

单词 noxious
释义 nox·ious 英ˈnɒkʃəs美ˈnɑkʃəsAHDnŏkʹshəs ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝COCA²⁴³⁵⁹BNC¹⁹⁶²¹iWeb¹⁹⁶⁶⁰Economist¹⁰⁴¹⁸

injurious to physical or mental health;

noxious chemical wastes

noxious ideas

词根词缀: nox-noc-伤害 + -i- + -ous形容词词尾,有某种性质的noxious space有害空间noxious substance有害物质non-noxious stimulation无害刺激法…noxious property毒性noxious plant有害植物noxious insect害虫noxious constituent有害成分noxious fumes有毒炮烟noxious gas有毒气体noxious solvent有毒溶剂noxious stimulation伤害性刺激noxious stimulus有害刺激物noxious weed毒草
GRE红宝书nox毒, ious多一有毒的
近于necr- 死;同nocuous 有害的;熟悉的innocent就是无害的:in 无 + noc-害,
nox=noc,伤害+i连接字母+ous形容词后缀,有…的⇒有害的,有毒的。方振宇词汇奥秘nox伤害+ious形容词后缀,…的→有害的,有毒的GRE难词记忆noxious→nox=injury 伤害+ious→有害的词根记忆nox毒+ ious ⇒有毒的词根记忆 nox + ious近义词 foul恶臭的toxic有毒的nasty下流的deadly致命的lethal致命的harmful有害的damaging有害的accursed可憎的venomous恶意的horrible可怕的poisonous有毒的injurious有害的pernicious有害的detrimental有害的deleterious有害的destructive破坏性的offensive令人不快的disgusting令人厌恶的disadvantageous不利的unpleasant使人不愉快的…反义词 innocuous无害的wholesome有益健康的

用作形容词Noxious gases had built up in the sewer.下水道 的有害气体越积越多。
Noxious chemicals are found in the river water.河水里发现了有毒化学物品。
We must trace the source of thesenoxiousgases.我们必须查出毒气的来源。adj.deadly, injurious
同义词 corrupting,destructive,fetid,harmful,pernicious,poisonous,putrid,toxic,unhealthy,virulentbaneful,dangerous,deleterious,detrimental,foul,hurtful,insalubrious,insalutary,noisome,pestiferous,pestilent,pestilential,sickly,spoiled,stinking,unhealthful,unwholesome,venomous
反义词 harmless,healthy,helpful,kind,nonpoisonous,sweetcuring,good,hygienic,pure,sterile,wholesome
balefuladjective menacing
banefuladjective ruinous, injurious
corruptadjective adulterated, rotten
corruptingadjective evil
deadliestadjective causing end of life
deadlyadjective causing end of life
baleful,baneful,bloodthirsty,bloody,cannibalistic,carcinogenic,cruel,dangerous,death-dealing,deathly,deleterious,destroying,destructive,fatal,grim,harmful,homicidal,injurious,internecine,killing,lethal,malignant,mortal,mortiferous,murderous,noxious,pernicious,pestiferous,pestilent,pestilential,poisonous,ruthless,savage,slaying,suicidal,toxic,unrelenting,venomous,violent,virulent Above the pigs' heads are instruments measuring dust and noxious fumes.
比如,在猪的头部安装可测量粉尘与有毒气体的仪器。 ecocn

The expanded production of meat has been facilitated by industrial feedlots, which bleed antibiotics and other noxious chemicals.
工业化养殖场通过喂养抗生素和其它有毒的化学药品,使得肉食扩大生产更为容易。 yeeyan

The fuel is abundant, the process safe and the waste, though radioactive, is far less noxious than the stuff left over from fission.
燃料储量丰富,过程安全,废料尽管有放射性,但同裂变产生的废料相比,有害程度要小得多。 ecocn

The physiological activators of the red pepper and the garlic in kimchi plays the role of preventing cell aging, sterilizing noxious germ, killing pain, improving immunity and the like.
泡菜中的红辣椒和大蒜作为生理催化剂,可以有效地延缓细胞衰老,杀灭有害微生物,止痛,提高人体免疫力等。 kekenet

