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词汇 Novell
释义 Novell nəu'vel 
Schmidt butted heads with Microsoft again in 1997 when he became CEO of Novell, which sold software that enabled corporate PCs to connect to one another in a network.
1997年担任 Novell公司首席执行官的时候,施米特又顶撞微软, Novell销售的软件使企业的个人电脑能够在一个网络中互相连接。 yeeyan

The business world sees companies moving forward, Red Hat and Novell, and companies sliding backwards, Sun and Microsoft.
工商界明白,前进的公司是 Red Hat和 Novell,而后退的公司是 Sun和微软。 yeeyan

Using one of the industries recent patent auctions as a baseline, in December of2010, Novell sold off its portfolio of882 patents for$450 Million.
就拿最近一次专利拍卖的企业作为例子,2010年12月, Novell将其882项专利以4.5亿美元售出。 ecocn

“ Looks like NFS and some Novell,” Jake mumbled as he crawled through the directory services trees.
“就像 NFS和 Novell公司那样。” Jake一边喃喃自语,一边缓缓地浏览着目录服务树。 yeeyan

Additionally they will be working with Novell to extend support to Linux.
另外他们也将协助 Novell工作,以扩展到 Linux平台上。 infoq

Although Novell has downplayed the deal and Microsoft has yet to exercise any rights, this issue remains a thorn in the side of the otherwise very community-friendly Linux company.
尽管 Novell低调处理这份协议而且微软也尚未行使任何权利,这件事成为其它非常“社区友好”型 Linux公司的眼中钉。 yeeyan

Ballmer praised Novell at the UK event for valuing intellectual property, and suggested that open source vendors will be forced to strike similar deals with other patent holders.
鲍尔默还赞扬了 Novell在知识产权方面做的工作,并暗示除了微软,开源企业还会跟其他专利拥有者产生类似的冲突。 yeeyan

Binaries compiled on the Microsoft platform can be executed under Novell Mono.
微软平台上编译的可执行文件也可以在 Novell Mono中执行。 infoq

But Microsoft says Google turned down its offer to jointly bid for some Novell patents, and it has the e- mail to prove it.
不过微软公司表示曾致信谷歌,邀请谷歌和自己联手竞购 Novell公司的专利,但谷歌拒绝了这一邀请。 微软手头有一封电子邮件可资证明。 fortunechina

Evans officials said GPLv3 also incorporates a clause that forbids licensees from bringing patent infringement suits, directly attacking the alliance between Novell and Microsoft.
Evans表示, GPLv3有一条涉及专利侵犯的条款,为的是打击 Novell和微软的联盟。 yeeyan

Eventually SCO bought the UNIX Systems business from Novell, and UNIX system source code and technology continues to be developed by SCO.
最终, SCO收购了 Novell的 UNIX系统业务, UNIX系统源代码和技术由 SCO继续开发。 ibm

For example, if you've created a Novell SUSE11 Linux Enterprise Server instance, you can login and configure your team by clicking on the links on the “ Getting Started” screen.
例如,如果您创建过 Novell SUSE11 Linux Enterprise Server实例,可以通过单击“ Getting Started”屏幕上的链接登录并配置您的团队。 ibm

I personally used the first2 weeks after the announcement of the Novell firings to revisit ObjectiveC and Java development. I came to the same conclusion that I did in 2009.
在 Novell公布裁员消息之后的两个星期我重新尝试了 Objective-C和 Java开发,最后得到了与我2009年相同的结果。 infoq

In addition, the Novell LDAP server must not request client certificates.
另外, Novell LDAP服务器必须不请求客户机证书。 ibm

In April the Department of Justice demanded changes to Novell's patent sale to protect open- source software.
四月,司法部为了开源软件,要求诺勒改变专利权销售政策。 ecocn

Joe Shaw: From the beginning Novell has funded at least one person full-time to developing it.
Joe Shaw:最初的时候, Novell赞助了至少一个全职开发者。 infoq

One promising development in enterprise identity standards is the UK-based Kantara Initiative, which has backing from Intel, Oracle, Sun and Novell, among others.
企业 ID标准中最有发展希望的一个是 Kantara Initiative,它背后有英特尔,甲骨文,Sunu以及 Novell等公司的支持。 yeeyan

Since this is an enthusiast site, one must assume that Novell and Red Hat are way unrepresented, so one should add those guys into the top tier.
因为这是一个爱好者网站,一定有人认为 Novell和 Red Hat没有典型代表,所以应该把它们加入顶层排名。 yeeyan

The Mono2.0 release is Novell's open source implementation of Microsoft's. NET platform. With the latest version, the gap between the two is getting smaller.
Mono2.0是 Novell推出的微软. NET平台的开源工具,有了最新的版本,二者之间的“隔阂”变得更小了。 yeeyan

The networking company Novell, which Schmidt once ran, could have been one of these casualties.
施米特曾经管理过的网络公司 Novell可能是这些受害者之一。 yeeyan

These two products were previously owned and funded by Novell but the project was abandoned when Attachmate took possession of the company.
这两个产品之前由 Novell拥有并资助,但当 Attachmate接管公司后就放弃了该项目。 infoq

This, I might add, is happening despite the fact that Novell doesn't have a good reputation with many Linux users.
我可以补充说,这一点正在发生,尽管事实是, Novell对许多 Linux用户来说名声不好。 yeeyan

To get this fixed, a configuration change must be applied for the Novell LDAP Server to use either a DNS name based preferred or IP based certificate.
为了解决这个问题,必须修改 Novell LDAP服务器的配置,让它使用基于 DNS名称的证书首选方法或基于 IP的证书。 ibm

Two years ago, MicrosoftMSFT stunned the world by forming a partnership with NovellNOVL, a company specializing in the open- source Linux operating system that competes with Windows.
两年前,微软与专注于开源 Linux操作系统的 Novell建立了合作关系。 这一举措震惊了业界,因为 Linux一直处于和 Windows竞争的地位。 yeeyan

Novell has a concept of“ clustering” or chaining LDAP servers to load balance or fail-over.
Novell有“集群”的概念,即把 LDAP服务器链接起来以实现负载平衡或故障转移。 ibm

Novell has certainly been looking for a buyer.
并且毫无疑问 Novell也在寻找一个收购者。 yeeyan




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