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释义 NSAID also Nsaid 英ˈenˌseɪd, -ˌsed美ˈɛnˌsed, -ˌsɛdAHDĕnʹsād', -sĕd' 

an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids;

NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes

In the absence of contraindications an NSAID is a convenient and well accepted option.
如无禁忌,非甾类抗炎药是一种方便且易于接受的选择。 haodf

Some of the most recent eye drops are introduced and several NSAID eye drops for ophthalmology disease are recommended based on their clinical effects and adverse reactions.

The cardiac outcomes of current NSAID users were compared with those of subjects who had not used an NSAID in the year prior to the index event.
心梗发生时使用非甾体抗炎药的病人与心梗发生以前一直没有使用非甾体抗炎药的病人情况进行了比较。 dxy

There were15 types of nonopioids. The percentage of non opioid expenses in total medicine expenses was dropping year after year, in which the application level of NSAID was enhanced however.
非阿片类止痛药共15种,药品费用占医药总费用百分比逐年下降,对 NSAID类药物应用水平有所提高。 cnki

According to a company news release, as many as 50% of chronic NSAID users are at risk for gastrointestinal ulcers.
根据阿斯利康公司所发布的消息称,有50%之多的 NSAID长期使用者伴有胃肠道溃疡的风险。 dxy

Aspirin should be avoided if you have a stomach peptic ulcer, haemophilia or other bleeding disorder, or an allergy to aspirin or to other non- steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs NSAID.
如果你有胃消化道溃疡,血友病或者其它出血性疾病,或对阿司匹林或其他非甾体抗炎药过敏类固醇消炎药,应避免服用阿司匹林。 yeeyan

But the investigations have been contradictory, with some suggesting a protective benefit for NSAID use and others showing no benefit.
但调查结果一直存在矛盾,有些提示使用非甾体抗炎药有利于预防但其他显示没有任何好处。 dxy

Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular adverse effects are well-recognized sequelae of non- steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs NSAID.
非甾体类抗炎药 NSAID有严重的胃肠道和心血管系统的不良反应。 chemyq

However, little is known about the association between NSAID treatment duration and risk of cardiovascular disease.
然而,非甾体类抗炎药治疗时间与心血管疾病患病风险二者之间的联系仍不清楚。 shenzang

However, there is not yet any strong evidence from large randomized controlled clinical trials that NSAID is beneficial in treatment to AD.
但是,大规模的临床随机双盲对照试验尚未证实 NSAID对 AD的治疗作用。 cnki

If an NSAID inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2, GI bleeding and ulcers can result.
如果 NSAID同时抑制了 COX-1和 COX-2,那么就有可能导致胃肠道出血与溃疡。51nxtz

Like the medicine ibuprofen, aspirin is an NSAID— a non-steroid a l anti- inflammatory drug.
跟布洛芬抗炎,镇痛药一样,阿司匹林也是一种非甾体抗炎药。 zxxk

Many think that topical treatments, like NSAID gels and patches, may relieve pain without as many adverse effects for the stomach and heart as pills.
很多人认为典型的治疗方式,像非甾体类抗炎药凝胶和膏药,可缓解疼痛而不像片剂一样伴有胃和心脏方面的副作用。 dxy

Objective To present the endoscopic character of the gastrointestinal ulcer and acute mucosal disease by NSAID and their affection.
目的探讨非甾体类药物 NSAID致消化道溃疡病及急性胃肠粘膜病变的内镜特点及影响因素。 cnki

Participants were interviewed by telephone about their smoking history and use of aspirin and other NSAID use, among other risk factors.
参与者通过电话交谈询问吸烟史和是否应用阿司匹林或其它非甾体抗炎药,包括其它的危险因素。 dxy

Previous studies of NSAID risk examined people with underlying health conditions.
以前 NSAID风险研究调查伴有潜在健康问题的人们。51nxtz

So far, clinical studies examining the genetic predisposition to Nsaid- induced ulcers and their complications have yielded conflicting results.
迄今为止,在临床方面对非甾体消炎药诱发的溃疡及其并发症的易感基因研究存在一些分歧。 yeeyan

The current study involved data on 125,000 patients, mean age75 years, who were treated with an NSAID between January1999 and June2002 and logged in a Quebec, Canada healthcare database.
当前的研究共有125,000名病人参加,平均年龄75岁,在1999年1月和2002年6月之间接受了非甾体抗炎药治疗,并且病人的资料进入了加拿大魁北克卫生保健数据库。 dxy

The investigators were keen to point out that an observational study such as this one cannot prove that NSAID directly cause the reduction in risk.

The analysis suggests that NSAID- associated upper GI toxicity is the result of two pharmacologic features: drug exposure and sparing of COX-1 activity.
这个研究分析表明与 NSAID有关的上消化道毒性是由于 NSAID的两个药理特性的导致的:药物暴露与限制 COX-1的活性。51nxtz

The new fixed formulation is especially useful in the treatment of gastrointestinal side-effects associated with NSAID treatment.
此新的固定制剂特别适用于与 NSAID治疗有关的胃肠副作用。 sinopat

The type of NSAID also seemed inconsequential to the result.
这些非甾体抗炎药的类型看上去对这个结果也不合理。 dxy

Therapeutic methods include: fully discharge of the residual CO2, avoiding the damage to diaphragm, the application of nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs NSAID and phrenic nerve block.
主要防治措施有充分排出腹腔内残余的 CO2,膈神经区域阻滞,减少膈肌的损伤及非甾体抗炎药物 NSAID的全面应用等。 pwwxcma

Using information from six different studies, researchers examined data on NSAID use in 13,499 people without dementia.
利用六项不同研究提供的信息,研究者对13499名无痴呆病史者的 NSAID使用数据进行调查。 dxy

Voltaren Gel contains diclofenac sodium, a nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug NSAID that's also in oral Voltaren. The gel can be applied to joints that hurt because of osteoarthritis.
扶他林乳胶剂同扶他林口服制剂一样含有一种非甾体抗炎药 NSAID双氯芬酸钠,所以该乳胶剂可用于骨性关节炎引起的疼痛。 dxy




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