

单词 notionally
释义 no·tion·al·ly 英'nəʊʃənl美'noʊʃənl 高COCA¹¹¹⁴¹⁰BNC³⁹³⁶⁶iWeb⁴⁶⁴⁵⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
not based on fact; unreal;

the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties

a small child's imaginary friends

to create a notional world for oneself

not based on fact or investigation;

a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs

speculative knowledge

indulging in or influenced by fancy;

a fanciful mind

all the notional vagaries of childhood

being of the nature of a notion or concept;

a plan abstract and conceptional

to improve notional comprehension

a notional response to the question

notional word实义词notional verb表意动词notional amount暂定款项notional shipper名义托运人
近义词 pure纯的closet壁橱fabled虚构的fancied空想的dreamy梦幻般的fanciful想像的academic学院的abstract抽象的unreal不真实的imaginary想象的estimated估计的ideational构思的speculative推测的hypothetical假设的conceptional想象的theoretical理论上的whimsical异想天开的nonexistent不存在的

用作形容词That's when his notional images flew from his mind.就在这时,他的种种想像的情景都烟消云散。
My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.因尚无实际数字,我是根据估计的数字计算的。 The novel Dictionary of Maqiao is stylistically a development of sketches and notionally a return of ancient novel notions.
《马桥词典》在文体形式上,是对笔记小说的发扬,在文学理念上,是向古小说观念的复归。 dictall

A process notionally has one or more threads, which share memory.
从理论上讲,一个进程可以拥有一个或多个线程;这些线程可以共享内存。 ibm

A notionally two- tier Europe could see its meetings preceded by those of a16- strong inner council that would compete for primacy, perhaps successfully.
一个抽象,双重的欧洲的会议是有16个强势的内部理事会进行的,他们为追求卓越,彼此竞争也许会成功。 ecocn

Fifteen years on, hope still seems a frivolous indulgence, despite plans by the ruling junta to stage an election this year that will lead to a notionally civilian government.
十五年后,希望仍不过是痴心妄想,虽然军阀统治者计划导演一场选举,弄出个所谓的平民政府。 ecocn

Government may have been notionally in the interests of the people, but it was almost never in their hands.
政府可能在名义上代表人民的利益,但它却几乎从未掌握在人民手里。 robertafnani.com

He might notionally be travelling as the emissary of EU leaders.
在人们的想象中,他或许会以欧洲各国元首特使的名义四处旅行。 yeeyan

Its sister organisation, the election commission, also notionally independent, is widely seen as having been captured by the government.
其姊妹机构——选举委员会,名义上也是独立的,但被普遍认为是由政府操控的。 yeeyan

Ministers would notionally be spared the political burden of raising the threshold themselves, but cross voters might well blame them anyway.
名义上来讲,内阁们将分摊因提高养老保险的门槛而带来的政治负担,但是惹怒了选民,他们仍旧会备受谴责。 ecocn

Other forces, notionally under the new Hamas government's orders, stayed largely loyal to their Fatah commanders.
而剩下的部队,虽然名义上归属新的哈马斯政府,但仍对法塔赫的指挥官留有很大的忠诚。 ecocn

Notionally, Britain remains committed to slashing its carbon emissions by 80% in 2050, compared with1990 levels.
理论上,英国仍在致力于到2050年将碳排放减少相当于1990年的水平的80%。 ecocn




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