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词汇 NTC
释义 NTC
=National TextileCorporation国家纺织公司印;negative temperature coefficient 【物】负温度系数
Donors then voted for Holly to remake the Beyonce video that was later unveiled at the NTC conference to a crowd of900 people. Holly received a standing ovation!
而且投出三件囧事中的重编碧昂斯的戴上戒指,随后,在 NTC的会议上罗丝在900名观众面前践诺,并大受欢迎。 yeeyan

The Arab League, however, has now given its full backing to the NTC, which may lead to more countries offering aid.
然而,阿拉伯联盟如今是全力支持 NTC,或许他们会带领更多国家为利比亚提供资金援助。 yeeyan

The National Transition Council NTC is staffed by lawyers, engineers, economists and academics.
利比亚国家过度委员会 NTC由律师,工程师,经济学家和学者组成。 ecocn

A top Libyan rebel leader will visit Beijing today as the National Transitional Council NTC seeks to strike up relations with key global players.
利比亚反对派一名主要领导人将于今日访华,此举被看作利比亚“国家过渡委员会” NTC寻求与这个世界大国建立关系的重要一步。 yeeyan

Army chief Jabr was also captured alive, Bakeer said. NTC officials later announced he was dead.
伯克尔说军队首脑贾布尔也被活捉,但 NTC官方不久后宣布了他的死亡。 yeeyan

At least one person in Misrata has been waiting for a call from the NTC.
在米苏拉塔,至少有一个人正在等待来自过渡委员会的电话。 yeeyan

Both NATO and the NTC have been sceptical of the value of a ceasefire— mooted by the United Nations and others— because of fears it would be abused by Colonel Qaddafi, if he were still in power.
北约和利比亚全国过度委员会都对永久性停火的价值抱有疑问,联合国及其他也对此有争议,因为他们害怕如果卡扎菲上校还掌权的话,他会滥用这种权力。 ecocn

But many still question whether the NTC is up to the challenge.
但是许多人依旧质疑 NTC是否能胜任此挑战。 ecocn

But some hot- headed revolutionaries on the street interpret the NTC’s deliberative style as weakness.
不过一些性急的革命者在大街上将NTC审议的行事作风解释为软弱。 ecocn

But the NTC itself acknowledges that its legitimacy is tenuous.
但是全国过度委员会 NTC本身承认其合法性是脆弱的。 ecocn

Fewer than half of NTC members have moved to the capital, and those who have are waiting for video- conference equipment to connect Libya's two biggest cities.
有不到一半的 NTC成员迁移到了首都,他们在等待会议录像设备在利比亚最大的两座城市之间建立联系。 ecocn

He then appeared to fall to the ground and was enveloped by the crowd. NTC officials later announced Gaddafi had died of his wounds after capture.
接着,他倒下了,被人群淹没了, NTC官方不久后宣布卡扎菲在被捕后死于枪伤。 yeeyan

However, reporters noted that pro- Gaddafi forces in front of rebel positions would often be bombed, making the advance of the opposition National Transitional Council NTC fighters much easier.
然而,记者注意到位于叛军前方的卡扎菲军队经常遭到轰炸,这就为全国过渡理事会 NTC军队的开进制造了条件。 yeeyan

However, some Libyans, including members of the NTC, have said he committed his alleged crimes in Libya and so should face justice there too.
但是,一些包括 NTC成员在内的利比亚人认为,卡扎菲在利比亚犯下了自己制定的罪行,也应该受到利比亚的制裁。 yeeyan

Since Tripoli fell in August, the UK has confirmed that Nato was providing“ intelligence and reconnaissance” to help the NTC track down Col Gaddafi.
自8月佔领的黎波里之后,英国表示北约将为 NTC提供“情报与侦查”以尽快打倒卡扎菲。 yeeyan

The NTC has promised elections within the next eight months to establish some kind of ruling authority as soon as possible.
全国过渡委员会承诺会在八个月内举行选举,尽快建立某种形式的执政机构。 ecocn

The NTC appears to be placing its hopes on a general uprising in Tripoli as living conditions deteriorate and people realise the colonel is finished.
过度委员会似乎寄希望于的黎波里的人民起义,因为他们会认识到生活条件的恶化,卡扎菲大势已去。 ecocn

While one NTC envoy said it was possible Saif could be tried in Libya, the UN chief, Ban Ki-moon, called on rebels to hand him and, if captured, his father to authorities in The Hague.
而一位 NTC特使说在利比亚逮捕萨义夫是可以尝试的,联合国秘书长潘基文呼吁反对派逮捕萨义夫,如果他被俘,他的父亲就会面临海亚当局的审判。 kle100

The NTC said that when Col Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte fell, as it has, it would declare Libya fully“ liberated”.
NTC表示,在佔领卡扎菲的家乡苏尔特后他们已经佔领,他们将宣布利比亚完全“解放”。 yeeyan




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