

单词 NSF
释义 NSF高COCA²¹⁸²⁸BNC¹⁷⁸⁹⁷
abbr.美国国家科学基金会 =National Science Foundation

an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and educationN.S.F.=not suffi…
近义词 National Science foundation美国国家科学基金会…
NSF construction available on all models.所有型号都符合nsf的结构要求 As you know, the size of the NSF files affects server operations such as compact and fixup.
您知道, NSF文件的大小影响着服务器操作,比如压缩和修复等。 ibm

The benefit of composite applications was first realized by assembling these separate NSF applications into a single multi- page composite application that grouped previously separate applications.
通过将独立的 NSF应用程序集成为单个多页面复合应用程序,您将体会到复合应用程序的优点。 ibm

The bigger the observatory the better, since more area increases the number of potential neutrino- water nuclei collisions that can be observed, according to an NSF statement.
美国国家科学基金会表示,天文台的规模越大就越灵敏,因为面积的增加意味着中微子和水核的碰撞就越有可能被观测到。 yeeyan

The mail databases are distributed into four data directories, each holding250 NSF files.
邮件数据库分布在四个数据目录中,每个数据目录存放250 个 NSF文件。 ibm

“ This research is dramatically transforming the way crowds and the actions of individuals within crowds are studied, ” said NSF Program Officer Thomas Baerwald.
“这项研究正在显著地改变对群体及群体之中个体行为的研究方式,”全国科学基金会项目主管托马斯·贝瓦尔德说。 yeeyan

Add NSF components to the composite application editor component palette.
将 NSF组件添加到复合应用程序编辑器组件栏中。 ibm

After the first backup of the DAOS repository, perform incremental backups as desired of both NSF and NLO files.
对 DAOS储存库做了初次备份后,可在需要时对 NSF和 NLO文件做增量备份。 ibm

All the functions whose names start with NSF have to do with databases, notes, or items.
所有名称以 NSF开头的函数都必须使用数据库、记录或项。 ibm

Also, because their copies of the records contain all the fields not just the key fields the NSF file may be considerably larger than the one on the server.
而且,由于他们的记录拷贝包含所有字段而不只是关键字段,所以他们的 NSF文件可能要比服务器上的对应文件大许多。 ibm

Another area that produced some interesting numbers was NSF database cache usage.
另一个生成某些引人关注的数量的方面是 NSF数据库缓存使用量。 ibm

Colin and his mother say they would be satisfied if the university ensures that the NSF-funded research trip and a seminar fulfill the academic requirements of the course he originally sought.
科林和他妈妈说,如果最终大学同意科林参加国家科学基金会的那趟行程,并且满足他最先所追求的那些课程要求,那么他们将非常满意。 yeeyan

Figure12 shows the percentage of entries that were in use in the NSF database cache.
图12显示了 NSF数据库缓存中正在使用的条目的百分比。 ibm

For instance, the half-GB reduction in NSF buffer pool shows up here, as roughly the amount of decrease in shared memory.
例如,上面所显示的 NSF缓冲池的大小减少了一半,几乎引起了同样数量的共享内存下降。 ibm

It may be difficult to reach a consensus about the way forward, but these NSF projects should be helpful in providing a number of options.
在前进的路上也许很难达成一致,可是这些 NSF的项目应该对提供一组可选项颇有助益. yeeyan

Query View is a new type of NSF view.
查询视图是新型的 NSF视图。 ibm

Supplying all of this equipment, and making sure it is in good working order, is McMurdo’s Berg Field Center, which has been taking care of the field needs of the USAP- NSF science efforts for decades.
供应所有装备并确保其处于良好状态的是麦克默多的贝尔格野外勘察中心,它负责管理美国南极计划和美国国家科学基金会科学活动的野外活动需求已有数十年之久。 yeeyan

That method is not available in NSF- deployed composite applications; for these, it is simplest to create a different composite application for each role with only the pages they need in it.
这种方法不能用于 NSF部署的复合应用程序中;因此,最简单的方法是为每个角色创建不同的复合应用程序,其中只包含各个角色所需要的页面。 ibm

The research was conducted in association with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN- HABITAT and funded by the National Science Foundation NSF, NCAR's sponsor.
这项研究是与联合国人居署 UN- HABITAT联合开展的,由国家科学基金会 NSF资助也就是 NCAR的资助单位。 yeeyan

The schema name is based on the NSF file name.
这个模式基于 NSF文件名称命名。 ibm

This makes them availablein read-only mode to other RDBMS applications and keeps the NSF file from exploding in size.
这样,其他 RDBMS应用程序也可使用这些信息只读模式,而且避免了 NSF文件的膨胀。 ibm

This approach requires that you provide your feature on an update site, but that site could be an NSF-based update site.
这种方法要求您在更新站点中提供自己的特性,但是该站点可以是一个基于 NSF的更新站点。 ibm

This image shows the eruption of a galactic “ super- volcano” in the massive galaxy M87, as witnessed by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF's Very Large Array VLA.
这幅图像显示了 M87大质量星系里的一次极大的“超级火山”喷发。 NASA的钱德拉 X射线望远镜和国家科学基金会 NSF的超大阵列 VLA目击了此景。 yeeyan

This process can cause large components to be moved multiple times, increasing the time required to run the compact operation on a large NSF file.
该过程中,大组件需要移动多次,增加了在大 NSF文件上运行压缩操作所需的时间。 ibm

This process is repeated for every large and small component in the NSF.
该过程在 NSF中的大组件和小组件之间重复进行。 ibm

This setting controls the size of the NSF buffer pool, a section of memory dedicated to buffering I/ O transfers between the NIF indexing functions and disk storage.
这个设置控制 NSF缓冲池的大小,后者是用于缓冲 NIF索引函数与磁盘存储之间的 I/ O传输的一部分内存。 ibm

When you move those large components from the NSF into DAOS, the compact operation no longer needs to act on those components, and the compact operation takes less time to complete.
当您将大组件从 NSF移动到 DAOS 中时,压缩操作不再需要操作这些组件,因此压缩操作所需的时间更短。 ibm

With additional NSF funding, they recently launched a study of preschool children to determine how and where they form groups in their school environment.
在全国科学基金会的另外资助下,他们最近展开了针对学前儿童的一项研究,以确定他们在学校环境中怎样和在哪里组成团体。 yeeyan




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