian in the throat lest the slave should tell of his dishonour.
随后他便从一条白色皮带里抽出一柄匕首,直取努比亚人的咽喉,以防那奴隶散播他的耻辱。 yeeyan

They found6 main nose types: Roman, Greek, Nubian, hawk, snub and turn-up.
研究人员将人的鼻子分为6大类型:罗马、希腊、努比亚、鹰勾、蒜头和朝天鼻。 taoxue123

To get to the bottom of this, a chemist recently took bone from the mummy of a Nubian child and dissolved it in hydrogen fluoride, a nasty acid that helps extract tetracycline.
为了弄清真相,最近,有一位化学家从一名努比亚儿童木乃伊身上提取了部分骨骼,将其溶解于氟化氢,这种极具腐蚀性的酸可用于提取四环素。 yeeyan

Nubian permanent black are harmless non-toxic, will not cause harm to human health, we recommend an alternative to ordinary hair dye.
努比亚永久黑是无害无毒,对人体健康不会造成伤害,建议替代一般染发剂。 qjy168




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