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释义 NTFSCOCA⁹³⁸⁶⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
The installation directory must be located on an NTFS drive.
安装目录必须位于 NTFS驱动器。

This issue occurs only on highly fragmented NTFS volumes whose Master File TableMFT is also highly fragmented.
问题仅出现在碎片严重的 NTFS分区,该分区的主文件表也存在严重碎片。 iciba

With the aid of the authority management of NTFS, a simple, easy and safe hands-on practice management system can be built.
借助 NTFS的权限管理功能可以建立一个设置简便、使用方便,安全性能良好的上机作业管理系统。 cnki

Among common non- Linux file systems, FAT and NTFS can be grown, shrunk, and moved.
在普通的非 Linux文件系统中, FAT和 NTFS可以增长、缩小和移动。 ibm

Are they kept in spreadsheets on NTFS- secured server drives, or are there applications that can be used to encrypt them and keep them safe?
它们是保存在 NTFS安全服务器硬盘上的电子表格中吗,还是有应用程序可以对这些号码进行加密并保持安全性?

As long as the NTFS drive isn't directly accessible by these accounts, an enterprise should be PCI DSS compliant.
只要 NTFS硬盘没有被这些账户直接访问,那么该企业就是符合 PCI DSS规范的。

By studying index Paper INDX structure, the paper points out detailed explaining of main paragraph of NTFS file system index file INDX structure, then gives out an instance and its application.
通过对索引文件 INDX的结构研究,给出 NTFS文件系统索引文件 INDX结构主要字段的详细说明及实例分析与应用。

Compressed, encrypted and sparse are managed by NTFS in16- cluster blocks.
压缩的、加密的,和稀疏的文件被 NTFS管制于16-簇块中。

If you have more than one disk in your PC, you can increase performance by moving your paging file to the second drive and formatting the volume using FATw instead of NTFS.
如果你的电脑中不止一块硬盘,你可以将你的页面文件移到第二块硬盘并且将它的的文件系统改为FATw而不是 NTFs。

If you have files that are generally large, you might want to consider increasing the cluster size on NTFS to16K or even32K instead of4K. This will help speed up opening of files.
如果你有一个比较大的文件,你可以将 NTFS文件系统的单簇大小由4k增加到16k甚至32k,这将有助于加快打开文件的速度。

In order to avoid these problems, ASP developers must have a firm grasp of IIS authentication and controlling access to pages using NTFS file permissions.
要避免这些问题, ASP开发者必须牢固掌握 IIS认证并使用 NTFS文件许可来控制进入页面。 blueidea

It identifies files by internal descriptors of the NTFS.
他是由 NTFS内部的描述符号来识别文件。 mydianping

Most commonly occurs when your partition is NTFS but the partition information is still configured as FATf.
最常见的发生时,您的分区是 NTFS,但分区信息仍然是配置为使用FATf。

So, referring to spreadsheets on NTFS- secured drives, an organization will have to make sure the PANs are securely segregated from the network and can't be accessed by users.
因此,如果是使用 NTFS安全硬盘上的电子表格,一个组织需确保 PAN被安全地从网络隔离开,并且不能被用户访问。

The operating system and active system partitions must be formatted with the NTFS file system.
必须用 NTFS文件系统格式化的操作系统和活动的系统分区。 microsoft

This paper analyzes the main data structure of NTFS.
文章分析了 NTFS文件系统的主要数据结构。 cnki

Thus, it's impossible to differentiate Linux file systems and NTFS or FAT file systems from their partition table GUIDs alone.
这样,仅从它们的分区表 GUID区分 Linux文件系统和 NTFS或 FAT是不可能的。 ibm

To set permissions on this file, it must be on a drive formatted by the NTFS file system.
如果要设置该文件的权限,它必须位于由 NTFS文件系统格式化的驱动器上。

We'll be licensing our Linux NTFS under the GPL, and we have an agreement with Microsoft.
我们会让我们开发的 linux NTFS驱动使用 GPL授权,并且我们得到了微软同意。 cnblogs

When programming in Mono, the developer is not aware which file system his application will be using, a POSIX one, or a FAT or NTFS one.
当在 Mono中编写代码时,开发者并不会意识到应用将使用何种文件系统, POSIX还是 FAT,抑或是 NTFS。 infoq

When you copy an NTFS file to a FAT volume, such as a floppy disk, data streams and other attributes not supported by FAT are lost.
当你拷贝一个 NTFS文件到一个 FAT卷,诸如一张软盘,数据流和其它不被 FAT支持的属性将丢失。

With the cluster agent approach, you just need to spare some space inside the FATw or NTFS filesystem to host Linux agent binaries.
使用集群代理的方法,您只需要在 FATw或者 NTFS文件系统中留出一些空间来存放 Linux代理二进制程序。 ibm

NTFS is occasionally used but is generally not considered reliable as some Linux based digital cinema servers such as those made by Dolby and Sony are unable to read this format.
有时候也用到 NTFS格式,但不是那么可靠,一些 LINUX的数字影院服务器比如 Dolby和 Sony的产品就不能读取这些格式。 yeeyan

NTFS partitions are CRC- checked within an image file by each MFT table.
在 NTFS分区上则在一个映像文件内按每个 MFT表进行 CRC检查。 itpcs




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