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NTRU 基本例句 公钥密码系统¹⁰⁰ Encryption and decryption withNTRUalgorithms is extremely fast,and key creation is fast and easy.用NTRU产生的密钥方法比较容易,加密、解密的速度比rsa等算法快得多。 Encryption and decryption withNTRUare extremely fast and key creation is fast and easy.用NTRU产生的密钥方法比较容易,加密、解密的速度比rsa等著名算法快得多。 InNTRUpublic key cryptosystem,it is very important whether or not a polynomial has inverse.在NTRU公钥密码体制中,一个多项式是否有逆多项式是一个很重要的问题。 This article puts forward to a judgement theorem about inverse of a polynomial inNTRUpublic key cryptosystem,and proves the judgement theorem.本文介绍了NTRU公钥密码体制,给出了NTRU中多项式是否有逆的判定定理,并对所提出的定理进行了相应的证明。 NTRUwill be widely used in the future for the advantage of speed, and together with ECC, will become the most execellent one of the new public key cryptosystems.速度上的优势使它有着非常广泛的应用前景 ,和椭圆曲线密码体制一起 ,成为新一代最优秀的公钥密码体制。 The experiment shows that the efficiency of the encryption and decryption is improved. 3.The security analysis of the novel algorithm andNTRUis given.3.;在简介密码分析技术的基础上;对新算法和NTRU算法安全性进行了详细的分析和对比;对主要攻击方式和效果进行了总结。 |