

单词 notifications
释义 notificationsCOCA⁶⁸¹⁸²BNC⁴⁷¹⁷⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
The milestone sends notification messages to set up all of its alert timers and notifications.
里程碑发送通知消息以建立它的所有警报定时器和通知。 ibm

Also note that there is no“ junk drawer” for unseen notifications, users only get one chance to see it.
注意,并不存在一个收集未读通知的“杂物抽屉”,所以用户只有一次机会看到通知。 infoq

However, for the purpose of our example it is useful to illustrate all the notifications emitted.
然而,考虑到本示例的目的,说明一下所有发出的通知是非常有用的。 ibm

However, we can solve this problem with event notifications.
不过,我们还可以通过事件通知来解决这个问题。 ibm

In the sample scenario, these actions consist of patient and doctor notifications.
在样例场景中,这些操作包括发给病人和医师通知。 ibm

In this system, the client requests that notifications be sent when they occur.
在此系统中,客户端请求在事件发生时发送通知。 ibm

It is possible that the end user expects to get notifications for every message sent by each sender.
有可能终端用户期望获得对于每个发送者所发送的每一条消息的通知。 ibm

It also allows users to send notifications based on element type.
它也可以让用户根据要素类型来发送通知。 ibm

It receives the notifications and sends them through its email server.
它接收这些通知并通过它的电子邮件服务器发送它们。 ibm

Next, we need to understand the circumstances that resulted in these notifications.
接下来,我们需要了解导致产生这些通知的情形。 ibm

Notification load: This category is the maximum number of notifications that each SOA can handle.
通知负载:此类别是每个 SOA可以处理的最大通知的数量。 ibm

One of its purposes is to register for all notifications which occur on that cell, node, or server.
其目的之一就是为该单元、节点或服务器上发生的所有通知进行注册。 ibm

The event also needs to be monitored on other nodes to receive remote notifications.
还需要在其他节点上监控这些事件才能接收远程通知。 ibm

The interface has three methods, all of them intended to receive warning and error notifications.
该接口有三个方法,这三个方法都用来接收警告和错误通知。 ibm

This example uses a rule engine to handle severe weather alerts and to generate notifications and directives based on these alerts.
该示例使用一个规则引擎来处理恶劣天气预警和生成通知,以及根据这些警报作出指示。 ibm

This involves sending objects notifications of important events in the life of the application and designing custom lifecycle infrastructure.
这包括在应用的生命中发送重要事件的对象通知,设计定制的生命周期基础结构。 infoq

This should not be done in a production cell, as it causes ALL notifications from ALL servers to be sent to the deployment manager.
但不应该预订生产单元中的通知,因为这会导致来自“所有”服务器的“所有”通知都被发送到部署管理器。 ibm

This subscription requests daily notifications through SOAP messages on activities of interest.
这个订阅通过感兴趣活动的 SOAP消息请求每日通知。 ibm

Turn off your email notifications and only check it once an hour, or on some other regular schedule.
关掉你的邮件通知,只是一小时一次查看你的邮件,或者遵照一些其他日常的安排。 yeeyan

Users or administrators that need such event notifications can utilize this framework and benefit from it.
需要得到事件通知的用户和管理员可以利用此架构并从中受益。 ibm

We can leverage these task notifications and forward them to the monitoring system via our administrative client.
我们可以利用这些任务通知,并通过管理客户端将它们转发到监视系统。 ibm

When an application is registered, it receives notifications of ARM events and, if desirable, the entire ARM objects, as well.
当应用注册以后,就可以接收 ARM事件通知,如果需要的话,也可以接收整个 ARM对象。 ibm

You should get three notifications every minute if you have not modified the default node synchronization interval.
如果没有修改过缺省的节点同步时间间隔的话,您应该会每分钟接收到三个通知。 ibm

Notifications can appear at any time on top of any application.
通知可以在任何时刻显示在任何应用程序上方。 infoq

Notifications have to be noticeable, but not annoying.
通知必须被注意到,但是不能让人讨厌。 yeeyan




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