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词汇 NSP
释义 NSPCOCA¹¹⁰⁷⁹²BNC⁴⁶⁴⁴⁸
As a result, the quantification of NSP becomes vital important for water pollution control and water environment comprehensive management.
因此,非点源污染负荷的定量化对流域水污染控制和水环境综合治理就显得越来越重要。 fabiao

The colony- formation ability and proliferation ability between SP cells and NSP cells were compared in terms of plate colony assay and growth curve.
细胞生长曲线法和平板克隆法比较 SP细胞和 NSP细胞的增殖能力和克隆形成能力; cjpp

The industrial association and relating governments should be responsible for supervision of cement industry layout in the areas short of NSP.
四是对新型干法水泥产量欠缺的地区,应该由行业协会或宏观管理部门进行布局的监管。 snsqw

The nude mouse transplantation tumor experiment displayed that the oncogenicity of SP cells was higher than that of NSP cells.
裸鼠成瘤实验显示 SP细胞的致瘤能力明显高于 NSP细胞。 cjpp

Through system dynamic simulation, a result of stable running status and all right control effect is obtained. The relative error of NSP temperature is below1.4%.
系统仿真运行试验表明,控制器运行稳定,分解炉温度相对误差低于1.4%,控制效果良好。 cnki

But the biggest advantage she sees is that NSP facilitates a process in villages which brings all the stakeholders together to work on projects and strategies at the local level.
当然,她认为, NSP项目的最大好处是推动了村里所有利益相关者进行项目合作和制定村级战略的过程。 worldbank

By using the results of examination of54 patients operated on for nonspecific spontaneous pneumothorax NSP, the authors conclude that X- ray computed tomography CT is of high value.
使用的检查结果54例手术的非特异性自发性气胸新型干法 ,作者得出这样的结论: X线计算机断层扫描 CT具有较高的价值。

For both crossed- flow in dense phase heat exchanger and NSP kiln, low limitation for gas speed must be noticed to prevent from or to reduce materials accumulation or collapse.
无论交叉流浓相换热器,还是传统NSP窑,必须注重低限风速的意义,防止或减少积料、塌料现象的发生; cnki

Network Service Provider NSP is a company which provides telecommunication services with their own or leased equipment.
网络服务供应商 NSP是采用自有或租赁设备来提供电信服务的公司。

New episodes of sick leave because of NSP have been calculated based on sickness absence registration between the years2003 and2007.
根据2003-2007年间的病假记录来计算此期间因颈肩痛请病假的新发事件数。 oaopdoc

Objective To analyze the clinical features of nephritic syndrome during pregnancy NSPand approach its disposal strategies.
目的分析妊娠期肾病综合征 NSP的临床特点,探讨处理策略。 topsage

Objective. To find the incidence of sick leave because of neck and shoulder pain NSP in industrial workers, and its association with work and lifestyle risk factors.
目的:明确企业工人因颈肩痛所致的病假率及其与工作和生活方式等危险因子的相关性。 oaopdoc

Objective:To analyze the clinical character and the way of prevention and cure of serious nephrotic syndrome with pregnancy induced hypertension NSP.
目的:分析重度妊娠期高血压疾病并发肾病综合征 NSP的临床特点和防治方法。 cnki

Rotary kiln is the central equipment of NSP production line.
回转窑是新型干法生产的中心设备。 chemyq

Specifically, the NSP improves the monitoring of children’s development, the screening of household- level risks, and the systems for early interventions.
该规划的具体内容是加强对儿童开发工作的监测,改进对家庭层面风险的筛查,完善早期干预制度。 worldbank

Summary of Background Data. Longitudinal studies to investigate NSP incidence and risk factors are rare, and even fewer have been conducted in middle- and low-income countries.
背景知识概要:关于颈肩痛的发生率及其危险因子的纵向研究不多,而在中低收入国家进行的此类研究更加少见。 oaopdoc

The proposed method can determine not only the monosaccharide constituents of NSP, but the starch and free sugars as well.
该法不仅可给出构成 NSP各单糖含量,也可给出淀粉和游离糖的量值。 cnki

The results also showed: adding NSP enzyme into duck diets can significantly improve duck production performance, reduce feed costs and enhance economic efficiency.
结果表明,在肉鸭日粮中添加最优NSP酶可以显著改善肉鸭的生产性能,降低饲料成本,提高经济效益。 fabiao

The burning system is converted to NSP production line with MSC precalciner, high efficiency2- string preheater system and reciprocating grate cooler with jet flow.
其中,将烧成系统改成带 MSC分解炉、高效双列五级预热器和带射流的推动蓖冷机的新型预分解窑生产线。 cnki

These results were successfully provided a foundation for research of the structural epitope of the FMDV- NSP3ABC and to establish a new diagnostic method for the natural infection of the FMDV.
本研究为FMDV- NSP3ABC抗原表位结构进一步研究和建立猪自然感染 FMDV快速鉴别诊断新方法奠定了基础。 cnki

This paper developed a model for the network with swerve penalty NSP.
建立和研究了具有转向惩罚值的网络模型。 cnki

This paper reviewed some theoretical and practical problems involved in development and application of NSP enzyme preparation for animal feeding.
本文对非淀粉多糖酶制剂开发和应用所涉及到的理论和实践问题进行了评述。 cnki

To prove this, set the transport precedence on the remote node to NSP.
若证实这一点,请将远程节点上的传输优先权设置给 NSP。

Two trials were conducted to investigate the effects of the same NSP enzymes on two different monogastric animals.
本研究设计了两个子试验,研究同一 NSP复合酶在不同品种的单胃动物中的应用效果。 cnki

Virtual private network VPN, based on ISP or NSP, is a virtual and private data communication network set up in the public network.
虚拟专用网 VPN是依托 ISP或 NSP,构建在公共网络上的,虚拟、私人专用数据通信网络。 cnki

With the NSP contents increasing, the apparent digestibility of crude proteinCP and crude fatCF reduced P>0.05.
随着日粮中 NSP水平的提高,饲料中粗蛋白和粗脂肪的消化率降低,差异不显著 P>0.05。 cnki

With rapid development and construction of the large- and medium-scale of NSP cement production lines, difficulties in the mine exploitation are on the increase.
随着我国大中型新型干法水泥生产线的快速建设和发展,与之相配套的大中型水泥矿山的开发难度不断增大。 cnki

NSP- enzymes decrease the humidity of the droppings. As a result the litter remains drier and the ammonia emission rate in the production facilities is greatly reduced.
实际上,非淀粉多糖酶降低了粪便湿度,因此家禽饲养舍更加干燥,氨气排放率也大大减少。 com




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