

单词 nourished
释义 nour·ished 英'nʌrɪʃt美'nʌrɪʃt 高COCA²⁹⁰⁰⁸BNC²⁹²³²iWeb⁴⁰¹⁸⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
being provided with adequate nourishmentpoorly nourished医 营养不良的…well nourished医 营养佳良的…
反义词 malnourished营养不良的

People have to live on something more nourishing than hope.人们必须依赖比希望更滋养的东西来过活。
Most plants arenourishedby water drawn up through their roots.多数植物是靠着根吸收水分来维持生命的。as in.raised
同义词 bred,educated,trainedfostered,nursed,prepared,rearedbrought up
反义词 inexperiencedlowered,reduced,taken down
raisedadjective nurtured
bred,brought up,educated,fostered,nursed,prepared,reared,trained An accidental victim of this technological revolution, the report says, was the ecosystem that helped bring small firms to market and then nourished them once there.
报道认为,这种技术革新的意外牺牲品是一种能够帮助小企业进入市场,然后在市场中培育它们的生态系统。 ecocn

Brought up in a large, articulate family, she was nourished on argument.
成长于一个人人能言善道的大家庭,她是在争论中汲取了营养。 ecocn

But around eight thousand years ago, the rains that nourished this landscape dried up.
然后大概在八千元前左右,曾经滋养着这方水土的雨水突然干涸。 yeeyan

But behind every achievement exists the motivation which is at the foundation of it and which in turn is strengthened and nourished by the accomplishment of the undertaking.
但是在每项成就背后都有一个作为其基础的推动力,这种推动力反过来又被所从事的事业中取得的成功所强化和滋养。 yeeyan

Egypt's revolution could forever transform the Arab world's most populous country, end decades of stagnation and reshape a region where autocracy has nourished extremism and terrorism.
埃及革命可能会永远改变这个阿拉伯世界中人口最密集的国家,结束埃及数十年的停滞并重塑一个曾经滋养极端主义和恐怖主义的独裁体制国家。 yeeyan

Fetuses carried by well- nourished mothers do not, as it were, anticipate the risk of malnutrition, and thus respond to it less well.
而那些营养充足的母亲怀的胎儿,正如我们看到的那样,不能预知营养不良的风险,因此在作出反应方面就不及前者。 ecocn

Growth will strengthen in the second half of the year, nourished by lower interest rates and the fiscal package.
有利率降低和财政方案的营养保障,经济增长下半年会更强劲。 ecocn

I suspect that if the cops started hassling all the well- nourished bald guys with chin whiskers, I might soon find this tiresome.
我怀疑,如果警察开始对所有营养充分、下巴有胡子的秃头伙计进行激战的话,我可能很快就会觉得这很讨厌了。 ebigear

In the developed world, our children are well nourished and healthy and have easy access to medical care.
在发达国家,我们的孩子有很好的补养和健康,也很容易接受医疗服务。 yeeyan

More people are better nourished thanks to a bit more grain, a lot more meat, and much more milk.
只要有多一些的谷物、肉类和牛奶,更多居民的营养状况将会更好。 ecocn

Most worms are harmless, especially in well- nourished people, Dr. Weinstock said.
魏因斯托克博士说,大多数蠕虫是无害的,尤其在营养良好的人体内时。 yeeyan

Myth is nourished by silence as well as by words.
迷思不仅用言辞滋养还用沉默润泽。 yeeyan

That's a well- nourished baby.

That's because babies in the UK are likely to be well- nourished and healthy, and good treatment is quickly available when they get ill.
这是因为英国的婴儿可能有良好营养和健康,当他们患病之时可以迅速得到良好治疗。 yeeyan

That's a universal predicament. But in China, where heady growth has nourished equally heady hopes, the gap between aspirations and grinding reality hurts all the more.
这就是大学的窘况。中国迅猛的发展势头滋养着同样迅速蔓延的希望,然而美好理想和残酷现实的鸿沟却尤其令人伤心。 yeeyan

The truth seems to be, however, that the mother- forest, and these wild things which it nourished, all recognised a kindred wildness in the human child.
不过,实情大概是:那森林母亲及其养育的这些野兽,全都在这人类的孩子身上辨出了一种亲切的野味。 ebigear

Their children are better nourished, less likely to die in infancy and more likely to attend school.
其儿童营养更好,不易夭折,更有可能入学。 fao

This division of labor not only nourished our respective economies, but also shaped our politics.
这种分工不仅滋养着中美两国的经济,也深刻地影响着美国的政治导向。 yeeyan

We cannot recommend the use of vitamin and mineral supplements as a preventive measure, at least not in a well- nourished population.
我们不建议将服用维生素和矿物质补充剂作为预防疾病的手段,至少对于营养良好的人来说没必要这么做。 huanqiu

You place it in the environment of the people it’s meant to help so that it can be nourished.
你要把它放到一个有人照顾的环境中去,这样它才能得到生长需要的营养。 yeeyan




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