“ Two years ago, it was difficult to drive past this place because of the noxious smell and the unpleasant view,” he said.
“两年前,人们很难开车通过这里,因为气味恶臭有毒,场景看起来也很不舒服,”他说。 worldbank

According to this interpretation, mirror therapy works by replacing noxious memories with innocuous ones.
基于这个解释,镜像实验的原理应该是用无害的记忆替换了有害的记忆。 ecocn

At the turn of the century battery-powered vehicles were a common sight on city streets, because they were quiet and did not emit any noxious fumes.
在上世纪之交,电池驱动的汽车成为城市里的街道一景,因为它们行驶安静而且不排放有毒烟气。 yeeyan

Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.
相反,燃烧轮胎会产生有害的污染物,二氧化硫。 yeeyan

But chemistry goes far beyond noxious fumes.
但化学的范畴远远超出有毒气体。 yeeyan

But the meat must be cooked, which will kill any noxious pathogens before you eat it.
但是这些肉必须煮熟,在你吃前必须杀死所有有害病原体。 yeeyan

Collectively, the Deccan Traps spewed enough noxious gas that some say it was the cause of the extinction.
这些位于德干高原的火山口喷出大量有害气体,有人认为这正是导致恐龙灭绝的原因。 yeeyan

Emissions of greenhouse gases and other noxious chemicals are a worry.
温室气体和其他有毒化学品排放令人忧心。 ecocn

Greenhouse emissions do not poison people, or lakes or woods, in the direct or obvious way that noxious chemicals do.
温室气体排放不会像有毒化学物质那样对人、湖泊、森林产生直接明显的毒害作用。 ecocn

Idling a car in a garage, even with the door open, is dangerous and exposes the driver to carbon monoxide and other noxious gases.
在车库里空转一辆车,即使车库门开着,也很危险,可让司机受到一氧化碳和其他有毒气体威胁。 yeeyan

In theory, yes, experts say. But the meat must be cooked, which will kill any noxious pathogens before you eat it.
专家说,理论上是安全的。但是这些肉必须煮熟,在你吃前必须杀死所有有害病原体。 yeeyan

It releases lots of soot and various noxious chemicals as it burns, and so has fallen out of favour in many Western countries.
它会随着燃烧释放大量煤烟和有害化学物质,因此许多西方国家已经不再钟情于它了。 ecocn

Most important, smell disorders can be downright dangerous for those who cannot detect the odor of smoke, burning or spoiled food, natural gas or other noxious aromas.
最为重要的是,嗅觉障碍对那些不能够觉察到烟味、烧焦味、食品馊味、天然气或其他有毒气体味道的人来说危险到极点。 yeeyan

Regulators must put an end to the noxious combination of privileged status and conflicts of interest.
监管当局必须终止这种特权地位和利益冲突的有害组合。 yeeyan

THE black smoke that had hung over Bangkok’s jagged skyline for six days grew thicker and more noxious.
六天来,飘溢在曼谷扭裂的天空的黑烟变得越来越浓密,越来越有害。 ecocn

The fish are part of a living experiment to find out how different species affect the growth of noxious seaweed that can harm coral reefs.
这些鱼是活体动物实验中的一部分,用来找出不同物种怎样来影响可能会损害珊瑚礁的有毒海藻的生长。 yeeyan

They are also better equipped to remove sulphur dioxide and other noxious gases.
为消除二氧化硫和其他有毒气体的排放,他们的也拥有更好的设备。 yeeyan

This often results in huge holes in the ground, noxious spoil- heaps and polluted watercourses.
而这一切之后只留下地表的巨坑,有毒的废矿石堆和受污染的河道。 topsage

Workers who are very precise and rule-adhering may be considered noxious in sales or marketing divisions but may be considered normal or even high-functioning in accounting or legal departments.
工作者拥有精益求精和循规蹈矩的特质在销售和市场营销部门被认为有害,但在会计或法律部门,这或许会被视为正常甚至是功不可没。 yeeyan




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