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词汇 NRA
释义 NRA 英ˌenɑːr'eɪ美ˌenɑːr'eɪ Economist¹⁴³²⁷
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a powerful lobby that advocates the right to own and bear arms and rejects any gun regulation by the governmentN.R.A.=National …
近义词 National Rifle Association国家枪械协会…
What's the difference between RNA and theNRA?RNA核糖核酸和NRA国家步枪协会有何不同?
No southern legislature could say no to theNRA.在南方,没有哪一个州的议会能对全国步枪协会说“不”。
This is half the reason I joined theNRA.我之所以加入NRA有一半是这个原因.
TheNRAwas not directly correlated with nitrogenase activity.硝酸还原酶活性和根瘤固氮活性之间没有直接关系。
NRA2004 Restaurant Industry Forecast: Top Trends to Watch!英国饭店协会:总经理在21世纪的作用是什么?
Removal ofNRArestrictions on production perhaps gave one stimulus.国家复兴管理局对生产限制的撤除可能是个刺激。 And in the face of intense lobbying by the NRA, Al Gore had broken a50-50 tie to pass the proposal to close the gun show loophole in the Brady laws requirement of background checks.
面对来自全国步枪协会的说客们的压力,艾尔·戈尔打破了参议院内50比50的僵局,通过了该建议,堵住了《布莱迪》法案中要求背景调查的漏洞——停止开枪展会。 yeeyan

It was a smart move by the NRA, because state legislators were invariably more rural and pro- gun than city councils, but I thought the bill was bad policy.
全国步枪协会力求通过这项法案,足显其精明之处,因为与市议员比起来,州议员几乎都有乡村背景,对拥有枪支是赞成态度,但是我认为这样的法案无益。 yeeyan

With support from with the National Rifle Association NRA, Mr D’Cruz is now a plaintiff in two federal lawsuits filed in Texas.
D’Cruz先生得到全国步枪协会简称NRA的支持,成为德克萨斯州两起联邦法律诉讼的原告。 ecocn

After the bill was sent to me, I had an extraordinary encounter with the young NRA lobbyist who came down from Washington to push the bill.
这个提案送到我办公室之后,我与全国步枪协会的一个年轻说客有一场精彩的交锋,他专程从华盛顿赶来,希望促成通过法案。 yeeyan

An NRA vice president had already boasted that if Bush were elected, the NRA would have an office in the White House.
全国步协会的一位副主席早就宣扬说,如果小布什当选,他们就会在白宫设立一个办公室。 yeeyan

But“ the only person that stops a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun,” says Andrew Arulanandam, an NRA spokesman.
但是一位美国步枪协会 NRA发言人阿鲁兰帕拉姆 Andrew Arulanandam表示, “唯一阻止持枪坏人的方法就是携带枪支的好人”。 ecocn

But the NRA still frets that lawsuits blaming gun- makers for the actions of criminals who use their products could bankrupt the industry.
但美国国家枪支协会依然担心,那些将犯罪行为归咎于枪支制造者的诉讼案件会彻底毁掉这个行业。 ecocn

Corrections: 65, 000 people visited the NRA convention in Phoenix, not47, 000.
更正:共有65,000人参加Phoenix的 NRA大会,不只47,000人。 ecocn

He made a point of going to the NRA’s annual convention last month, where he spoke movingly of a74- year- old woman who defended her home from a marauder who threatened to set fire to her garage.
他郑重得去参加了国家枪支协会上个月的年会。 会上,他动情的说起一个74岁的老妇遇到一个劫匪,威胁要烧她的车库,不得已保护自己的家的事。 ecocn

I didn’t think I could beat the NRA in the House, but I was having a good time trying.
我并不认为自己能够在众议院中击败全国步枪协会,但我很乐于去尝试这么做。 yeeyan

