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词汇 not long before
释义 not long before nɔtlɔŋbiˈfɔ: 短语²⁹²¹²
Earlier in the day I had pre- recorded my final radio address, to be aired not long before I was to leave the White House for the inaugural ceremony.
这一天我很早就提前录制好了最后一次广播讲话,将要在我离开白宫参加新总统就职仪式前不久播出。 yeeyan

Gordon Brown played“ father of the nation” in his early months as prime minister. It was not long before his mania for partisan calculation was exposed.
戈登•布朗任首相最初的几个月里扮演了“民族之父”的形象,但不久就暴露了为自己党派作打算的热情。 ecocn

I remembered with particular pleasure a meal the four of us had shared on the Truman Balcony of the White House not long before the king died.
尤其值得回忆的是国王去世前不久,我们四人在白宫杜鲁门阳台上共享的那次晚宴。 yeeyan

It was not long before a new difficulty appeared. Namely, working with this equation, one found that the electron had states of negative energy.
随即一个新问题就被发现了,那就是,在解这个方程的时候,我们会发现电子有负能量的能级。 yeeyan

As president, it was not long before he got into trouble in the battles of politics and government.
作为一名总统,他很快就陷入政治斗争和政府管理的麻烦之中。 yeeyan

Gossip in the trade suggested that Aphrodite had in fact been found not long before in Sicily.
业内的传言说阿佛洛狄忒实际上不久前才在西西里岛被发现。 ecocn

Her father had moved, not long before his death, to this last remote way- station in a lifetime of wandering.
她父亲在死前不久才搬到这里。 在他漂泊的人生中这里是遥远的、也是最后的停靠站。 yeeyan

I think it was only once my love for him died, not long before we lost touch, that I became interested in other men again.
我们失去联系前不久,我移情别恋到其他的男人,这是唯一一次我他的爱消逝了。 yeeyan

It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.
不久,一架直升飞机飞抵飞机失事现场,来搭救这几个幸存者。 hjenglish

It was not long before Garrincha broke into the national team, making his debut on 18 September1955 in a1-1 draw against Chile.
不久加林查就破格进入国家队,并在1955年9月18日巴西1-1战平智利的比赛中完成了国家队处子秀。 yeeyan

One night, not long before his26th birthday, Colton slipped and fell from a rig at an Ultra Petroleum well site.
在布莱恩特26岁生日即将到来的一个晚上,他滑倒了,从超能汽油站油井的一个钻塔上摔了下来。 ecocn

Not long before the election, Matthew Shepard, a young gay man, was beaten to death in Wyoming because of his sexual orientation.
选举前不久,怀俄明州的一个同性恋青年马修·谢泼德就因为他的性取向被活活打死。 yeeyan

Not long before the primary, Tom Campbell came for a visit on his way to Texas for his Marine Corps officer training.
初选前不久,汤姆.坎贝尔在前往德克萨斯州接受海军陆战队军官训练的途中顺道前来看我。 yeeyan

Not long before, three separate lawsuits charged that the Large Hadron Collider would seed a metastasizing black hole under Lake Geneva.
不久前,3个独立的法律诉讼指控大型强子对撞机Large Hadron Collider会在日内瓦湖下引起一个可移动的黑洞。 yeeyan




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