

单词 nrw
释义 nrwEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Health- care reform is no less necessary after the NRW election than it was before.
医保改革的重要性在北威州大选后也并没有比之前变少。 yeeyan

The CDU’s vote dropped ten percentage points from the last NRW election in 2005 and the FDP won less than half the record 14.6% it achieved in last September’s federal election.
基督民主联盟的得票率自2005年上一次北威州选举来降低10个百分点,而自由民主党的得票率于去年联邦选举的14.6%的一半还不到。 ecocn

The defeat in NRW also strips Mrs Merkel’s government of its majority in the Bundesrat, the upper house of the legislature, which represents the states.
北威州选举失利同时剥夺了默克尔联邦参议院多数席位的优势,而联邦参议院的议员是各州的代表,是最高的立法机构。 ecocn

In a way, the NRW result plays to Mrs Merkel’s strengths. The new alignment of the Bundesrat will call on her mediating skills.
但某种程度来说,北威州选举结果有助于发挥默克尔的优势,联邦参议院新的结盟需要她的协调能力。 ecocn

In NRW the two parties differ on education, the top issue at state level.
在北-威州,两党在教育这个州层面上最重要的议题上有分歧。 ecocn

In NRW voters unseated a coalition between her Christian Democratic Union CDU and the liberal Free Democratic Party FDP akin to the one she leads nationally.
在北威州的选举中,默克尔领导的基督教民主联盟和相近的自由民主党组成的联盟政府遭遇下台。 ecocn

Mrs Merkel is not to blame for the euro crisis but she dithered when it came, hoping that bail-outs of Greece and other shaky euro-zone members could be put off until after NRW’s election.
默克尔不是把责任推卸给欧元危机,但处在欧元危机中时她似乎不知所措,寄希望于希腊及其他受困国家的援助计划能够在北威州选举后再推行。 ecocn

Mrs Kraft could go ahead anyway, hoping that governing in NRW would domesticate the Left Party, readying it for a possible coalition at national level in2013.
不管怎样,克拉夫特女士都将继续其路线,所期望的是在北-威州执政期间能教化好左翼党,使其在2013年在国家层面上能组成同盟。 ecocn

She deferred hard questions, such as how to square tax cuts with deficit reduction, until after the NRW election.
同时,她规避一些棘手问题,比如怎么平衡减税和降低赤字的问题。 ecocn

Yet NRW’s voters apparently rejected its boldest ideas: tax cuts, health reform and longer operating lives for nuclear power plants.
但显然北威州的选民反对最冒险的想法:减税,医疗改革,还有延长核电站的运行时期。 ecocn




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