

单词 ashen
释义 ashen 英ˈæʃən美ˈæʃənAHDăshʹən ☆☆☆☆☆高STCOCA³²³⁷⁶BNC³¹⁷⁰⁸iWeb³⁴⁷¹²

anemic looking from illness or emotion;

a face turned ashen

the invalid's blanched cheeks

tried to speak with bloodless lips

a face livid with shock

lips…livid with the hue of death

lips white with terror

a face white with rage

made of wood of the ash treeashen-faced脸色苍白的
ashn.灰-en变成⇒adj.灰色的³⁴;苍白的adj.白蜡树的近义词 ashy灰的wan苍白的pale苍白的gray灰色的grey灰色的white白色的pasty浆糊的livid铅色的pallid苍白的sallow灰黄色的greyish浅灰色的grayish浅灰色的bloodless无血色的cadaverous像尸体的white as a sheet极苍白的blanched动词blanch的过去式…

用作形容词Anashenneckwear is worn with a shirt of any colour.暗灰色的领带配什么颜色的衬衣都行。
Herashenface show how much the news have shocked her.她灰白的脸显示出那消息使她多麽震惊。adj.gray
同义词 anemic,blanched,cadaverous,colorless,ghastly,gray,leaden,pale,pallid,pasty,sallow,wan,white
anemicadjective feeble
ashyadjective pale
blanchedadjective whitened
bloodlessadjective pale
cadaverousadjective pale, corpselike
ashen,bag of bones,blanched,bloodless,consumptive,dead,deathlike,deathly,emaciated,exsanguinous,gaunt,ghastly,ghostly,haggard,pallid,peaked,peaky,sallow,shadowy,sick,skeletal,skeletonlike,skin and bones,spectral,thin,wan,wasted
colorlessadjective without hue
achromatic,achromic,anemic,ashen,ashy,blanched,bleached,cadaverous,doughy,drab,dull,faded,flat,ghastly,livid,lurid,neutral,pale,sickly,uncolored,wan,washed out,waxen,white A pattern of wild geese, flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening.
雁队冷漠地在山头飞过,在宁谧灰色的傍晚显得很飘逸。 bab

Mr. Molinaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.
莫里那若将头埋入双手,而施瓦茨面色苍白并突然离开。 yeeyan

“ I'll never forget the look on Michael's face. He was broken,” she said, her own face ashen as she recalled the conversation.
“我永远也不会忘记迈克尔的表情。他心碎了,”她说,回忆起当时的对话,她的脸也变得苍白。 yeeyan

A character knows the following information about the Ashen Covenant with a successful Arcana or Religion check.
一个角色可以藉由通过一次成功的神秘或宗教知识检定来取得以下关于灰色联盟的传闻。 odyguild

But if a major volcanic eruption has polluted the stratosphere with thin haze, the eclipse will be dark red, ashen gray, or blood- black.
但如果发生大型火山喷发,导致同温层掺杂有薄云,那么月食就会变成暗红色、灰暗色或者血黑色。 yeeyan

He hung over it a moment, ashen.
他的脸色苍白,双手扶住它站了一会儿。 bab

He said it should have an ashen, abstract quality.
他说过正确的声音应该是苍白的,概念化的。 blogcn

His face turned ashen at the news.
听到这个消息他面无人色。 chinafanyi.com

I said to the ashen-faced waitress.
我对面如土色的服务小姐说道。 edu.sina.com.cn

If you examine a neighborhood after a large fire, he says, one of the most striking details is the green, unburned vegetation that often remains between the ashen heaps.
他表示,如果你仔细观察遭受大火烧毁的住宅区,就会发现灰烬堆之间仍有完整无缺的绿色植物,情况惹人注意。 yeeyan

It froze half-formed on her lips when she saw Catherine's ashen face and noticed the two strangers who had followed her in.
但当她注意到柯瑟琳苍白的脸色和跟着进来的两个陌生人时,这笑容僵住了。 yeeyan

Last year, upset by the recent death of a grandson, Mr Mubarak appeared ashen-faced and seemingly too infirm to descend some steps to greet an important visitor, Barack Obama.
去年,由于为一个孙儿的新近去世而难过,在迎接奥巴马总统这样一个重要来客时,穆巴拉克脸色苍白,身体虚弱,以至于无法迈下几步台阶去表示一下欢迎之意。 ecocn

My friend was so ashen that I asked him if he felt sick.
我的朋友脸色苍白,所以我问他是否感觉不舒服。 sparke

Nick sat up and saw soldiers approaching, picking their way across an ashen desert.
尼克坐起身来,看到士兵们正在走过来,小心的穿越一片灰白色的荒地。 tianseyiwan

She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room ashen-faced, as if he’d seen a fulminating witch, a dead woman speaking, some kind of horror-flick apparition.
她边笑边咳嗽,丈夫脸色苍白从房间里跑出来,好像他见到了一个喜好怒斥人的巫婆,一个死亡女人的讲话,某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。 yeeyan

Some but certainly not all of the top climbers in the world have the hollow, sunken-cheek, and ashen look of anorexics.
一些当然不是全部世界顶级的攀岩者看上去皮包骨头、双颊凹陷,一副得了厌食症的恹恹模样。 yeeyan

They have deeply lined ashen faces, dark eyes, gaunt builds and wrap themselves in thick yet tightly-bound clothing that covers all but their faces and hands.
他们有着深色的眼睛,灰白的面部皮肤上布满深痕,消瘦的身体总被厚厚的衣服紧紧遮盖住,只露出他们的脸和手。 starwarschina

With red- rimmed eyes and ashen cheeks, he looked like a man from a public- service announcement about liver disease.
因为红眼圈和苍白的脸颊的缘故,他看起来像公共服务通告上登的得了肝病的男人。 yeeyan

Yet had he looked closer, the guard would have noticed something strange: the men were sweating and ashen- faced with fear.
然而,要是他离近点看,就会注意到一些奇怪的地方:这几个人浑身冒汗,脸色因害怕而变得灰白。 yeeyan

Zhang Ailing's ashen perspective on moon, like her grayer understanding of life, is unique and profound.
张爱玲对月亮的灰色透视,如同她对人生的灰色理解一样,独特而深刻。 cnki




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