

单词 novella
释义 no·vel·la 英nəʊˈvelə美noˈvɛləAHDnō-vĕlʹə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹⁹³⁷BNC⁵⁴⁸¹⁸iWeb¹⁹¹¹⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a short novel来自意大利语,即novelette.novel-la⇒n.短篇故事²⁴;中篇小说⁷⁶n.短篇小说;中篇故事;短篇散文;带有道义或讽刺色彩的散文故事近义词 tale故事fable寓言novelette微型小说short story短篇小说

用作名词I first read thisnovellawhen I was in middle school.我第一次读这篇短篇小说是在初中的时候。
Martin says it's anovella, but either way it should be interesting.马丁称这是一部相当有可读性的中篇小说。as in.novel
同义词 fiction,narrative,paperback,prose,story,tale,yarnnovelette,potboiler,romancebest-seller,cliff-hanger
反义词 nonfiction,truthas in.short story
同义词 narrative,taleaccount,novelette,yarn
反义词 epic
novelnoun fictional book
short storiesnoun short work of fiction
short storynoun short work of fiction
account,narrative,novelette,novella,tale,yarn So if there is any risk from cell phones, Novella says, it must be very small.
诺维拉说,如果手机真的有什么危害,那肯定是非常微小的。 yeeyan

The Old Man and the Sea was the last major work of fiction produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime, and the success of this novella catapulted Hemingway to the pinnacle of his career.
《老人与海》是海明威有生之年所创作并出版的最后一部主要的文学作品,这部中篇小说的成功把他推向了事业的顶峰。 lunwenzs.com

The novella Yellow Mud Street was my first work, so it's not very mature.
中篇小说《黄泥街》是我的第一部作品,所以它不是很成熟。 yeeyan

Those coming to Capote's novella after the1961 movie will find an altogether darker, rougher gem than the sparkling Hollywood version.
看过1961 年的电影版本后再去看卡伯特的这本中篇小说,你将会发现虽然它是一块宝石,但与好莱坞电影版相比,却远为阴暗和粗粝。 yeeyan

Assisting him was Stephen King, a popular author who has written a novella that will be available only on the device.
协助他的是畅销作家史蒂芬·金,他完成了一部中篇小说,这个小说只能在 Kindle上阅读。 ecocn

But by focusing my efforts into writing a daily serial, I’ll have a novella complete by the end of the year with very little time invested per month.
然而,由于我每天都要花一定时间在日连载小说上,在年底我就能写成一本中篇小说,而实际上每个月我不用对此太费心力。 yeeyan

Dostoyevsky wrote from experience; his novella“The Gambler” is thought to have been written to enable him to pay his gambling debts.
陀思妥耶夫斯基写的也是自己的经历﹔人们认为,他的短篇小说《赌徒》就是为了偿还赌债而写的。 ecocn

He wrote the screenplays for the cult favorites Beat the Devil and The Innocents, and the movie version of his novella Breakfast at Tiffany's was a huge hit.
他担纲编剧的影片《战胜魔鬼》和《无罪的人》是邪典影迷的最爱,而改编自他小说的《蒂凡尼早餐》更是影史经典。 yeeyan

In Stand By Me adapted from a novella by Stephen King, a quartet of teens walk into the woods in search a dead body.
在《伴我同行》改编自斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King的中篇小说)里,四个少年走进树林去寻找死尸。 yeeyan

It's like a little novella. Scholars are divided over the authenticity of the Egyptian elements in the story.

Last year’s novella, After Dark, shifted more than 100,000 copies in English in its first three months.
去年的短篇小说《天黑以后》英文译本出版3个月就售出10万册。 yeeyan

My teacher Parsons wrote a funny novella about his experiences in China.
我的老师帕森斯根据他在中国的经历写了一篇有趣的短篇小说。 xianzai

Such a link is unlikely, says Steven Novella, a neurologist at Yale, because nearly everything that happens to us affects cell metabolism.
耶鲁大学的神经病学专家斯蒂芬诺维拉说,这样的联系是不可能的,因为几乎身体里所有的活动都会影响细胞的新陈代谢变化。 yeeyan

Though Wharton skilfully depicts“ ordinary” characters in a powerful novella, “Ethan Frome”, her writing on America's working class was never quite as successful commercially as her other fiction.
虽然在这些强有力的作品当中,华顿能够技巧娴熟地描绘“普通人”的角色,但她另一部有关美国工薪阶层的小说《伊坦·弗洛美》却不及她其他的作品畅销。 ecocn




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