

单词 nozick
释义 nozick
According to Robert Nozick's conditional theory of knowledge, the nature of knowledge is not in a closed form.
诺齐克的知识条件论主张,知识就是追踪真理的信念,知识的本性是非闭合的。 cnki

The State of Nature to Nozick that it is the presupposition of nous intuition, the individual's natural rights, the premises of all society principles.
诺齐克的“自然状态”是意志自由的直觉假定、是人的自然权利、是一切社会规则的前提。 cnki

This paper attempts to put Nozick's entitlement theory first for studying his politics philosophy as well as finding out valuable enlightenment.
为研究诺齐克的政治哲学思想,本文以其权利理论为出发点,以此探寻出更多有益的启发。 cnki

“the minimal state”, a novelty concept developed by Nozick in his Anarchy, State and Utopia.
针对“福利国家”理论和实践上的缺陷,诺齐克提出了“最小国家”的概念。 dictall

Nozick's book sounded a warning against people's attention to the absolute equality.
这给人们敲响了警钟,警示人们不要对绝对平等过于奢望而忽视了对自由的追求。 cnki

American scholars Rowles and Nozick have different opinions in right belonging of intelligence and ability, so they insist on different principles of distribution justice.
美国学者罗尔斯和诺齐克由于在资质才能的权利归属上有不同见解,因而坚持不同的分配正义原则。 cnki

Based on the individual right, Nozick justice theory pays attention to justice rationality that the individual right be gained and protected.
诺齐克的正义理论基于个人权利,关注个人权利获取与维护的正义合理性。 fabiao

Developed as we saw, in Nozick.
像我们所见到的诺齐克那样的发展。 yeeyan

Fourth Chapter indicated the important academic status of Sen's freedom theory, by animadverting on freedom concept of Utilitarianism, Rawls and Nozick.
第四章通过森对功利主义自由观、罗尔斯的自由观及诺齐克的自由观的批判,表明森的实质自由观的重要学术地位。 boshuo

From Hobbos and Rousseau to Rauls and Nozick, ethics in contract theory has demonstrated its powerful inner tension in modern history.
从霍布斯、卢梭到罗尔斯、诺齐克,契约论伦理思想可谓在近代以来的历史之中显现了强大的内在张力。 dictall

In view of the contradiction between equality and liberty in modern capitalist society, Robert Nozick puts forward his idea of individual rights.
针对现代西方资本主义社会的“平等”与“自由”的矛盾,诺齐克提出他的个人权利思想。 cnki

Robert Nozick is an important representative of liberalist, who is regarded as a successor of John Locke.
作为当代自由主义的重要代表,诺齐克被视为洛克思想的继承者。 dictall

The second part focuses on discussing Nozick's state theory that the core is individual rights.
第二部分集中探讨了诺齐克以个人权利为核心的国家理论。 cnki

This paper mainly divides into four parts: The first part mainly elaborated history cultural context which Nozick justice theory advances.
本文主要分为四个部分:第一部分主要阐述了诺齐克正义理论产生的历史文化背景。 fabiao

Thus according to some just principles of Robert Nozick and A. J. M. Miline, we should analyze how the monopolizing SOEs allocated.
为此,可以根据一定的正义原则——诺齐克的持有正义和米尔恩的应得理论来分析垄断型国有企业究竟该怎样实行分配。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

To Nozick, the freedom is inviolable. unfortunate consequences must be accepted as long as such results stand within the law, even these consequences is due to the brutal competition in the market.
尽管残酷的市场竞争可能给个人带来一些不幸,但是只要这些情形是在法律允许的范围内自愿发生的,那么这些不幸的后果就必须被接受。 fabiao

Nozick has refuted all kinds of criterion in his distributive justice.
诺齐克的分配正义不以任何原则为标准。 fabiao

Nozick believes that government is necessary, not anarchy.
诺齐克认为,政府是必须的,不能处于无政府状态。 fabiao

Nozick is the representative of classical liberalism in modern society.
诺齐克是当代古典自由主义的代表人物。 cnki

Nozick to this period is called the “ natural state”, in this state, the lives of the people all the moral characteristics- freedom, equality, fraternity, mutual help and so on.
诺齐克把这一时期叫做“自然状态”,在这一状态下,人民的生活具有了全部的道德特征——自由、平等、友爱、互助等等。 fabiao




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