I knew I had to try, because I believed in what I was doing and because Al Gore had put himself squarely within the NRA’s gunsights by endorsing the licensing idea even before I did.
我知道我必须得继续努力,因为我明白,自己要做的事情意味着什么,而且艾尔·戈尔早已把自己置身于全国步枪协会的枪口下了,他比我更早赞成枪支登记的做法。 yeeyan

I knew Smith- Wesson would be subject to withering attacks from the NRA and from its competitors.
我知道,史密斯-韦森公司将会受到全国步枪协会及竞争对手的毁灭性打击。 yeeyan

In Texas, where gun restrictions are already fairly lax, the NRA is counting on a victory.
在德克萨斯州,有关携带枪支的限制也已经很宽松了,全国步枪协会必胜无疑。 ecocn

It wasn’t until I began writing this account that I realized that in my confrontation with the NRA lobbyist, I had acknowledged that I was considering running for President.
直到我开始把这件事写成文字,我才意识到在与全国来复枪协会说客的唇枪舌剑中,我已经承认了正在考虑竞选总统。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the House continued to follow the NRA, voting to repeal the assault weapons ban and to delete from the anti-terrorism legislation sections the gun lobby opposed.
同时,众议院继续受到全国步枪协会的影响,投票废除了进攻性武器禁令,而且从反恐立法中删除了枪支游说团体反对的条款。 yeeyan

One Saturday morning, I went to a diner in Manchester full of men who were deer hunters and NRA members.
星期六早上,我去了曼彻斯特的一个小餐馆,里面坐满了人,他们都是猎鹿人和全国步枪协会的会员。 yeeyan

Politicians on both sides, he says, have been“ captured” by the vocal National Rifle Association NRA.
他说,如今民主、共和两党的政治家都被能说会道的全美步枪协会 NRA“俘虏了”。 ecocn

Responsibility for quality and safety of vaccines rests with the NRA in the country of manufacture and, where exported, with the NRA of the receiving country.
疫苗质量和安全的责任在生产国由国家管制当局负责,而在出口时,由进口国的国家管制当局负责。 who

Soon afterward, the NRA began running television ads attacking me.
之后不久,全国步枪协会开始在电视上播放攻击我的广告。 yeeyan

Still, I knew the NRA could scare a lot of people.
尽管如此,我知道全国步枪协会的言论会吓倒很多人。 yeeyan

That it was; every conceivable conservative interest group—the health insurance industry, the tobacco companies, the heavily polluting industries, the NRA, and many more— was for Governor Bush.
事实就是这样;每一个能想像得到的保守派利益集团——医疗保险业、烟草公司、重污染行业、全国步枪协会等等——都支持乔治·小布什。 yeeyan

The NRA was even against banning cop- killer bullets.
全国步枪协会甚至反对禁止能穿透防弹背心的子弹。 yeeyan

The NRA was also adamantly against licensing gun owners, seeing it as the first step toward depriving them of the right to own weapons.
全国步枪协会同时坚决反对枪支持有人登记,认为这是剥夺他们拥有自己枪支的第一步。 yeeyan

This is half the reason I joined the NRA.
我之所以加入 NRA有一半是这个原因。

The NRA has made a steady progress in loosening local gun controls, particularly in pushing“ concealed carry” laws, which now exist in48 states.
NRA为争取放宽枪支管制所做的努力也不断获得成效,尤其是推动通过了《秘密携带枪支》法令,目前已在48个州实施。 ecocn

The NRA questions whether the U.S. is the source of drug cartels' guns, but some of the best proof that guns are moving from U.S. stores to Mexico is a botched ATF operation the NRA loudly criticized.
NRA质疑美国是否贩毒团伙枪械来源,但是证明枪械正从美国商店流入墨西哥的一个极好的证据来自一次 ATF的失败行动,该行动为 NRA厉声责备。 yeeyan

But the National Rifle Association NRA, the main gun lobby, vastly prefers him to Mr Obama.
但美国国家枪支协会 NRA,一个主要的支持持枪游说集团,却更喜欢他,远胜过奥巴马。 ecocn




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