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nsgCOCA¹³³⁷⁶⁰ 基本例句 =neurosecretory granules 神经分泌颗粒 But on joining the NSG, it argued that it had already promised to build the second of two nuclear reactors for Pakistan at Chasma in Punjab and would therefore go ahead. Some grumbled. 中国加入“核供应国集团”时,曾公开称,其已承诺在巴基斯坦旁遮普省查斯马地区Chasma建造两座反应堆,因而将继续完成第二座反应堆的建设工作。 yeeyan But the Indian government has twice postponed meetings with NSG officials, which means this will now be addressed in2011. 然而,印度政府已两次推迟了与 NSG官员的会面,这意味着这一问题将推迟到2011年解决。 web-16 But with several other NSG members having expressed concerns, and the attitude of China, India's great rival, still unknown, the deal's safe passage cannot be assumed. 但是核供应国集团中已有几位成员国对此表示忧虑,印度最大的对手中国的态度还不明朗,所以不能假定说该协议会安全通过。 hjenglish But on joining the NSG, it argued that it had already promised to build the second of two nuclear reactors for Pakistan at Chasma in Punjab and would therefore go ahead. 但是加入 NSG之初,中国便表示,在此加入之前已承诺在巴基斯坦的旁遮普省恰希玛镇建立两座核反应堆中的第二个,因而会按计划进行。 putclub Canada doesn't, but has large uranium reserves and wants to keep the option open. So do Argentina, Brazilwhich has a pilot enrichment facility and South Africa, all NSG members. 加拿大便是这样的国家,由于拥有大量的铀矿储备,政府希望这一技术渠道仍然保持畅通,目前这样的国家还有阿根廷、巴西拥有一座液控浓缩设施以及南非,甚至所有的 NSG成员。 ecocn Four years ago, President George Bush urged the NSG to bar the sale of uranium and plutonium technologies to any country that at the time did not already possess“full-scale, functioning” plants. 四年前,美国总统乔治布什迫切要求核供应集团禁止向那些暂时未拥有“全能性核处理工厂”的国家提供铀和钚的处理技术。 ecocn In 2008, the Bush administration secured a waiver from the NSG to allow U.S. companies to sell nuclear technologies to India. 2008年,布什政府得到了 NSG的豁免,允许美国公司向印度出售核技术。 voa365 Likewise, the hard-won clarity of the NSG's trade ban has helped maintain support for the NPT, despite the cheating antics of a few. 同样的道理,核供应国集团对于核贸易禁令难得的清晰态度维持了核不扩散条约,尽管背后耍了些小动作。 ecocn Only, the deal is not yet done: it needs approving by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, the45- nation Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG and America's Congress. 只是该协议尚未完成:它需要得到联合国国际原子能机构,拥有45个成员国的核供应国集团 NSG以及美国国会的批准。 ecocn That does not deter China, which still seethes about the way in which the Bush administration in 2008 browbeat other NSG members into exempting America’s friend India from the group’s rules. 然而这未能制止中国。布什政府于2008年威逼 NSG的其他成员国对美国的朋友-印度网开一面,收起该集团法规,中国对布什政府的处事方式仍耿耿于怀。 putclub The agreed merger converted NSG from an Asian regional firm to a global one. 最终达成的合并使 NSG从一家亚洲区域公司转变成为全球公司。 ecocn The NSG, nicknamed the Black Cats, have been feted by the Indian public after ending the siege. 在结束围攻后,公众向这支别名‘黑猫’的国家安全部队致以了崇高的敬意。 yeeyan The deal incensed not just China and Pakistan but many others, inside and outside the NSG. 该协议不仅激怒了中巴两国,也让 NSG内部和外部的其他国家怨声载道。 putclub The NSG was set up precisely to stop countries doing what India did to get a start in the bomb business: abusing technology and skills provided for civilian purposes. 核供应国集团成立的初衷恰恰就是为了防止有人从事印度正在进行的工作:滥用为民用目的而提供的核技术以及核工艺进行核弹研制。 ecocn Unlike members of the NSG, India has not only failed to sign the NPT, it has not signed the Comprehensive Test- Ban Treaty either. 与核供应商集团的成员不同,印度不光没有签订核不扩散条约,就连全面禁止核试验的协议也没有签订。 ecocn We have joined the Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG and are willing to join the Missile Technology Control RegimeMTCR. 中国已正式加入“核供应国集团”,愿意加入“导弹及其技术控制制度”。 www.fmprc.gov.cn With Congress backing the deala technical agreement must still follow, some NSG members are keen to join the scrum for nuclear contracts. 由于美国国会支持这项交易技术协定紧随其后,一些 NSG成员国也开始争相与印度签署核协议。 ecocn NSG had acquired a 20% stake in the British company; Pilkington had bought some American firms in which NSG had a stake. NSG先是获得了皮尔金顿公司的20%的股权,随后皮尔金顿收购了 NSG拥有股权的一些美国公司。 ecocn |